  • 科技园公司提供一系列完善的服务,全面照顾产业在各阶段的不同需要,包括通过育计划育新成立的科技公司、在科学园内为应用研究发展活动提供设备和服务,以及在工业区内为生产工序提供土地和设备。
    It offers a comprehensive range of services to cater for the needs of industry at various stages, ranging from nurturing technology start-ups through the incubation programme, providing premises and services in the Science Park for applied research and development activities, to providing land and premises in the industrial estates for production.
  • 积极发展宣武琉璃厂文化产业园区,创建文化产业孵化器,扶植和育创新型文化企业。
    The Xuanwu Liulichang Cultural Industry Park shall be vigorously developed to establish an incubator of cultural businesses.
  • 我们希望通过更深入的了解,养青年人对国家的感情和关注,感到自己与祖国息息相关,以身为中国人而自豪,并随时愿意为中华民族的福祉作出贡献。
    Through better understanding, we hope to inculcate in them the passion, and the concern for China, the pride of being a Chinese, and a constant readiness to contribute towards the well-being of not just Hong Kong but the entire country.
  • 这项计划将额外提供九万个训学额,训受自愿退休计划影响的公务员;协助公务员作好准备,学习所需的知识和技能,落实执行公务员体制改革措施;以及建立新的服务文化和持续学习的文化。
    The programme provides 90 000 additional training places, focusing on training for staff affected by the VR exercise, training to equip staff with the requisite skills and knowledge to implement the Civil Service Reform initiatives, as well as to inculcate a new service and continuous learning culture.
  • 老师的责任不单是传授知识,更要树立良好榜样,养学生的品德。
    The responsibilities of a teacher lie not only in the inculcation of knowledge, but also in the setting of good examples and cultivating of virtues.
  • 无限生长分化的能无限生长或分割的,用于养中的细胞
    Capable of indefinite growth or division. Used of cells in culture.
  • 这训练了他的耳朵[养了他独立思考的能力]。
    It trained his ear [ability to think independently].
  • 是把人养成一部大机械中的小部件,还是有独立思考能力与独立人格的真正的人?
    Is it to turn our citizens into cogs in a machine or people with individuality and the ability to think independently?
  • 汤姆在花园的棚屋里,栽他喜爱的室内花卉植物。
    Tom is in the garden but, potting up his favorite indoor plants.
  • 直到现在为止,作物育者还很少注意诱导抗性。
    Until now, crop breeders have paid little attention to inducible resistance.
  • 因为成纤维细胞在养基中很容易生长,所以可以应用一种规模大但效率较低的方法,即将基因插人到细胞中并选择正确插入的细胞。
    Because fibroblasts are so simple to grow in culture, it is possible to use the large-scale but inefficient methods of inserting genes into cells and selecting the cells with the correctly inserted gene.
  • 我们现在不是在提倡创意教育,要老师们发挥创意以养有创意的下一代吗?
    Now we are promoting pro-creativity teaching and encouraging our teachers to work ingeniously so as to bring up a young generation full of original ideas.
  • 例如率先在大专学府等设立自由演讲论坛,在民众俱乐部广设演讲会,逐步训练、按步就班养/发掘人们演讲之术/才。
    We could, for example, start by initiating free forums in our universities, or setting up speech groups in community centres, so that people will gradually learn the art of public speaking.
  • 近一年来,政府提出全民提升创意水准养创新精神,这是势在必行,十分迫切的。
    In recent years, the government has started nudging the people to be more innovative and creative.
  • 近一年来,政府提出全民提升创意水准养创新精神,这是势在必行,十分迫切的。
    In the recent year, the government has started nudging the people to be more innovative and creative.
  • 大家都同意,在今日这个瞬息万变的世界,学校所担当的角色不仅是传授知识,更重要的是养青年人求知好问的态度、沟通的技巧、好学不倦的精神,以及掌握新信息的技巧和学习的方法。
    It is generally recognised that in a rapidly changing world, the role of the school is not only to impart knowledge. What is more important is to develop in our young people an inquisitive mind, communication skills, the quest for knowledge and the skills for mastering new information and learning how to learn.
  • 在听证会上,移民归化局副局长贾尼斯·斯波萨托承认"训没有达到我们预期的效果。"
    During the hearing, INS deputy commissioner Janis Sposato acknowledged, "The training may not be as full and complete as we would like it to be."
  • 人占有私有财产的这种基本的本能,在这里可得以有百利而无一弊地加以养。
    the instinct of private property, which is fundamental in human beings, can here be cultivated with every advantage and no evils.
  • 研究生养单位738个,在校生30.1万人;
    301, 000 students in 738 institutions for training postgraduates;
  • 训通过特殊指导及实践精通
    To make proficient with specialized instruction and practice.
  • calcompus是纽约州的一家在线训公司,该公司利用internet交付学习材料,但同时通过'net(internet的简写,译注)提供实况教学。
    CalCampus, an online training company in N.Y., uses the Internet to deliver instructional materials but combines that with live instruction given over the 'net.
  • 故事发生在弗吉尼亚州皮里营的"农场"--中情局的秘密训基地。一名年轻的情报受训生怀疑他的教练(和"农场"的其他人)是双重间谍。
    Set at the "secret"CIA training facility called the Farm at Camp Peary in Virginia,a young agent trainee suspects his instructor (and others at the Farm) of being a double agent.
  • 这也就是把毛泽东同志提出的养德智体全面发展、有社会主义觉悟的有文化的劳动者的方针贯彻到底,贯彻到整个社会的各个方面。
    This will require that students be enabled to develop morally, intellectually and physically and to become workers with both socialist consciousness and a general education. Thus the policy put forward by Comrade Mao Zedong to the same effect will be thoroughly implemented in all aspects of social life.
  • 继续普及九年义务教育。加强职业教育和训,发展继续教育,构建终身教育体系。
    We should continue to make nine-year compulsory education universal across the country, intensify vocational education and training, develop continued education and set up a system of life-long education.
  • 我们会加紧进行卫生监察计划和疾病数据分析,也会与海外卫生机构更紧密联系,并加强员工训工作。
    In the coming year, we will step up our health surveillance programmes, increase our analysis of disease data, liaise more frequently with overseas health authorities and intensify staff training.
  • 养坦白的说话态度时,你就已经在实践有意的诚实方面,跨出了重要的一步;
    By cultivating frankness of speech,you are already taking an important step in practicing intentional honesty;
  • 除非你能以公正的态度对待他人,否则即无法养出吸引入的个性,而且也无法达到明确目标,正义感的一项不可或缺的根本要素,就是“有意的诚实”。
    Unless you deal justly with others you cannot hope either to cultivate an attractive personality or to succeed in your definite major purpose.The essential component of a keen sense of justice is a dedication to intentional honesty.
  • 巩固完善大中城市蔬菜生产基地,鼓励农区通过间作套种等多熟制栽措施,发展蔬菜生产,稳定提高蔬菜均衡供给水平和有效供给能力。
    It will consolidate and perfect vegetable production bases around large and medium-sized cities, and encourage farming areas to expand vegetable production through intercropping, relay intercropping and oth er multi-harvest cultivation measures so as to improve the balanced supply of vegetables and enhance the capability for the effective supply of vegetables.
  • 我从不让正规的学校教育与我的自我养相抵触。
    I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.
  • 过去在不同校舍上课的师生,今后可以聚首一堂,享用先进的教学设施,彼此交流和养共同的归属感。
    Teachers and students, who had to attend classes at scattered premises in the past, can now gather together on unified campus and take advantage of all the state-of-the-art teaching facilities at international standards. This new campus is going to be a place for interflow and cultivation of a sense of belonging shared by both teachers and students.
  • 教育署会在未来两年为教师再提供48000个中级、中上级和高级程度的训名额。
    A further 48000 training places at the Intermediate, Upper Intermediate and Advanced Levels of competencies will be provided in the coming two years.
  • 做实习生作为一名实习生而训或服务
    To train or serve as an intern.