  • 妇女的家务劳动时普遍降低。
    As a result, the time women spend on housework daily has generally decreased.
  • 这犯罪分子在生死之徘徊。
    The criminal's hovering between life and death. (喻)
  • 他们的结论必是相反的,或者是动摇于两者之的。
    It follows that they must either arrive at the opposite view or hover between the two.
  • 你爱怎么安排时就怎么安排。
    Arrange your hours however you like.
  • 我去过一处葬礼来着;我无法给你描述那寡妇(如何)按适当的隔一次次嚎啕大哭的情形。
    I have been to a funeral; I can't describe to you the howl which the widow set up at proper intervals.
  • 我去过一处葬礼来着;我无法给你描述那寡妇(如何)按适当的隔一次次嚎啕大哭的情形。
    I have been to a funeral; I can not describe to you the howl which the widow set up at proper interval.
  • 在逃亡期,他在人迹罕至的旷野中走了6天。
    In his escape, he walked six days in the midst of howling wilderness.
  • 而且,快速以太网把计算机与集线器之的距离限制在仅100米,这就必须细心地设计网络。
    Furthermore, Fast Ethernet limits the distance between a computer and a hub to only 100 meters -- making careful network planning a necessity.
  • 此包交换机起到了网络集线器的作用,它通过消除信令点之建立直接链路的需求,提高七号信令的网络利用。
    Acting as a network hub, the packet switch improves SS7 network utilization by eliminating the need for direct links between signaling points.
  • 哈勃空望远镜随着其高级观测摄像机的安装而得以升级。
    The Hubble Space Telescope got an upgrade with the installation of its Advanced Camera for Surveys.
  • “老鼠”星系,因为有和啮齿动物明显相似的尾巴而得名。它们是由哈勃空望远镜新的高级观测摄像机以令人吃惊的细节捕捉到的。
    The Mice galaxies, named after their distinct rodent-like tails, were captured in stunning detail by the Hubble Space Telescope's new Advanced Camera for Surveys.
  • 您好?我是提摩西·赫德森。(一种接询问对方姓名的方式。)
    How do you do? I'm Timothy Hudson.
  • 早晨好,我是住在哈得逊饭店237房的客人。
    Good morning. I'm the guest in Room 237 in Hudson Hotel.
  • 一座横跨位于纽约州和新泽西州之的哈得逊河的吊桥。
    a suspension bridge across the Hudson River between New York and New Jersey.
  • 生活在大奴湖和哈德逊湾之的西部加拿大的阿它帕斯坦民族的人。
    a member of the Athapaskan people living in western Canada between Great Slave Lake and Hudson Bay.
  • 是的,我是3011号房的哈德生先生,我房里好像没有毛巾,请你们送过来好吗?
    Yes, please. This is Mr. Hudson in room 3011. I'm afraid that there don't seem to be any towels in my room. Could you send some up?
  • 棕色,褐色一组介于红黄的颜色,亮度由适中到低,色彩的饱和度由低到适中
    Any of a group of colors between red and yellow in hue that are medium to low in lightness and low to moderate in saturation.
  • 蓝紫色可见光谱的短波端的颜色,通过辐射能量可在人体观察者身上产生,其波长约在380至420毫微米之;一种略带红色的蓝色,亮度和色距可能不同
    The hue of the short-wave end of the visible spectrum, evoked in the human observer by radiant energy with wavelengths of approximately380 to420 nanometers; any of a group of colors, reddish-blue in hue, that may vary in lightness and saturation.
  • 杰克气喘吁吁地干完活, 然后很艰难地走出房
    Jack huffed himself up and stumped out of the room.
  • 他怒冲冲地离开了房
    He left the room in a huff.
  • 他怒冲冲地走出了房
    She go out of the room in a huff.
  • 她怒冲冲地走出了房
    She went out of the room in a huff.
  • 房间都凌乱不堪。
    The rooms are all in hugger-mugger.
  • 与其干等雨果一个晚上,我还不如用这个时去找他。
    If I had to kill the evening until Hugo's return I might as well kill it searching for Hugo as any other way.
  • “唔,因为现在我总算有我自己的房。”
    “Uh?huh. Because now I've finally got a room of my own.
  • 舭形成船底与船侧之的船体的圆曲部分
    The rounded portion of a ship's hull, forming a transition between the bottom and the sides.
  • 隔壁房里嗡嗡的谈话声
    The hum of conversation in the next room
  • 小女孩非常小的时候,他常常举着她,为她哼小曲,抱着她绕着房跳舞,并且对她说:“我爱你,小女儿!”
    When she was very little, he would pick her up, hum a tune and dance with her around the room, and he would tell her, " I love you, little girl!"
  • 申诉专员直接向行政长官负责,履行的重要职能包括洗雪个别人士因公营机构行政失当而蒙受的焝屈,淡化官僚制度,减少市民与公营机构之的隔膜,监察政府,防止滥用职权,纠正个别错误事件,指出公职人员受到的不公平指责,提高公营机构的工作效率和服务质素,以及保障人权。
    The Ombudsman is directly responsible to the Chief Executive and performs important roles in redressing individual grievances against maladministration in the public sector; making bureaucracy more humane;
  • 中国法律对罪犯在服刑期应享受合乎人道的物质生活待遇和监狱、劳改场所管理人员必须对罪犯实行文明管理,都作了明确的规定。
    Chinese law clearly stipulates that criminals are to be provided with a humane level of material comfort during their prison terms and that the staff in prisons and reform-through-labour institutions must handle criminals in a civilized manner.
  • 一个机构常设委员会把联合国人道主义机构和主要的非联合国救济组织汇聚起来,对全球反应进行协调。
    An Inter-Agency Standing Committee brings together UN humanitarian agencies and the major world relief organizations for a coordinated global response.
  • 这样被夹在中便是人类天性的本质;
    Being so sandwiched is the very essence of humanity;