| - 一种遗传变态病,病人的尿液有槭树汁的气味。
an inherited disorder of metabolism in which the urine has a odor characteristic of maple syrup; if untreated it can lead to mental retardation and death in early childhood. - 愚侏儒病一种因在胎儿发育期间缺乏甲状腺激素导致的先天性病症,症状为在少儿时期体型矮小、智力迟钝、骨骼营养不良以及基本的新陈代谢能力低下
A congenital condition caused by a deficiency of thyroid hormone during prenatal development and characterized in childhood by dwarfed stature, mental retardation, dystrophy of the bones, and a low basal metabolism. - 苯丙酮尿一种先天性代谢异常,其机体缺乏将苯丙氨酸代谢成酪氨酸所必需的酶。如果不治疗,这种异常会导致脑损伤和精神抑制,这是苯基丙氨酸沉积和其分解物的产物
A genetic disorder in which the body lacks the enzyme necessary to metabolize phenylalanine to tyrosine. Left untreated, the disorder can cause brain damage and progressive mental retardation as a result of the accumulation of phenylalanine and its breakdown products. - 半乳糖症一种遗传的代谢紊乱,因缺乏对半乳糖新陈代谢所必需的酶引起。这种紊乱会引起半乳糖在血液中的积聚上升,如果不治疗会导致大脑发育迟缓且眼和肝脏畸形
An inherited metabolic disorder characterized by the deficiency of an enzyme that is necessary for the metabolism of galactose. The disorder results in elevated levels of galactose in the blood and, if untreated, can lead to mental retardation and eye and liver abnormalities. - 邓少东等当即表示欢迎,并请达赖确定演出时间、地点,同时将达赖的这一愿望告诉了西藏地方政府的索康等噶伦和达赖的副官长帕拉·土登为登等人。
Deng and the other officers expressed immediate readiness and asked the Dalai Lama to fix the time and place for performance. They also conveyed the Dalai Lama's wish to Surkang and other Galoins of the Tibetan local government and Paglha Tubdain Weidain, adjutant general of the Dalai Lama. - 痴愚者一个人智能迟缓发展,仅具有7岁到12岁的智能,一般在一定程度的学术或职业教育后能够进行交流和掌握社会技术。这个词是一个集合概念,现在不再使用,并被视为带有侮辱意味
A person of mild mental retardation having a mental age of from7 to12 years and generally having communication and social skills enabling some degree of academic or vocational education. The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive. - 市儿童福利院将在院儿童抚养、教育至年满16岁后,他们中有的参加工作,还有一些大龄智力障碍者,因就业难,被分散安排到市里的其他四个福利院,崇明安排多些,其他地方少些。
The children in the Shanghai children's welfare home are transferred when they grow up at the age of 16. Some are sent out to take up jobs, while some, whose mental retardation prevents them from taking up jobs, are sent to four other welfare institutions in the city or on Chongming Island, the one on Chongming taking in more than those in Shanghai. - 经核查,这位在1988年2月24日入院的病童由福利院取名叫简训,入院前患有严重的精神发育迟滞等病状,入院后在护理人员的精心救治照护下,一度体重有所增加,后因病情发展,病及呕吐中枢,喂食后即频繁呕吐,人逐渐消瘦,医生对其进行救治,喂食牛奶、静脉补液,但终因其吸收功能出现严重障碍,救治无效而于1992年7月17日病死。
It was learned, after investigation, that the child, given the name of Jianxun by the welfare home, suffered a serious illness caused by mental retardation; after he entered the welfare home, on February 24, 1988, he put on weight under meticulous care and medical treatment.Later, his illness deteriorated and affected the vomiting center, which caused frequent vomiting after feeding. As a result, the patient grew thinner and thinner, but the doctors still persevered in their efforts, feeding him milk and giving intravenous injections. However, because of the serious handicap in his assimilating function, the treatment ended in failure and he died on July 17, 1992. - 经核查,这位在1988年2月24日入院的病童由福利院取名叫简训,入院前患有严重的精神发育迟滞等病状,入院后在护理人员的精心救治照护下,一度体重有所增加,后因病情发展,病及呕吐中枢,喂食后即频繁呕吐,人逐渐消瘦,医生对其进行救治,喂食牛奶、静脉补液,但终因其吸收功能出现严重障碍,救治无效而于1992年7月17日病死。
It was learned, after investigation, that the child, given the name of Jianxun by the welfare home, suffered a serious illness caused by mental retardation; after he entered the welfare home, on February 24, 1988, he put on weight under meticulous care and medical treatment. Later, his illness deteriorated and affected the vomiting center, which caused frequent vomiting after feeding. As a result, the patient grew thinner and thinner, but the doctors still persevered in their efforts, feeding him milk and giving intravenous injections. However, because of the serious handicap in his assimilating function, the treatment ended in failure and he died on July 17, 1992. - 该计划旨在协助儿童和弱智人士准备上法庭,并提供一位"支援者"陪伴儿童或弱智人士作供。
The programme aims to facilitate court preparations of children and mentally retarded witnesses and to provide a 'support person' to accompany child and mentally handicapped victims when giving evidence. - 这也是一个重要的政治步骤,因为如果没有这一步骤,则两党合作的建立势将推迟,而这对于迅速准备抗日是完全不利的。
This was likewise an important political step, for without it the establishment of co-operation between the two parties would have been retarded, which would have been wholly detrimental to speedy preparations for resisting Japan. - ”一年后,他们搬回纽约,又接受了两个孩子,一个叫约瑟夫,12岁,患脑瘫症,不会说话、双目失明、智力迟钝,全身瘫痪。另一个是7岁的亚伯拉罕,是个严重的哮喘病患者,还有一些先天的缺陷。
Garcia, 57, A year later, they moved back to New York and took in two children: Joseph, a 12-year-old with cerebral palsy who is mute, blind, retarded and paralyzed, and Abraham, 7, a severe asthmatic with several birth defects. - 苏军在希特勒所在的掩体内抓获了一些很有价值的德军俘虏,其中包括希特勒的保镖约翰·拉滕胡贝尔、党卫军军官奥托·冈舍、希特勒的座机驾驶员汉斯·鲍尔和牙医助手卡塔琳娜·霍伊泽尔曼。在1945年的大部分时间里他们经常受到提审。
The Russians had capured the most useful witnesses from Hitler's bunker including Johann Rattenhuber, Hitler's bodyguard, SS adjutant Otto Gunsche, Hans Baur, his pilot, and Katarina Heusermann, a dental assistant and interrogated them for much of 1945. - 近三年来,各类特殊教育学校每年增长20%,普通学校附设特殊教育班每年增长一倍,在特殊教育学校(班)学习的盲、聋、弱智学生每年增长30%。
In the past three years various kinds of special education schools have increased annually by 20 percent, and the special classes in ordinary schools have doubled. The number of blind, deaf and mentally retarded pupils attending these special schools and classes increased by 30 percent every year. - 一个将军的副官;主要的管理员。
a general's adjutant; chief administrative officer. - 湿润剂一种用于保持湿度的物质
A substance that promotes retention of moisture. - 掩码中的一个或多个相邻字符,使相应字符得以保留。
One or more adjacent characters in a mask that cause retention of the corresponding characters. - 电路模板用以控制另一系列字符、字位或字节的消除或保留的一列字符、字位或字节
A pattern of characters, bits, or bytes used to control the elimination or retention of another pattern of characters, bits, or bytes. - 为此,当局于一九九二年设立流动资金调节机制。
A Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF) was set up in 1992 for this purpose. - 粟粒疹皮肤表皮下的一白色或黄色的囊状小包,由于腺体停止油腺分泌作用而引起
A small, white or yellowish cystlike mass just below the surface of the skin, caused by retention of the secretion of a sebaceous gland. - 幼稚病一种出现于成年人当中的发育停滞的状态,其特点是思维幼稚,伴有发育不良和性方面的不成熟,还有侏儒现象发生
A state of arrested development in an adult, characterized by retention of infantile mentality, accompanied by stunted growth and sexual immaturity, and often by dwarfism. - 总之,专家们一般不会推荐利尿剂排除体内多余水分。虽然这样有效,但这类药物也同时带走体内重要的营养成分。
On the whole, experts don't recommend taking diuretic products to combat fluid retention while these may get rid of excess fluid, they also sap the body of vital nutrients. - 中国将变为独立国,还是沦为殖民地,不决定于第一阶段大城市之是否丧失,而决定于第二阶段全民族努力的程度。
Whether China becomes an independent country or is reduced to a colony will be determined not by the retention or loss of the big cities in the first stage but by the extent to which the whole nation exerts itself in the second. - 一九九八年,香港进入痛苦的调整期。
1998 has been a year of painful adjustment for Hong Kong. - 我们最好重新考虑一下整个计划。
We'd better rethink the whole plan. - 经过逾十年的持续发展,我们应该反思一下,并且重新检讨我们的竞争能力。
After more than a decade of uninterrupted growth, we should rethink and re-examine our competitive edge. - 看来,总统先生明智的做法是在9月12日联合国大会之前,再斟酌一下他的演讲辞,免得贻笑大方。
But it may be wise for Mr Bush to rethink his choice of words before he addresses the United Nations in New York on September 12. - 问题是很多,但能进行反思就是一个最大的教育,比读什么书都重要。
They do have many problems, but it can be very educational for them to rethink what they did--that's more important than reading any books. - 香港的前景一片光明,我认为现在是时候重新研究拓展法国和香港两地的夥伴关系,研究如何作出更具雄心壮志的发展大计。
With the future of Hong Kong assured, I feel it is time to rethink the scope of the French-Hong Kong partnership. To think bigger. - 问题是很多,但能进行反思就是一个最大的教育,比读什么书都重要。
They do have many problems, but it can be very educational for them to rethink what they did -- that's more important than reading any books. - 基於这些因素,两地政府确实需要重新研究我们还可多做些甚麽,以鼓励两地私营机构加快走在一起,共同合作。
With all that it is really necessary for us at Government level to rethink how much more we can do to encourage the private sector of both sides to come together at even greater speed to co- operate with each other. - 5月底,微软将其最受欢迎的办公商务软件的经典改进版officexp投放市场。这只是头一炮,标志着即将闪电式推出一系列技术产品,盖次深信,这些产品将巩固其公司作为计算机行业不可动摇的“航空母舰”地位。
The launch of Office XP, a sophisticated rethink of Microsoft's most popular business tool at the end of last May, marks merely the opening shot in a forthcoming technological blitz that Gates is serenely his company's status as the unshakeable colossus of computing.