  • 尽管已被十个白人和两个黑人组成的陪审团所定罪,该案乎很多人预料。的确,在陪审员裁决以后,两名陪审员说检方过于前后矛盾,难令人相信。
    For all the condemnation of the jury of 10 whites and 2 blacks, the case was not as cut-and-dried as many people seem to believe it was. Indeed, after the verdict, two jurors said the prosecution's case had simply been to inconsistent to believe.
  • 铁匠从铁工厂来安装马蹄铁。
    The blacksmith come out of the forge to fit the horseshoe.
  • 魔鬼一得到消息就来到老约翰的铺子,他就像那个白衣影子一样现在老约翰身边。
    And as soon as the Devil got the news, he popped over to John's blacksmith shop. He appeared beside John just as the figure in white had done.
  • 分布广泛的食肉性鲈形目鱼,长有能发响声的气泡。
    widely distributed family of carnivorous percoid fishes having a large air bladder used to produce sound.
  • 甘蓝菜:在所有抗癌蔬菜中,甘蓝菜、菜花和卷心菜效果最突,特别在抑制膀胱癌方面。
    Broccoli:Among all the cancer-fighting vegetables, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage stand out, especially in cancers of the bladder.
  • 去年,北京的一个研究小组在老鼠背部培养了狗的膀胱组织,这正是培养人体组织的前奏。
    Last year a Beijing team grew dog? bladder tissue on a mouse's back, a prelude to generating human tissue.
  • 息肉一种通常为非恶性的增生或肿瘤,从象鼻子、膀胱或肠这类器官的内层黏膜上突
    A usually nonmalignant growth or tumor protruding from the mucous lining of an organ such as the nose, bladder, or intestine, often causing obstruction.
  • 一种刀刃藏在刀柄中的刀;当按压按纽时刀刃自动弹
    a knife with the blade hidden in the handle; the blade springs out when a button is pressed.
  • 我在前面已经指,农民打土豪劣绅这件事完全是革命行为,并没有什么可指摘。
    I have already pointed out that the peasants' attack on the local tyrants and evil gentry is entirely revolutionary behaviour and in no way blameworthy.
  • 他们在她的品德上提了非难。
    They have put forward blaming on her virtue.
  • 大部分人都要求对方是白人,有时候,她们还会非常明确的写自己的其他要求。
    Most say they want "un blanc" (a white). Some can be quite specific about other requirements too.
  • 我问塞利亚是否为明天感到兴奋时,她脸上显茫然的样子。
    When I asked Celia if she was excited about tomorrow, she gave me such a bland look.
  • 一个空白字段描述符是在输中形成空格的描述符。
    A blank field descriptor is a descriptor to make blank on output.
  • 打字时没有留行空白。
    typing that does not leave lines blank.
  • 铰链叶片是带钢冲压来的。
    Hinge leaves are blanked out of strip steel.
  • 这些零件是用条钢冲压来的。
    There parts are blanked out of strip steel.
  • 计算机制图技术和可视图文技术中的一种显示方式,在此方式中,在接收机的定时装置控制下,字符以有规律的间隔消失。在可视图文技术中,用来重点突一页的某一部分。
    In computer graphics and videotex, a display mode in which the characters are blanked out at regular intervals under the control of a timing device in the receiver. In videotex it is used to highlight a part of the page.
  • 我头脑[记忆]里(完全)是一片空白--连一个答案也想不.
    My mind/memory was a (complete) blank I couldn't think of a single answer.
  • 吊灯射耀眼的光亮。
    The chandelier blared.
  • 别让立体音响发刺耳的声音
    Don't blare the stereo.
  • 这一天,按习惯将在河滩⑥放焰火,在布拉克小教堂种植五月树⑦,在司法宫演圣迹剧⑧。府尹大人的差役,穿着华丽的紫红色驼毛布衬甲衣,胸前缀着两个白色大十字,头一天晚上就在十字街头吹着喇叭,高声吆喝过了。
    On this day there was invariably a bonfire on the Place de Gréve, a may-pole in front of the Chapelle de Braque, and a mystery-play at the Palais de Justice, as had been proclaimed with blare of trumpets on the preceding day in all the streets by Monsieur the Provost’s men, arrayed in tabards of violet camlet with great white crosses on the breast.
  • 水手们因亵渎神灵而被逐教会。
    the sailors were cursing blasphemously.
  • 号兵吹告警的号声。
    A trumpeter sent out a warning blast.
  • 寒冷的风摧毁了春天才生长来的东西。
    The icy wind had blasted the new spring growth.
  • 高炉出铁场
    blast furnace casting house
  • 他让喇叭发出尖响
    Gave a blast on his trumpet.
  • 嘟嘟声喇叭等发的短而尖的声音
    A blast, as of a horn.
  • 汽笛发出尖锐的响声
    A piercing blast from the steam whistle.
  • 从鼓风炉中流的未经加工的铁。
    crude iron tapped from a blast furnace.
  • 候选人向她的对手发口头攻击
    The candidate leveled a blast at her opponent.
  • 三个航天员定于星期三航。
    The three astronauts are scheduled to blast off(to be blasted off) on Wednesday.
  • 吹风,送风从口,尤其是从助燃鼓风炉的来的空气,其他气体或蒸汽气流
    A forcible stream of air, gas, or steam from an opening, especially one in a blast furnace to aid combustion.