  • 先生,请把球还我行吗?
    Please mister, can I have my ball back?
  • 先生,我20便士买杯茶喝吧,最近我没钱。
    Can you let me have twenty pence for a cup of tea, Mister; I've been down on my luck lately.
  • 一般来说,格林先生我提供的建议都是很好的。可是这次他让我买那个电脑公司的股票却是个馊主意。我不得不按原价抛出,结果损失了一千美元。
    Mister Green usually gives me good advice. But the computer company stock he told me to buy was a lemon. I had to sell it at the price I have paid for it and lost a thousand dollars.
  • 这个过路人非常感激我们在他迷路时他指了路。
    The passerby was very grateful to us for directing him when he mistook his way.
  • 我们的欲望把彩虹的颜色借那只不过是云雾的人生。
    Our desire lends the colours of the rainbow to the mere mists and vapours of life.
  • 她写了封信,免得她误会。
    He wrote her a letter for fear she misunderstand him.
  • 我们如果您一个特别的佣金率,其他买主会产生误解。
    Other buyer is liable to misunderstand if we allow you a special rate of commission.
  • 她写了封信,免得她误会。
    He wrote her a letter for fearing she misunderstood him.
  • 我给了他一点安慰。
    I offer a mite of comfort to him.
  • 给主教加冠
    To bestow a miter upon.
  • 为祝贺他的生日,我送他一只棒球手套。
    I gave him a baseball mitt for his birthday.
  • 她拒绝她以前的男朋友而嫁了一个老头子。
    She has given her ex-boyfriend the mitten and married an old man.
  • 他给客人拌色拉.
    He mixed his guests a salad.
  • 我全给闹糊涂了。
    I'm getting all mixed up.
  • 他看了一会儿金牌,然后取下递我,说:"你是一名冠军,你搏得了这枚金牌。
    He looked at it for a mo-ment,then took it off and handed it back to me.He said,"You are a champion.You earned that medal.
  • 私人小汽车能人很大的舒服和机动性。
    A private car gives a much greater degree of comfort and mobility.
  • 货币供给的理论模型
    theoretical models for money supply
  • 我们做这么多工作,那么小气才5便士
    a moldy 5 pence for all the work we've done
  • 用电针人去除胎块、疣或多余毛发的医师。
    someone skilled in the use of electricity to remove moles or warts or hair roots.
  • "他买了一件礼物生气的妻子,但她不肯就此息怒。"
    "He bought his angry wife a gift, but she refused to be mollified."
  • 妈妈,爸爸的生日快到了。我不知道送他点什么好。你有什么建议?
    Mom, Dad's birthday is coming up. I don't know what to give him. Do you have any ideas for a gift?
  • 最后妈妈了我们一周的延期。
    Mom granted us a one-week extension.
  • "我婆婆刚才还我打电话了呢……"
    ... "His mom called me right away"...
  • 嗨,妈,搞点东西我们吃吧。
    Hey, Mom, knock something together for us to eat.
  • 妈妈出去了,你能过来我做饭吗?
    Mom is out.Can you come over and cook for me?
  • 听到这件工作已了别人他一时心神不定。
    The news that someone else had been given the job threw him momentarily off balance.
  • 杰夫:这个假期,我一定要去内蒙古看看,你能我做向导吗?
    Jeff: I am going to Inner Mongolia this vacation. Would you be my tour guide?
  • 班长把试卷分发同学们。
    The monitor handed the papers out to the classmates.
  • 班长把本子发了大家。
    The monitor gave the books out.
  • 班长给他一套工具
    The monitor gives him a set of tools.
  •  自八十年代起,中国一些地区开始使用生长发育图,对儿童的生长趋势进行监测,并通过“社区营养监测”的方法,争取尽早发现问题并及时予针对性的指导和干预。
    Since the 1980s, a chart has been used in some areas of China to monitor children's natural growth and a community nutrition monitoring program introduced. If something abnormal is detected by such monitorings, timely guidance and treatment are given.
  • 一种用户直接发送监控程序的指令。
    An instruction issued directly to a monitor from a user.