  • 对诉讼点的正式承认
    Formal acceptance of an issue offered.
  • 这种情况,反映到党内来,时常发生无谓的斗
    This situation, reflected in the Party, often leads to senseless conflicts.
  • 一场毫无意义的战强加到亿万人民头上。
    A senseless war seems inevitably forced upon hundreds of millions of people.
  • 请接受,否则其他竞者将取而代之。
    Please accept otherwise competitor take.
  • 为了维护包括台湾同胞在内的全中国人民的利益,也为了维护亚太地区的和平与发展,中国政府仍然坚持“和平统一、一国两制”方针不变,仍然坚持江泽民主席提出的发展两岸关系、推进祖国和平统一进程的八项主张不变,仍然尽一切可能取和平统一。
    To safeguard the interests of the entire Chinese people including compatriots in Taiwan and maintain the peace and development of the Asia-Pacific region, the Chinese Government remains firm in adhering to "peaceful reunification" and "one country, two systems;" upholding the eight propositions put forward by President Jiang Zemin for the development of cross-Straits relations and the acceleration of the peaceful reunification of China; and doing its utmost to achieve the objective of peaceful reunification.
  • 开始,反对声浪自然沉寂。此时爱国的美国人——不论他们开战前的情绪如何——都团结一致支持作战以及那些出生入死的人。
    The opening of hostilities naturally silenced much of the opposition, as patriotic Americans—whatever their prewar sentiment—closed ranks behind the war effort and those endangered by it.
  • 悲惨的战场面从不会让人觉得导演是在故意买弄,那些感伤的时刻令人感到心痛,而不是流泪。
    The harrowing war scenes never feel like director's grandstanding[4], and the sentimental moments are heart-wrenching without becoming drippy.
  • 调解人精通化解端的程序,因此被视为双方的顾问。他们所受的训练是:不提供解决方案或意见,也不给任何形式的建议,只是不偏不倚地从旁协助。
    Their training includes guiding the parties sequentially through their tasks, keeping parties attuned to the ground rules and focused on reaching an agreement.The mediators are seen as a resource person for the parties, someone knowledgeable and skilled in a process for resolving conflicts.They are trained not to offer solutions, opinion any other type of advice, and to remain impartial facilitators.
  • 有一派哲学在别的方面都不如他派,可是有一位诗人为这派哲学增光不少。这位诗人曾说:“站在岸上看船舶在海上簸荡是一件乐事;站在一座堡垒底窗前看下面的战和它底种种经过最一件乐事;但是没有一件乐事能与站在真理底高峰(一座高出一切的山陵,在那里的空气永远是澄清而宁静的)目睹下面谷中的错误、漂泊、迷雾和风雨相比拟的”;只要看的人对这种光景永存恻隐而不要自满,那末以上的话可算是说得好极了。
    The poet, that beautified the sect,that was otherwise inferior to the rest, saith yet excellently well: 'It is a pleasure to stand upon the shore, and to see ships tossed upon the sea: a pleasure to stand in the window of a castle, and to see a battle, and the adventures thereof, below:but no pleasure is comparable, to the standing, upon the vantage ground of truth:'(a hill not to be commanded, and where the air is always clear and serene;) 'and to see the errors, and wanderings, and mists, and tempests, in the vale below:' so always,that this prospect, be with pity, and not with swelling, or pride.
  • 在以歼灭战破坏敌军的气焰这一点上讲,歼灭又是缩短战过程提早解放日本士兵和日本人民的条件之一。
    From the viewpoint of destroying the enemy's overweening arrogance through battles of annihilation, such battles are one of the prerequisites for shortening the war and accelerating the emancipation of the Japanese soldiers and the Japanese people.
  • 这种朝着基于标准的基础设施方面的进展,随着供应商对这一市场竞基础的态度成熟而得以加速。
    This evolution to a standards-based infrastructure is accelerating as vendor attitudes about the bass for market competition mature.
  • 国有经济结构调整步伐加快,控制力和竞力明显增强。
    The state sector of the economy went through accelerated restructuring, and markedly enhanced its dominance and competitiveness.
  • 他在战中受重伤而残废。
    He was seriously maimed in the war.
  • 严重地减少了他们国家的财富。
    The war seriously diminished their country's wealth.
  • 没完没了的论;冗长的会话;等待好象是无止境的;没完没了的吵;没完没了的说教。
    endless debates; an endless conversation; the wait seemed eternal; eternal quarreling; an interminable sermon.
  • 期间军人的新娘。
    bride of a serviceman during wartime.
  • 精通理论论的学者。
    a scholar who is skilled in academic disputation.
  • 当前的战局,是处于暂时的局部的失利的境况,决不是抗日自卫战的最后失败。
    Currently we are suffering a temporary and partial setback in our defensive war against Japan, but this is not final defeat.
  • 解决争端
    Settle up a dispute
  • 与某人有旧帐要清算;与某人有执待解决
    Have an account to settle with sb.
  • 要求和某人进行决斗来解决
    Call out sb. to settle a dispute
  • 我们最后平息了论。
    We finally settled the argument.
  • 国际争端的强制解决
    compulsory settlement of international disputes
  • 取一项和平解决办法
    Follow after a peaceful settlement
  • 国际争端的司法解决
    judicial settlement of international disputes
  • 国际争端的和平解决
    pacific settlement of international disputes
  • 国际投资争议的处理
    settlement of international investment disputes
  • 第五部分端的防止与解决
  • 达到一致而结束法律上的论。
    end a legal dispute by arriving at a settlement.
  • 16世纪和欧洲殖民者求和平的本地美洲人首领。
    a native American chieftain in the 16th century who argued for peace with the European settlers.
  • 要解决这一端需有高明的手腕。
    Settling the dispute needed a diplomatic master-stroke.
  • 调解人,和事佬尤指通过解决端,制造和平的人
    One that makes peace, especially by settling disputes.