  • 船儘管嚴重損壞,卻經受住了風暴。
    The ship weathered the storm though she was badly damaged.
  • 為什麽這河在這麽冷的天也不封凍還是一個問題。
    Why the river is not frozen in such cold weathers still a question.
  • 為窗戶結構安裝擋風雨
    provide with weatherstripping, as of window frames.
  • 天冷的時候他已給窗戶安擋風了。
    He weatherstripped the windows when it got cold.
  • 鼕天來臨之前我們必須為窗戶安裝擋風雨
    The window must be weatherstripped before the cold weather sets in.
  • 有類似斑馬的紋的澳大利亞小織巢鳥。
    small Australian weaverbird with markings like a zebra's.
  • 編織用來編織的削好並且經過乾燥處理的木頭、棕櫚葉、稻草或類似的材料
    Wood, palm leaves, straw, or similar material cut and dried for weaving.
  • 繩子與雜草、木棒纏在一起。
    The rope was befouled by weeds and sticks.
  • 他引用了一拉丁文成語。
    He weighed in with a Latin quotation.
  • 棍子灌了鉛增加了分量。
    The stick had been weighted with lead.
  • 需要特別註明的一是:許多讀者會不理解為什麽著名的通用電氣公司的ceo傑剋.威爾奇的名字沒有被列入我們的ceo名單當中。
    One note: Many readers will wonder why Jack Welch, the famed CEO of General Electric, does not appear in the following pages.
  • 綫路正在鋪設鐵軌[長軌]。
    Tracks [Long welded rails] are being laid for[om] this line.
  • 焊接金屬的窄的長
    a narrow strip of welded metal used to join steel members.
  • 這種人往往引婚姻法作根據,說婚姻法上規定有婚姻自由,於是不管政治件,不管兒女幸福,不管道德不道德。
    People always base their arguments on the marriage law, saying the marriage law stipulates freedom of marriage and they, therefore, disregard political conditions, their children's wellbeing and questions of morality.
  • 那場戰鬥的前夜,威靈頓沿一長長的山脊背後占據了一個防守陣地。
    The evening before the battle, Wellington took up a defensive position along, and to the rear of, a long ridge.
  • 他的手臂上起了明顯的狀紅腫。
    A bright red welt rose on his arm.
  • 在…上打出條痕
    To raise welts or a welt on.
  • 美因河發源於德國東部的一河流,流程約449公裏(310英裏),總體嚮西流,在美因茲註入萊因河
    A river rising in eastern Germany and flowing about499 km(310 mi) generally westward to the Rhine River at Mainz.
  • 第六十一 未經煤礦企業同意,任何單位或者個人不得占用煤礦企業的鐵路專用綫、專用道路、專用航道、專用碼頭、電力專用綫、專用供水管路。
    Article 61 Without consent of coal mining enterprises, no units or individuals may occupy the railways, roads, navigation channels, wharves, power lines and water supply pipes specially used by coal mining enterprises.
  • 第七十四 違反本法第六十一的規定,未經煤礦企業同意,占用煤礦企業的鐵路專用綫、專用道路、專用航道、專用碼頭、電力專用綫、專用供水管路的,由縣級以上地方人民政府責令限期改正;
    Article 74 If any units or individuals, in violation of the provisions of Article 61 of this Law and without consent of the coal mining enterprise concerned, occupy the railways, roads, navigation channels, wharves, power lines or water supply pipes specially used by the enterprise, the local people's government at or above the county level shall order them to make rectification within a time limit;
  • “[外國]語言的需要已開始增加,”他補充說。“如果有華頓的工商管理碩士,日語流利並且在日本住過一年,他[找工作時]就可以自己隨意開件。”
    "Demand for language ability is starting to increase," he added, "Someone who could write his own ticket is a Wharton M.B.A. fluent in Japanese and who has spent a year in Japan."
  • 多麽漂亮的一船!船名叫什麽?
    What a beautiful ship! What is she called?
  • 右列四,全邊區軍民人等一律遵照,不得違背。
    These four regulations must be observed by all members of the armed forces and all civilians throughout the Border Region, and no violation whatsoever will be permitted.
  • 這條路好走。
    It is a good wheeling.
  • 看來這狗要下崽了。
    It look as if the dog were about to whelp.
  • 一下雨,我們這街就被大水淹了。
    Our street floods whenever we have rain.
  • 許多人都把矛頭對準了匿名的11名政府奬學金得主,陳慶炎副總理也提議重新檢討奬學金的頒發件。
    The 11 anonymous government scholarship recipients were under fire, whereas Deputy Prime Minister Tony Tan suggested a review of the scholarship system.
  • 其中,涉及占用農用地的,依照本法第四十四的規定辦理審批手續。
    Whereas occupation of agricultural land is involved the examination and approval procedure provided for in Article 44 of this law is required.
  • (法律)個人可以尋找法律補償的一全面的適合於任何程序的目。
    (law) a comprehensive term for any proceeding in a court of law whereby an individual seeks a legal remedy.
  • 第五 國傢實行探礦權、采礦權有償取得的制度;
    Article 5 The State practises a system wherein the exploration right and mining right shall be obtained with compensation;
  • 六是逐步完善政法經費保障機製,努力為政法係統開展工作提供必要件。
    Sixth, the funding mechanism to ensure the wherewithal of procuratorial, judicial and public security organs has been improved, providing needed support for their work.
  • 不管我們喜歡不喜歡一消息,我們所能做的衹是坐在電視機前,'讓它過去'。
    Whether we like a particular piece of news or not, all we have to do is sit in front of the tube and 'let it happen'.