  • 如果我们的太阳被神奇地压缩到只有1英里大小,它会变成一个黑洞,但地球仍停留在它原来的轨道。
    For example, if our Sun was magically crushed until it was about 1 mile in size, it would become a black hole, but the Earth would remain in its same orbit.
  • 魔术师他恢复到原形
    Restored to his proper shape by the magician.
  • 午饭前,这是治安法官审理的最后一个案子。
    This is the last case which the magistrate will hear before lunch.
  • 治安法官能立即审判一个案子或它交巡回刑事法院。
    Magistrate can try a case summarily or refer it to the crown court.
  • 治安法官能立即审判一个案子或它交巡回刑事法院。
    The magistrate can try a case summarily or refer it to the crown court.
  • 为德莱克斯勒的纳米技术所吸引,由软件巨头所创办的zyvex公司已认识到制造纳米级的机器人是多么困难。
    Zyvex, a company started by a software magnate enticed by Drexierian nanotechnology, has recognized how difficult it will be to create robots at the nanometer scale;
  • 这台显微镜物体放大了100倍。
    The microscope magnified the object 100 times.
  • 派女仆把它送到你家去。
    I'll send the maid round to carry it to your house.
  • 女服务员窗帘拉上以避阳光。
    The maid closed the blind to keep out the sun.
  • 女服务员忘记干净的毛巾放进浴室里了。
    The maid forgot to put clean towel in the bathroom.
  • 这条信息用手写信件送出去
    Sent the information by hard mail.
  • 与马来籍的同学住在一块,如果久不说中国话,也许中国话来会忘记了,最好星期或假期,得访几位说中国话的朋友往来,才不至于忘记了自己的母语,与马来同学同住,也有一种好处,要是彼此合得来,利用机会,学些马来话都很好,马来话是马来亚的国语,来回马服务,都是要用的,有机会就得自己学习,关于此类的书和字典、马来亚出版颇多,倘需要的话,我可以买一些寄去。
    The Malay student is boarding in the same place as you. If you do not speak Chinese for a long time, perhaps you may eventually forget how to. It is best that over the weekend or during vacation, you contact a few Chinese-speaking friendsh, then you will not forget your mother tongue. There is also something positive for you to board with a Malay student. If you can get along with each other, it will also be good if you can use the opportunity to learn Malay. It is the National Language of Malaya and you will need to use it when you return to work in the country. You should study and practise the language on your own. There are many dictionaries and books of this kind being published in Malaya. If you need them, I can send some to you.
  • 新加坡国际金融交易所(simex)于1998年4月27日宣布,于今年8月推出一个以新加坡股市为基础的股价指数期货合约,另外,也在11月推出另外两个股价指数期货合约,一个以泰国股市为基础,另一个则以吉隆坡股市为基础,这意味着:对本国、泰国、马来西亚等股市的全盘走势具有看法的小投资人,很快地就会在他们相信的方面下注。
    The Singapore International Monetary Exchange (Simex)announced on April 27, 1998 that it would launch in August a stock index futures contract based on the Singapore stock market. In addition, it also plans to come up with two more stock index futures contracts in November, one on the Thai stock market, and the other on the Malaysian stock market. This means, very soon, small investors who have a view on the broad movements of these three markets will be able to put their money where their beliefs are.
  • 在我们这个时代,人类已经解开了生命的密码,并且能够在数秒钟内知识从一个大陆传递到另一个大陆。世界上没有一个母亲能理解为什么她的孩子应该死于营养不良或可以预防的疾病。
    In an age when human beings have learnt the code of human life, and can transmit their knowledge in seconds from one continent to another, no mother in the world can understand why her child should be left to die, of malnutrition or preventable disease.
  • 《纲要》根据中国国民经济和社会发展十年规划和第八个五年计划(1991〖cd1〗1995)提出的任务和总目标,依据世界儿童问题首脑会议通过的两个文件精神,结合中国儿童工作的实际情况,以面向世界、面向未来、面向现代化的姿态,提出了到2000年1990年的婴儿死亡率和5岁以下儿童死亡率分别降低三分之一、使1990年5岁以下儿童中度和重度营养不良患病率降低一半等10项主要奋斗目标和实现这些目标的策略和措施。
    In accordance with the tasks and general objectives proposed by the Ten-Year Program for China's National Economic and Social Development and the Eighth Five-Year Plan (1991-95), the spirit of the two documents adopted by the Summit Conference on the Issue of World Children, as well as China's actual children's programs, the Outline, having the world, the future and China's modernization program in view, puts forward ten main objectives and tactics and measures for realizing these objectives. It states that the mortality rate of infants and that of children under five in 1990 will both be reduced by one third, and that disease occurrence in children under five caused by moderate and severe malnutrition will drop by 50 percent in 2000.
  • 建议的规管架构会符合国际标准,并有助建立公平、有秩序和具透明度的市场,增强各界对市场的信心,确保投资者获得适当保障,减少市场失当行为和金融罪案,以及促进创新和竞争。
    The proposed regulatory framework would be on a par with international standards. It seeks to facilitate development of a fair, orderly and transparent market to promote market confidence; secure appropriate investor protection; reduce market malpractice and financial crimes; and facilitate innovation and competition.
  • 火花移向燃料,燃料就点着了,靠燃烧中所产生的力烹调食品,熔化或软化铁,把麦芽或甘蔗汁转化为啤酒或糖,而这些东西都是他事先移到此处的。
    He moves aspark to fuel, and it ignites, and by the force generated in combustion it cooks the food, melts or softens the iron, converts into beer or sugar the malt or cane-juice, which he has previously moved to the spot.
  • 马尔萨斯的人口增长的幅度超越人类生存倚赖物质增长的幅度的理论。
    Malthus' theory that population increase would outpace increases in the means of subsistence.
  • 中国政府反对劳动作为惩罚罪犯的手段,反对用繁重的劳动折磨、虐待罪犯。
    The Chinese Government opposes the use of labour as a means of punishing criminals, as well as the use of heavy labour as a means to maltreat prisoners.
  • “可是你忘啦,妈妈,”伊丽莎白说,“我们来可以在跳舞会上碰到他的,郎格太太不是答应过把他介绍给我们吗?”
    "But you forget, mama," said Elizabeth, "that we shall meet him at the assemblies, and that Mrs. Long has promised to introduce him."
  • 没问题,我处理好这件事。
    NO problem.I'll manage it well.
  • 部署安装这些交换机需要大量的测试,以确定与现存“第三层”设备的互用能力,同时还要确定配置的易用性和网络的可管理性。
    Deploying these switches will require significant testing to ensure interoperability with existing Layer 3 equipment, while determining ease of configuration and net manageability.
  • 必须采取措施问题缩小到可控制的范围。
    Step must be taken to reduce the problem to manageable proportions.
  • 而在以最优方式每一应用程序送达各种设备时,大量的内容源增加了管理的复杂性。
    The large amount of content sources increases the complexity of having a manageable way to deliver each application to every type of device in the most optimized fashion.
  • 贵方对管理与技术工作,随时提出建议。
    You should give us managerial and technical advice from time to time.
  • 新上任的常务董事在这场运动中挂帅。
    The new managing director will act as spearhead of the campaign.
  • 比尔退休时由彼得接任总经理一职.
    Peter will take over as managing director when Bill retires.
  • 总经理亲自处理你们的申诉。
    The managing director will attend to your complaint personally.
  • 比尔退休时由彼得接任总经理一职
    Peter will take over as managing director when Bill retires
  • 明年10月有一个新来的人加入我们的工程。这个人是我们曼彻斯特办事处的头头极力推荐给我们的。
    A new man will be joining the project next October. He's been strongly recommended to us by the head of out Manchester office.
  • 沈阳,奉天中国东北部的一个城市,位于北京东北偏东方,它是辽宁省的省会,是所谓的满洲或满洲里事件的旧址,在该事件中日本军队该城北部的铁路炸毁并以此揭开了占领满洲的序曲。人口3,250,000
    A city of northeast China east-northeast of Beijing. The capital of Liaoning province, it was the site of the so-called Mukden, or Manchurian, Incident(1931), in which the Japanese army used an explosion on the railroad north of the city as a pretext to occupy Manchuria. Population,3, 250, 000.
  • 托管(某块殖民地或地区)指定给某个具体的国家托管
    To assign(a colony or territory) to a specified nation under a mandate.