  • 用图象表示种图示手段,如饼状图或条形图,用于表示数量关系
    A pictorial device, such as a pie chart or bar graph, used to illustrate quantitative relationships.
  • 应用回归法根据个变量的值对另个变量的值进行定量预测。
    the use of regression to make quantitative predictions of one variable from the values of another.
  • 现在仍然是基因控制的种途径。随后,奥地利僧侣格里格·孟德尔关于国栽豌豆的著述确立了遗传学的定量规律。
    Futheralong, the work of Gregor Mendel, an Austrian monk, on garden peas established the quantitative discipline of genetics.
  • 熵在封闭的热力体系中不能做功的定数量的热能的计量单位
    For a closed thermodynamic system, a quantitative measure of the amount of thermal energy not available to do work.
  • 多基因种非等位基因,每个基因都有很小量的效果,这些效果合在起产生出很多种表现型变异
    Any of a group of nonallelic genes, each having a small quantitative effect, that together produce a wide range of phenotypic variation.
  • 长音节的拆分或替换个韵律元素替代另个,尤指在数量韵文中用两个短音节替代个长音节
    The substitution of one metrical unit for another, especially the substitution of two short syllables for one long syllable in quantitative verse.
  • 在第阶段,向下的东西是旧的量和质,主要地表现在量上。
    What is on the downgrade in the first stage is the old quantity and the old quality, the manifestations being mainly quantitative.
  • 言词的节奏单位,拉丁诗歌中从两个到六个音步中,含有个主重音
    A section of a metrical period in quantitative verse, consisting of two to six feet and in Latin verse having one principal accent.
  • 有关收集数据,利用概率论估计总体参数从而阐释数据的个应用数学分支。
    a branch of applied mathematics concerned with the collection and interpretation of quantitative data and the use of probability theory to estimate population parameters.
  • 协议并列明这些产品的数量限制须于十年内分三个阶段,即九九五年日、九九八年日、二零零二年日起逐步撤销。
    The ATC provides for phasing out of quantitative restrictions on these products in 10 years by three stages commencing on January 1, 1995, January 1, 1998, and January 1, 2002, respectively.
  • 这些量化分析使关于全球升温的不确定争论转化成为种非常精确的结论:可能性与预期损失相乘等于我们在减轻升温现象方面的开支。
    These quantitative analyses transform the yes-no debate over global warming into an actuarial decision: probability times expected damage equals how much we should spend now on mitigation.
  • 心理测量学心理学的支,研究对精神变量比如智力,能力和性格特征等进行测量的数据化测试设计,管理和解释
    The branch of psychology that deals with the design, administration, and interpretation of quantitative tests for the measurement of psychological variables such as intelligence, aptitude, and personality traits.
  • 基于比较数据的数量分析来重建树结构以概述生物体群间的种类关系与进化历史的个生物分类系统。
    a system of biological taxonomy based on the quantitative analysis of comparative data and used to reconstruct trees summarizing the (assumed) phylogenetic relations and evolutionary history of groups of organisms.
  • 个十岁大的男孩会开飞机,这怎么可能呢?
    How is it possible for a boy of ten to fly an airplane?
  • 世贸组织《纺织品及成衣协议》订明,这些数量限制须于十年内分四阶段,即九九五年月、九九八年月、二零零二年月及二零零五年月起逐步撤销。
    In accordance with the WTO Agreement on Textiles and Clothing (ATC), these quantitative restrictions are being phased out in 10 years, in four stages from January of 1995, 1998, 2002 and 2005, respectively.
  • 量值用来表示数量多少的个数字,以便和其他数量作比较
    A number assigned to a quantity so that it may be compared with other quantities.
  • 两个变量之间的种关系,第二个量的变化直接和第个量的变化成比例。
    The relationship between two quantities when a change in a second quantity is directly proportional to a change in the first quantity.
  • 加法运算中,被加上些数或量的个数或量。
    In an addition operation, a number or quantity to which numbers or quantities are added.
  • 著名的古斯塔夫·哈梅尔就是承担这项先驱任务的飞行员之,他驾驶的是布雷里奥式单翼飞机。
    One of the airmen engaged in this pioneer service was the famous Gustav Hamel, flying a Beriot monoplane, and t remember going out one afternoon to see him start off with one of the bags of mail.
  • 专家系统中使用的种量,该量可以指定为个数值,并使系统推出有关的实际物理量。对照assertion。参阅rule。
    In expert system, a quantity which may be assigned a numerical value and allows the system to reasonabout real physical quantities.
  • 级数系列的数字或数量,其中的每个数量与紧随其后的数量之间的关系总是相同的
    A series of numbers or quantities in which there is always the same relation between each quantity and the one succeeding it.
  • 可遵守的项物理特性,能直接观察或测量到,如重或温度,而不象功或熵等这类,这些必须从所观测到的各种不同的量推算出来
    A physical property, such as weight or temperature, that can be observed or measured directly, as distinguished from a quantity, such as work or entropy, that must be derived from observed quantities.
  • 一批板条;板条
    A quantity of laths; lathing.
  • 少量;一点点
    A small quantity; a bit.
  • 全体数量;一个整体
    A whole quantity; an entirety.
  • 这架单翼飞机,只要靠近地面就颠簸得像怒海中的只小船,但是哈梅尔充分展示了他出色的驾驶技巧。
    The monoplane, so long as it was near the earth, was thrown about like a small boat on an angry sea. But Hamel gave a splendid exhibition of airmanship;
  • 个军衔在下士之上、陆、海军陆战队上士之下,或者级空军飞行员之上的士官。
    a noncommissioned officer ranking above corporal and below sergeant first class in the army or marines or above airman 1st class in the air force.
  • 未知数数值不明的个数量
    A quantity of unknown numerical value.
  • 与某目的相关的量。
    a quantity relative to some purpose.
  • 空军士兵军衔美军空军中在列兵之上,等兵之下的军衔
    An enlisted rank in the U.S. Air Force that is above airman basic and below airman first class.
  • 个被指定的或被计算的数值
    An assigned or calculated numerical quantity.
  • 种量化时所使用的子区间。
    A subrange in quantization.