  • 科皮美国马萨诸塞州西南部城市,位于斯普林菲尔德附近康涅狄格河上。始建于约1641年并于1848年从斯普林菲尔德分离出来。人口56,632
    A city of southwest Massachusetts on the Connecticut River near Springfield. It was founded c.1641 and set off from Springfield in1848. Population,56, 632.
  • 费尔菲尔德康涅狄格西南的一座城镇,跨长岛海峡,在布里波特西南。于1639年建立,主要是住宅区,有多样化的轻工业。人口53,418
    A town of southwest Connecticut on Long Island Sound southwest of Bridgeport. Settled in1639, it is mainly residential and has varied light industries. Population,53, 418.
  • 因为式样陈旧而产生的异的感觉。
    strangeness as a consequence of being old fashioned.
  • 暂时接受了假设与事实是相吻合的说法——j·m·克鲁
    accepting pro tem that hypothesis consistent with the facts- J.W.Krutch.
  • 用作表示惊或惊恐的叹词
    Exclamation expressing surprise or consternation
  • 我简直无法克制我的好
    I could hardly contain my curiosity.
  • 随后她用长长的指甲指向一个样子挺怪的陆地。
    Then she pointed with a long fingernail to an odd-shaped continent.
  • 拉赫曼尼诺夫,谢尔盖·瓦斯列维1873-1943俄裔作曲家。伟大的钢琴家,他对晚期浪漫主义作曲家有过人的理解,他个人的作品主要是对此类的延续
    Russian-born composer. A virtuoso pianist, he excelled at the interpretation of the late romantic composers. His own work is largely a continuation of that genre.
  • 这个妙的玩意儿能用吗?
    Does this contraption work?
  • 迹是与大自然的力量相对的。
    Miracles are contrary to nature.
  • 午夜都过了,便利商店还这般拥挤,真是怪。
    It is weird how crowded convenience store is even after midnight.
  • 及时动思妙想,胎活矣大矣,腹内物动矣,心窃喜。至有许多话,必欲进发而后快,是创造之时期到矣。
    When a writer feels violent convulsions like an electric storm in his head, and he doesn't feel happy until he gets the ideas out of his system and puts them down on paper and feels an immense relief, that is literary birth.
  • 他只有22岁,可是由于得了种怪的病,头顶已是光秃秃的了。
    He is only twenty-two years old, but due to a strange disease, he is as bald as a coot.
  • 在犹他州发现一伙重婚者不足为。可是上星期在奥格登一个一切有条不紊的郊区里,有关警方调查的耸人听闻的细节开始曝光:警察已有证据证明由60人组成的重婚组织曾进行女同性恋群体性行为及男子与男童性行为。一位名叫萨拉·欧文的邻居说,“不管一般人对犹他州的看法如何,这太不像话了。”
    In Utah, discovering a band of polygamists hardly raises an eyebrow. But in a tidy suburb of Ogden last week, lurid details of a police investigation began to emerge: the cops had evidence that a polygamous sect of 60 people hd engaged in lesbian group sex and pederasty. Says neighbor Sarah Irving, "Despite what people think of Utah, this is shocking."
  • 约翰逊的老师知道后,给生产"多"的菲力多公司发了一封电子邮件。
    One of Johnson's teachers sent an e-mail to Cheetos manufacturer Frito-Lay Corp.
  • 你也知道,我同意大利记者法拉谈话时说,我干到一九八五年就行了,现在超过一年了。
    As you know, I told the Italian correspondent Oriana Fallaci that my plan was to work until 1985. It's already a year beyond that date.
  • 她被走廊里的一种怪的声音惊醒了。
    She was awakened by a curious noise in the corridor.
  • 加加林,尤利·阿列克谢耶维1934-19681961年第一个进入宇宙空间的苏联宇航员,在一次飞机试飞中遇难
    Soviet cosmonaut. In1961 he became the first person to travel in space. He was killed while flying a routine aircraft training mission.
  • 导游:许多人把秦兵马俑称为“世界第八大迹”因为当他们看到不同特点、不同神情的兵马俑时都十分惊
    Some people call them "the eighth wonder of the world," because they marvel at different features and facial expressions of terra-cotta and horses.
  • 诗人--那些有异才智天赋的人--a.t.奎勒--寇斯。
    poets--those gifted strangely prehensile men- A.T.Quiller-Couch.
  • 考试前两天,乔治一头钻进生物学,把各种怪怪的名称塞进他的脑子里。
    Two days before the exam, George dived into biology and crammed his head with all kinds of exotic names.
  • 安妮:综合馆的建筑构思很特,以前我好像还没见到类似的建筑物,你看粗大的几何形钢柱由众多的大钢球相连,支撑着巨大的红色屋顶。
    Annie: The architectural design of the comprehensive gym is very unique. I have not seen such a building before. Look! Many crass sted poles are linked together and they support that giant red roof.
  • 怪的;古怪的;疯狂的
    Strange, eccentric or crazy
  • 天才创造迹不吹灰之力。
    Genius create wonders without an effort.
  • 《蒙娜·丽莎》或意大利语中所称的《乔康达夫人》的传说和它的创作者列奥纳多·达·芬的传说是密不可分的。
    The legend of the Mona Lisa, or La Giaconda as she is called in Italian, is closely tied to the legend of her creator, Leonardo da Vinci.
  • 外表特或恐怖的动物
    A creature having a strange or frightening appearance.
  • 在大洋深处生活著一些怪的生物。
    Strange creature live in the profound depth of the ocean.
  • 人们认为这些遗骸具有神的力量。
    Miraculous powers are credited to the relics.
  • 这些遗骸被认为具有神的力量。
    The relics are credited with miraculous powers.
  • 这是被认为具有特治疗功能的温泉。
    This is a hot spring credited with miraculous curative powers.
  • 哥伦布美国佐治亚州西部城市,位于彻特胡河岸、亚特兰大西南偏南,1828年在柯瑞克镇的基础上建立,是一个内陆港和重要的工业中心。人口179,278
    A city of western Georgia on the Chattahoochee River south-southwest of Atlanta. Settled in1828 on the site of a Creek village, it is a port of entry and major industrial center. Population,179, 278.
  • 发牌者的牌克里比牌戏中供发牌者用的,被玩牌者丢弃的一组牌
    A set of cards made up from discards by each player in cribbage, used by the dealer.