  • 这部分人数量也不校
    There is a considerably large number of such cadres.
  • 我要保留这些债券,它们会十看涨的。
    I should hold on to those bonds; they'll appreciate considerably.
  • 自从上次手以后,敏妮变化很大。
    The latter had changed considerably since Carrie had seen her.
  • 数十年来,中国已出现了一个很大的知识子群和青年学生群。
    Their numbers have grown considerably during the past few decades.
  • 主动,热情,耐心,周到为客户服务中国人民保险公司天津公司。
    Helpful, warm, patient and considerate----People's Insurance Company of China, Tianjin Branch.
  • 感谢您的好意与周到,(从口袋中掏出一些钱)请收下这个。
    Thank you very much for your kindness and considerateness. (Taking out some money from the pocket) Please keep it.
  • 他对同伴们十关心。
    He shows great consideration for his companies.
  • 考虑过的、完美的。
    fully considered and perfected.
  • 他站在那幅画前凝视了几钟。
    He stood considering the painting for some minutes.
  • 物质是由叫做子的微粒组成的。
    Substances consist of small particles called molecules.
  • 所有的物质都是由称做子的粒子组成的。
    All substances consist of small particles which are called molecules.
  • 他不知道科,也不懂骨肉发病说;
    he ignored groups and consistency;
  • 自洽场分子轨道法
    self-consistent field molecular orbital method
  • 各部的关系是合乎逻辑的有序的一致的。
    logical and orderly and consistent relation of parts.
  • 我本不会寻求提名,因为我已志在另一个部门,作为依利诺斯州的最高长官并不是一项无奈的选择,也不是给我的一个安慰奖,在那里,我的雄心壮志得到充地发挥。
    I could not seek it because I aspire to another once, which was the full measure of my ambition, and one does not treat the highest office within the gifts of the people of Illinois as an alternative or as a consolation prize.
  • 计算机控制台上包含人工控制键钮的那部。同plugboard。
    A part of a computer console that contains manual controls.
  • 立即肃清潜藏在中国境内的汉奸卖国贼子和一切日寇的侦探,巩固后方。
    Immediately weed out all the hidden traitors and Japanese agents in China and so consolidate our rear.
  • 不要过快把资金投在几个公司上,先把你的主公司巩固住。记住这句话:双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。
    Don't diversify too quickly. Consolidate your main company first. Remember, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
  • 问题是有一部党员不合格,要在教育的基础上进行整顿。
    The problem now is that a number of Party members don't measure up, so we must consolidate the Party through education.
  • 将五个公司合并为一个部门
    Consolidated five separate agencies into a single department.
  • 粒雪,万年雪经过一个夏季的溶化期但仍未成冰川的粒状且部沉固的雪
    Granular, partially consolidated snow that has passed through one summer melt season but is not yet glacial ice.
  • 共产党员必须明白,揭发和清除奸细,是和扩大和巩固民族统一战线不能离的。
    They must understand that the expansion and consolidation of the national united front is inseparable from the exposure and weeding out of enemy agents.
  • 康柏公司准备在今年晚些时候推出一款新型的unix服务器,提供动态的硬件区,用于工作负荷管理和服务器合并。
    Compaq Computer Corp. is preparing to launch later this year a new Unix server that will offer dynamic hardware partitioning for workload management and server consolidation.
  • 不要和犯罪子结交。
    Don't consort with criminals.
  • 用户和析人士通常认为,由对象管理集团(omg)领导的corba阵营在对象中间件方面先行一步,但微软公司正在奋起直追。
    Users and analysts generally accept that the CORBA camp, led by the Object Management Group (OMG) consortium, has a head start in object middleware, but Microsoft is coming on fast.
  • 新闻及广播中心为两部:广播中心为电视及电台传媒机构提供专用的工作间,并为以香港电台为首的主办广播机构提供先进的技术设备;
    The PBC was divided into two - a broadcast centre providing exclusive working booths for TV and radio broadcasters and sophisticated technical facilities for the host broadcast consortium led by Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK);
  • 生物子运算研究协会会长、杜克大学计算机科学家约翰·赖夫指出:“硅运算技术不会退出历史舞台,硅运算技术的应用也一样。
    "Silicon computing won't go away, and the applications that it's used for won't go away," says J0hn Reif, a compute scientist at Duke University and director of the Consortium of Biomolecular Computing.
  • 尽管兰德韦伯对这种技术将来可以达到100%准确率的能力持乐观态度,但是她与其他研究人员很快就指出,与传统运算方法相比,他们研究的课题还处于刚刚起步的阶段,而且对于许多应用领域来说,硅材料制成的微芯片总是会略胜一筹。生物子运算研究协会会长、杜克大学计算机科学家约翰·赖夫指出:"硅运算技术不会退出历史舞台,硅运算技术的应用也一样。"生物计算机研究领域里的大多数研究人员都认为,他们真正需要的是一个特别适合dna运算技术解决问题方式的"非常能够说明问题"的应用领域。此类现实世界中的问题可能会涉及大量军事信息的加密,或者关系到硅运算技术和dna运算技术在某种程度上的结合。
    Although Landweber is optimistic about the ability of the technique to find the right answers with 100 percent accuracy in the future, she and other researchers are quick to point out that the field is in its infancy compared with conventional computing methods and that for many applications, siliconbased microchips will always be better."Silicon computing won't go away, and the applications that it's used for won't go away, " says John Reif, a compute scientist at Duke University and director of the Consortium of Biomolecular Computing. What's really needed, according to most researchers in the field, is a"killer" application particularly suited for the way DNA computing solves problems. Such real-world Problems might involve the encryption of large amounts of military information, or they might involve some combination of silicon and DNA computing.
  • 突兀的过引人注目的或注目得让人不快的;冒失的
    Unduly or disagreeably conspicuous; obtrusive.
  • 我们必须避免过放纵和铺张浪费。
    We must avoid overindulgence and conspicuous consumption.
  • 有囊状不段形状身体的原始海洋动物,幼虫阶段有明显的脊索。
    primitive marine animal having a saclike unsegmented body and a urochord (a notochord) conspicuous in the larva.
  • 枯萎病一种植物疾病,能导致染病部,尤指未成熟、成长中组织的突然明显枯萎和坏死
    Any of numerous plant diseases resulting in sudden conspicuous wilting and dying of affected parts, especially young, growing tissues.