  • 要胜过维克多·米特鲁,他得在挺举时举起202公斤,因为他才的抓举重量比维克多轻。
    To beat Viktor Mitrou, he has to lift 202 kilograms in the clean and jerk for he snatched two kilograms less than Victor just now.
  • 吉乐说她买不起新衣服,然而与此同时她又描绘起她买的那套新衣服。
    Jill said she couldn't afford new clothes yet in the same breath described the new out fit she'd just bought.
  • 一破晓就可以看见马路亡一群群的慢跑者,健身俱乐部和体育馆在大城市里到处都是。
    Jog-gers can be seen on the streets in droves soon after dawn, and health clubs and gyms dot the landscape of major cities.
  • 我丈夫从未沉溺于运动,不过他已决定每天去慢跑。
    My husband has never indulged in physical exercise but he's taken it into his head to go jogging every day.
  • 他不是当真的,才是与你闹着玩的。
    He's not serious, he was only joking with you.
  • 我的侄子开始记者生涯。
    My nephew is just setting out on a career in journalism.
  • 他的旅途才开始。
    His journey had just started.
  • 一提这个罐, 把儿就掉了(握在我手中).
    When I tried to lift the jug, the handle came off (in my hand).
  • 她在过去的六月份满四十岁.
    She turned forty last June.
  • 邓:我才说了,如果苏联能够帮助越南从柬埔寨撤军,这就消除了中苏关系的主要障碍。
    Deng: As I have said, if the Soviet Union can contribute to the withdrawal of Vietnamese troops from Kampuchea, that will remove the main obstacle in Sino-Soviet relations.
  • 鸵鸟世界经理凯伦-皮特说:"它到我们这儿来的时候就挺肥的,我们还以为它正在发福呢。"
    "She was fairly fat when we received her and we thought that she was getting fatter," Ostrich World manager Karen Peet said.
  • 11.巴基斯坦通讯社记者问:您才提出,中国致力于推进世界和地区的和平与稳定,印度和巴基斯坦是中国邻国,他们因为克什米尔争端问题关系紧张。
    Q: (Associated Press of Pakistan) You have just mentioned that China holds for peace and stability in the world and especially in Asia. As you know, in your neighbor, there is great tension between Pakistan and India due to Kashmir issue.
  • 恐怕我和凯特争吵过:我认为她不应该退出会议。
    I’m afraid I’ve just had words with Kate: I didn’t think she should have left the meeting.
  • “如果你再干那事,我就要狠狠揍你了,”凯恩警告那个侮辱他的家伙。
    "I'll knock your block off it you do that again," Ken told the man who had just insulted him.
  • 肯特先生好不在家,你可以留个话吗?
    Mr Kent is out of town just at present. Can you leave a message?
  • 因为将要投身克隆人的工作,扎沃斯博士辞去了在肯塔基生育药品研究中心的工作。他说6个国家已经表示希望此项目在本国进行。
    Dr Zavos, who recently left his post at the Kentucky Centre for Reproductive Medicine because of his links to human cloning, said six countries had offered to host the work.
  • 喂过,吃的是蔬菜、水果、狗食、鱼和鸡混在一起的杂拌。
    He'd just been served his normal meal--a mix of vegetables,fruit,dog kibble,fish and chicken.
  • 弄死了一条狗。
    I just killed a dog.
  • 轻量级选手占旭在70公斤级比赛中横扫千军,刷新了三项世界记录,为中国赢得了第二枚奥运会举重金牌。
    Lightweight Zhan xugang blew away his opponents with three world records in the 70-kilogram class to give China its second weightlifting gold of the Olympics.
  • 勇敢的骑士;一个在军队中有着活跃的事业的、毅的人。
    a stalwart knight; a stouthearted fellow who had an active career in the army.
  • 来到世上时,你就知道自己的潜能是无限的。
    You were born knowing your limitlessness.
  • 你还是个小孩子,可是非常机灵。你进来时,我就看出来了。
    You're a lad, you are, but you are as smart as paint. I see that when you first came in.
  • 你楼下的房客才打电话告诉我,他的天花板漏水了。先生,请问你是不是正在洗澡?
    The guest in the room below phoned to tell me that water is leaking through his ceiling. Are you taking a bath, sir?
  • 你楼下的房客才打电话告诉我,他的天花板漏水了。先生,请问你是不是正在洗澡?
    The guest in the room below has phoned to tell me that water is leaking through his ceiling. Are you taking a bath, sir?
  • 他们刚刚离开。
    They have just left.
  • 我恭贺选出的第一届立法会议员。
    I congratulate all the members of the Legislative Council -- the members who have been elected as the first Legislative Council members.
  • 别把镜头弄脏了, 我擦过.
    Don't smear the lens; I've just polished it.
  • 利昂赢得了比赛,现在他们正准备离开,谈论着才的比赛。
    Leon won the match, and now they are leaving and talking about the match.
  • 周日下午,吉姆和利昂打了一场网球单打赛。
    It is Sunday afternoon, and Jim and Leon have just played a match of singles tennis.
  • 快点,稍微洗一下就行了,你不是一小时前洗过了吗?
    Hurry up, a lick and a promise will do because you had a bath only an hour ago.
  • 州议会议长先生,副州长先生,朋友们,贵宾们,我们国家经历过一个漫长而艰难的时期,此间,总统选举结果的敲定比我们任何个人所能想象的都长。
    Mr.Speaker, Lieutenant Governor, friends, distinguished guests, our country has been through a long and trying period,with the outcome of the presidential election not finalized for longer than any of us could ever imagine.
  • 贝内特说:"就在本周,我遇见一位23岁的妇女,她做过输卵管结扎手术。原因是她的父母属近亲结婚,她的医生告诉她不应该生育孩子。"
    "Just this week," says Bennett, "I saw a 23-year-old woman who had had a tubal ligation because her parents were cousins and her doctor told her she shouldn' t have children."