  • 15岁那年,帕勃洛在和成年画家争取考人巴塞罗那美术学院的竞争中,用一天工就画出了其他画家要花一个月才能完成的作品。
    While the 15-year--old Pablo was competing with adult painters in the entrance examination for the Art Academy of Barcelona, he did in one day what it took other artists a month to finish.
  • :想一想,从1972年在慕尼黑举办的第20届奥运会开始,到现在真是五花八门,比如洛杉矾奥运会的山姆鹰、巴塞罗那奥运会的科比狗......。
    Jeff: Thinking of it, please. From the 20th Munich Olympic Games to the present one , the Olympic games are just a kaleidoscopic.For instance, the Sam eagle in the Los Angles Olympic Games;the Kobe dog in the Barcelona Olympic Games, and.
  • :想一想,从1972年在慕尼黑举办的第20后奥运会开始,到现在真是五花入门,比如洛杉矶奥运会的山姆鹰、巴塞罗那奥运会的科比狗……
    Jeff: Thinking of it, please. From the 20th Munich Olympic Games to the present one, the Olympic games are just a kaleidoscopic.For instance, the Sam eagle in the Los Angles Olympic Games; the Kobe dog in the Barcelona Olympic Games, and...
  • 驳船船船上的船长或水手
    The master or a crew member of a barge.
  • 那农搬走之后,谷仓就废弃了。
    The barn went to wrack and ruin after the farmer moved.
  • 苦脸的约瑟从谷仓的一个圆窗里探出头来。
    Vinegar-faced Joseph projected his head from a round window of the barn.
  • 男爵夫人,男爵遗孀
    The wife or widow of a baron.
  • :你知道法国的皮埃尔·德·顾拜旦吧?
    Jeff: Do you know Mr. Baron de Coubertin, a Frenchman?
  • 男爵的叫喊使男爵人惊慌失态。
    The baron's cry startled the baroness completely out of her composure.
  • 男爵的叫喊使男爵人惊慌失态
    The baron 's cry startled the baroness completely out of her composure
  • 男爵之妻的尊称用来称呼男爵人或其寡妇的用语
    Used as a form of address for the wife or widow of a baron.
  • :顾拜旦把毕生精力都献给了奥林匹克事业。
    Jeff: Mr. Baron de Coubertin has devoted all of his effort to the Olympic cause.
  • :所以会旗、会徽上都有尽环标志,是顾拜旦他老人家精心设计的。
    Jeff: Therefore, there are five rings in both the Olympic flag and the Olympic emblem, which were carefully designed by Mr. Baron de Coubertin.
  • :可不是,顾拜旦亲自起草了运动员宣誓誓词,一般由主办国著名运动员宣读誓词。
    Jeff: Of course. Mr. Baron de Coubertin wrote the oath for the athletes, and a famous athlete from the host country will read that out.
  • :他为恢复奥运会做出了杰出贡献,还发表过“复兴奥林匹克”的演说呢。
    Jeff: Mr. Baron de Coubertin made a great contribution to the re- storing of the Olympic games. He once made a speech on the renais-sance of the Olympics.
  • :说起冬季奥运会,还要提到顾拜旦,他很早就想单独举办冬季奥运会,但未能如愿。
    Jeff: When we talk about the Winter Olympic Games, we must mention Mr. Baron de Coubertin. Long ago he thought of holding the Winter Olympics separately. Unfortunately, he failed to realize his wishes.
  • 男爵的未亡人靠前遗留下的钱生活。
    The baroness live on the money her late husband leave her.
  • 上校:玛丽亚,没有什么男爵人了。
    Captain: Maria,there isn't going to be any Baroness.
  • 男爵的未亡人靠前遗留下的钱生活
    The baroness lives on the money her late husband left her
  • 玛丽亚:我相信男爵人会把家里的事替你安排好的。
    Maria: I'm sure the Baroness will be able to make things fine for you.
  • 骑士之妻的尊称用作骑士或准男爵人或寡妇的称谓
    Used as the title for the wife or widow of a knight or baronet.
  • 他的话是双重意义的恭维。一方面表示她是一位可爱的女性,另一方面表示她丈具有牧师风度。
    His word was a double-barrelled compliment. It implied that she was an agreeable female, and also her husband had a clerical appearance.
  • 对他的儿子说,耕种那块沙质不毛之地不合算。
    The farmer said to his son, that it would not quit cost to cultivate that sandy, barren lot.
  • 到了三年底还未孕,这对妇就领养了个小孩。
    The couple adopted a child at the end of the third year of barrenness.
  • 伊丽莎白·巴蕾特·白朗宁曾以这样的诗句描述她对她丈的忠贞不渝:“我所做的一切以及我的梦想都不能没有你。”
    And Elizabeth Barret Browning wrote of her constancy to her husband Robert in such lines as this: That I do and what I dream include thee.
  • 伊丽莎白·巴蕾特·布朗宁曾以这样的诗句描述她对丈的忠贞不渝:"我所做的一切以及我的梦想都不能没有你。"
    And Elizabeth Barret Browning wrote of her constancy to her husband Robert in such lines as this:"What I do and what I dream include thee."
  • 切莉是一位月薪高达六位数的首席律师,而性格腼腆的美国总统人劳拉则曾是一位喜爱厨艺的图书管理员。
    While Cherie is a leading barrister with a six-figure salary, the president's wife was a shy former librarian who loves cooking.
  • 已是巴里人的爱伦继承了店铺和房屋。
    Mrs. Barry inherited the shop and the house.
  • 巴里人--我并不知道你的全名,但是我只知道我爱你;
    Mrs. Barry -- I do not know your name except that -- I love you;
  • 把基本功搞好后,我会拼命学习其他领域的知识。
    Having got the basics right, I'll next cross disciplines like mad.
  • "当我听出是贝茨人的声音时,我感到丧气。"
    I was dismayed when I recongnized the voice of Mrs Bates.
  • 大夫要我多晒太阳。
    The doctor advised me to bathe in the sun rays.