Chinese English Sentence:
  • 启示文学作品一种作者不详的,公元前2世纪至公元2世纪左右的犹太教或基督教启示文学作品,包含预言或象征景象,尤指世界末日迫近和正义者救世的
    Any of a number of anonymous Jewish or Christian texts from around the second century b.c. to the second century a.d. containing prophetic or symbolic visions, especially of the imminent destruction of the world and the salvation of the righteous.
  • cisco是支持ip多播的领头公司,该公司称,《财富》500大公司中有50%都在使用此技术,用于某种形式的容分发。
    Cisco, one of the leading proponents of IP Multicast, claims that 50% of Fortune 500 companies are using the technology for some form of content distribution.
  • 摊还,摊销用在一个时期以按比例分配的方式注销一笔经费(如办公设备)
    To write off an expenditure for(office equipment, for example) by prorating over a certain period.
  • 在本周早些时候,核查委员会的导弹专家曾经专门针对这个问题进行了为期两天的讨论,这些专家的最后结论是,按照伊拉克方面提供的数据,alsamoud2导弹的射程超过了150公里,依据1991年的687号决议和715号决议,这种导弹属于被禁止的武器范畴之
    Earlier this week, UNMOVIC missile experts met for two days with experts from a number of Member States to discuss these items. The experts concluded unanimously that, based on the data provided by Iraq, the two declared variants of the Al Samoud 2 missile were capable of exceeding 150 kilometres in range. This missile system is therefore proscribed for Iraq pursuant to resolution 687 (1991) and the monitoring plan adopted by resolution 715 (1991).
  • 公诉法律顾问要求被告解释为什么汽油桶会在他的车
    Prosecute counsel asked the accused to explain why the can of petrol was in his car.
  • 列名在陪审员名单之
    enter into a list of prospective jurors.
  • 经检讨后,由二零零一年五月起,香港注册公司的发售章程若发给专业投资者,可获豁免遵守有关中英对照及容方面的规定,以及《公司条例》之下其他与发售章程有关的规定。
    This led to the exemption of Hong Kong incorporated companies' prospectuses — issued to professional investors relating to debt securities — from the dual language and content requirements, and other prospectus-related requirements under the Companies Ordinance, which have become effective since May 2001.
  • 细看容:信誉好的岸外基金中心规定基金管理公司必须发出详尽的计划书。
    Check the "small print" - Established locations require fund companies to issue a detailed prospectus.
  • *细看容:信誉好的岸外基金中心规定基金管理公司必须发出详尽的计划书。
    Check the "small print" - Established locations require fund companies to issue a detailed prospectus of the offer being made.
  • 根本原因在于,统一和分裂关系着藏族、汉族和国其他民族的兴衰成败,合则共荣,分则两伤。
    This is by no means fortuitous. The fundamental reason is that unity or separation has a decisive bearing on the prospering or decline of the Tibetan, the Han and all the other ethnic groups of China.
  • 但任何国家实现和维护人权的道路,都不能脱离该国的历史和经济、政治、文化的具体国情,并需由主权国家通过国立法对人权制度予以确认和保护。
    However, no country in its effort to realize and protect human rights can take a route that is divorced from its history and its economic, political and cultural realities. A human rights system must be ratified and protected by each sovereign state through its domestic legislation.
  • 第四、我们要采取望策略、施行保护主义,还是开放经济给外来投资、使公司在进行合并和收购的时候更加便利?
    Fourth, we face the choice of turning inward and becoming protectionist or opening up our economies to foreign investment and facilitating mergers and acquisitions;
  • 保险项目某一保险单或担保方案所包含的
    Inclusion in an insurance policy or protective plan.
  • 1988年6月,达赖提出了所谓解决西藏问题的“斯特拉斯堡建议”,这个建议以所谓西藏历来是独立国家为前提,将一国部的民族区域自治问题变成所谓的宗主国与附庸国、保护国与被保护国的关系,否认中国对西藏的主权,变相搞西藏独立。
    In June 1988, the Dalai Lama raised a so-called "Strasbourg proposal" for the solution of the Tibet issue. On the premise that Tibet "had always been" an independent state, the proposal interpreted the issue of a regional national autonomy within a country as a relationship between a suzerain and a vassal state, and between a protector and a protected state, thus denying China's sovereignty over Tibet and advocating the independence of Tibet in a disguised way.
  • 布干达一个地区,过去是东非的一个王国,位于今天乌干达境的维多利亚湖北岸,从1900年开始属英国的保护地,直到1962年加入独立的乌干达
    A region and former kingdom of eastern Africa on the northern shore of Lake Victoria in present-day Uganda. It was a British protectorate from1900 until1962, when it joined independent Uganda.
  • 协议(procotol)是用来将容传送到设备。
    ? Protocols are used to deliver the content to devices.
  • 门捷列夫的元素周期表的顺序;等于核质子数或中性状态下元素的一个原子的电子数。
    the order of an element in Mendeleyev's table of the elements; equal to the number of protons in the nucleus or electrons in the neutral state of an atom of an element.
  • 分子组缨细胞质一个亚微观结构单位,由一团分子组成
    A submicroscopic structural unit of protoplasm, composed of a cluster of molecules.
  • 树突神经细胞中一种树枝状细胞质突起,它把邻近细胞的刺激传到本细胞。体一条神经里可能有许多树突
    A branched protoplasmic extension of a nerve cell that conducts impulses from adjacent cells inward toward the cell body. A single nerve may possess many dendrites.
  • 细胞核活细胞之大的、有膜的、常为球形的细胞质结构,含有细胞遗传物质并控制其新陈代谢、生长和繁殖
    A large, membrane-bound, usually spherical protoplasmic structure within a living cell, containing the cell's hereditary material and controlling its metabolism, growth, and reproduction.
  • 其实,查斯顿穿的是耐克运动衣系列的样品。
    What Chastain was wearing was, in fact, a prototype for the Nike Inner Actives range of sports underwear.
  • 簇虫任一种簇虫孢子虫类的原生动物,寄生于各类无脊椎动物,包括节肢动物和环节动物的消化道
    Any of various sporozoan protozoans of the order Gregarinida that are parasitic within the digestive tracts of various invertebrates including arthropods and annelids.
  • 防御中的进攻,持久中的速决,线中的外线
  • 经过长期反对军阀主义的斗争,军队部很团结,联系群众也很好。
    Through protracted struggles against warlordism, the army achieved unity in its own ranks and formed close ties with the masses.
  • 芽,萌芽茎或枝上小的隆起物,有时被包在保护性的介壳中,中有未发育的根、叶子或花
    A small protuberance on a stem or branch, sometimes enclosed in protective scales and containing an undeveloped shoot, leaf, or flower.
  • 悲痛的寡妇;关于死亡和绝望的悲痛的故事;令人悲痛的消息;甚至在欢笑时,心仍然痛苦-《箴言》14:13。
    sorrowful widows; a sorrowful tale of death and despair; sorrowful news; even in laughter the heart is sorrowful- Proverbs 14:13.
  • 契约上规定这项工作必须在一年完成。
    It is provided in the contract that the work should be accomplished within a year.
  • 该中心负责召集其他政府部门,征调所需资源,从而在区提供卓越、有效的搜救服务。
    Calling upon resources provided by other government departments, the centre provides an effective and efficient search and rescue service in the region.
  • 给…装底用内侧装备
    To provide with an underside.
  • 针对此事受询时,公积金局的答复是:“为了支持在全国范围采用非现款支付及电子收帐工作,公积金局的各个分局不再接受以现款填补健保双全户头……我们曾写信给公积金会员,说明了各种切实可行的付款方法……xx的母亲,没有自动提款卡,因此要求她用支票付款。”(见9月19日《联合早报·交流》版)
    In its reply, the Central Provident Fund Board said: "In support of the national effort to promote cashless/electronics payment, CPF branch offices do not accept cash for the topping-up of Medishield premiums...CPF members are informed by letter of the various payment modes available... she did not have an ATM card. Hence, she was advised to pay by cheque instead. " (19 Sep, Lianhe Zaobao's Forum page).
  • 东北四省指当时中国东北部的辽宁、吉林、黑龙江、热河四省(热河省于一九五五年撤销,原辖区分别划归河北、辽宁两省和蒙古自治区)。
    The "four northeastern provinces" were then Liaoning, Kirin, Heilungkiang and Jehol, which correspond to the present Liaoning, Kirin and Heilungkiang Provinces, the northeastern part of Hopei Province north of the Great Wall and the eastern part of the Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region.
  • 今年年完成国有独资商业银行省分行与省会城市分行的合并工作。
    Within this year, work will be completed in merging the sate commercial banks' provincial branches with their corresponding provincial capital branches.