  • 除奥克外,其附近还有许多美得让人留恋忘返、值得一看的胜景,所以千万别错过去南面的怀托摩。
    There's too much to see beyond Auckland to justify spending too much time in the city, so head south to Waitomo.
  • 威灵顿新西的首都,位于新西北岛最南端的库克海峡的小港内。建于1840年,在1865年它代替奥克成为首都。人口133,200
    The capital of New Zealand, on an inlet of Cook Strait in extreme southern North Island. It was founded in1840 and supplanted Auckland as capital in1865. Population,133, 200.
  • 总部设於奥克的香港新西商会一直努力工作,促进两地的商业和人民的联系。
    The Hong Kong-New Zealand Business Association, which has its base here in Auckland, is also doing a lot of work to promote closer business and community ties.
  • 如果有两个星期或者更多时间,游览这个国家的最好行程是从北岛的奥克出发,然后驱车到达惠灵顿,再经码头乘船到达南岛。
    With two weeks or more, a good way to see the country is to start in Auckland on the North Island, then drive to Wellington, crossing by ferry to the South Island.
  • 如果纽西的奥克大学能设一个翻译系的话,那我们新加坡这个多元文化、多元语言的大都会总不能落在人后吧。
    If the University of Auckland in New Zealand can have a Department of Translation Studies, surely Singapore, with our claims of being a multi-cultural and multi-lingual cosmopolitan city, do not want to be left behind, do we?
  • 那天傍晚,拍买商梅特拿出一对花瓶来拍卖。
    Maitland, the auctioneer, put up a pair of vases late that afternoon.
  • 尽管严格地讲,她的第一次公开演出是在她4岁时(她在当地教堂演唱“圣婴之歌”),但她的职业演唱生涯始于8岁,当时小布里特尼赴佐治亚州的亚特大为迪斯尼频道的米老鼠俱乐部节目试镜,终因年龄过小而未被聘用。但有一位制片人看出了她的潜能,于是她在纽约找到一位代理人。
    Although technically her first public performance was at the age of 4 (when she sang "What Child is This" at her local church), her professional career began at the age of 8, when young Britney traveled to Atlanta, Ga., to audition for the Disney Channel's Mickey Mouse Club (MMC). She was ultimately deemed too young for the show, but one of the producers spotted her potentia1 and helped her get an agent in New York.
  • 利,鲁西·克拉夫特1854-1933美国教育家,她于1886年创立了海因斯标准和工业学院,该学院位于佐治亚州的奥古斯塔,是第一所为黑人学生开办的私人学校
    American educator. She founded the Haines Normal and Industrial Institute, one of the first private schools for Black students, in Augusta, Georgia, in1886.
  • 还有装饰着二楼长廊、神龛里上方二十八位法西从前历代国王的一系列塑像,从希勒德贝尔起,直至手执“皇柄”的菲利浦——奥古斯都。
    and lastly the upper series, of the twenty-eight most ancient kings of France,which garnished the gallery of the first story, beginning with Childebert, and ending with Phillip Augustus, holding in his hand "the imperial apple."
  • 英国国教的爱尔自治分支组织。
    autonomous branch of the Church of England in Ireland.
  • 巴滕,简1909-1982新西的飞行员,她是第一个独自做从英国到澳大利亚的环绕飞行的女飞行员(1935年)
    New Zealand aviator who was the first woman to fly a solo round trip between England and Australia(1935).
  • 哥奇,吉奎琳1910-1980美国飞行员,保持许多国内和国际飞行速度记录,在第二次世界大战中领导空军女性驾驶员队
    American aviator who held numerous national and international speed records and headed the Women's Air Force Service Pilots during World War II.
  • 英格西南部一工业城市,也是一个港口,位于埃文河入海口。
    an industrial city and port in southwestern England near the mouth of the River Avon.
  • 她知道雅芳所服务的大多数是工薪或中产阶层客户,她们是负担不起寇这类品牌的,但这并不影响她们对这类品牌所具有的雅致的向往。
    She knew that Avon's largely working-and middle-class customers couldn't afford such brands like Lanc-me, but that didn't stop them from craving the elegance they associated with those brands.
  • 一定要留一天给不能错过的美景米尔福德峡湾,它位于新西腹地纯自然而壮观的峡湾地区。
    Set aside a day for the must-see spectacle of Milford Sound in the heart of NZ's unspoiled and awe-inspiring fjord-land.
  • 原来苏格高地的人使用的战斧。
    a battle-ax formerly used by Scottish Highlanders.
  • 生长于北美西部溪边或池塘边的花,茎多叶,花生于叶腋顶部、呈浅绿色或浅紫色。
    orchid growing along streams or ponds of western North America having leafy stems and 1 greenish-brown and pinkish flower in the axil of each upper leaf.
  • 多叶,每丛花有数个茎,每个叶腋上部有一朵花,花白色与暗紫色相间。
    leafy plant having a few stems in a clump with 1 white and dull purple flower in each upper leaf axil; Alaska to northern California and Wyoming.
  • 热带美洲附生花的一个属,有显著腋生总状花序,花像蜘蛛,具黄色或绿色细长花萼和疣状边缘;蜘蛛
    genus of tropical American epiphytic orchids having striking axillary racemes of yellow to green spiderlike flowers with long slender sepals and warty lips: spider orchids.
  • 新西的一种灌木或小乔木,许多小白花密生于叶腋内,有蜜的味道,树皮可作绳索。
    small tree or shrub of New Zealand having a profusion of axillary clusters of honey-scented paper-white flowers and whose bark is used for cordage.
  • 特立尼达岛和圭亚那的一种大型树木,有奇数羽状的叶片和开黄花的有紫罗香味的腋生的总状花序和长而滑的荚;作为样本种植在公园和。
    large tree of Trinidad and Guyana having odd-pinnate leaves and violet-scented axillary racemes of yellow flowers and long smooth pods; grown as a specimen in parks and large gardens.
  • 几种球属的常青爬藤或灌木,从印度及中国南部至澳大利亚均为其产地,生有对生单叶及腋生的伞型花序
    Any of several evergreen climbing vines or shrubs of the genus Hoya, with a home range from India and southern China to Australia and having opposite, simple leaves and axillary, umbellate flower clusters.
  • 地中海东部的沿岸地区;从土耳其到非洲北部,东至伊朗;是腓尼基、巴比伦和埃及等古文明所在地,是犹太教、基督教和伊斯教的发源地。
    the area around the eastern Mediterranean; from Turkey to North Africa and eastward to Iran; the site of such ancient civilizations as Phoenicia and Babylon and Egypt and the birthplace of Judaism and Christianity and Islam.
  • 耶尔森氏菌一种耶尔森氏菌属的革氏阴性细菌,可引起各种动物疾病
    A gram-negative bacillus of the genus Yersinia that causes various animal diseases.
  • 短杆菌肽,短杆菌抗生素由一种土壤杆菌短杆菌产生的,用于治疗由革氏阳性菌引起的感染
    An antibiotic produced by the soil bacterium Bacillus brevis and used to treat infections caused by certain gram-positive bacteria.
  • 多粘菌素一种大部分为有毒的抗生素,从土壤中的多粘菌菌株中提取,用来治疗由革氏阴性细菌引起的各种感染
    Any of various mainly toxic antibiotics derived from strains of the soil bacterium Bacillus polymyxa and used to treat various infections with gram-negative bacteria.
  • 他是个十足的爱尔人。
    He is an Irishman to the backbone.
  • 他从来不相信开郡队——他是一个地地道道的约克郡人。
    He'll never give credit to a Lancashire team-he's Yorkshireman to the backbone.
  • "超级男孩"乐队来自佛罗里达中部奥多市,也是该乐队的竞争对手"后街男孩"的故里。五名嗓音尖细清脆的小伙子似乎命里注定要重现音乐上志同道合的艺人们的成功轨迹,如"辣妹"组合。
    Emerging from the depths of Orlando,Fla.--home also to the group's rivals the Backstreet Boys--the five squeaky-clean young lads of 'N Sync seem destined to duplicate the success of musically like-minded performers such as the Spice Girls.
  • 氏阳性的属于,有关或作为使用革氏染色法时保留紫色色素的细菌的
    Of, relating to, or being a bacterium that retains the violet stain used in Gram's method.
  • (指细菌)指在使用革氏方法时能保持所染的紫色的细菌,或者与这样的细菌相关。
    (of bacteria) being or relating to a bacterium that retains the violet stain used in Gram's method.
  • 氏阴性的属于,有关或作为用革氏法染色不保留紫色色素的细菌的
    Of, relating to, or being a bacterium that does not retain the violet stain used in Gram's method.