  • 已經陪伴我們太久了。如今,在使用這個字體時,人們常會順理成章地聯想到這個場景:一中年男子拋棄了他的妻子,換了位更年輕,更性感的模特作伴。因此,Arial作為一種字體,與衣着邋遢的、心灰意冷的棄婦有異麯同工之妙。
  • 如果你在使用這個字體,那一不做二不休,幹脆字體顔色選成緑色,然後在你的e-mail下方簽中寫“Savethetrees!Pleasedon'tprintthise-mailunlessyoureallyneedto..”(愛護樹木,人人有責!除非確實需要,否則請勿打印此郵件。),這樣一來,好像你的每封郵件都具有打印價值了一樣。
    If you're using it, why not go whole hog and flip the colour to green and write "Save the trees! Please don't print this e-mail unless you really need to." in your email signature like any of your emails are worth printing off.
  • 拿校內網(現改為"人人網")上流行的組件“開心農場”為例,該遊戲是由一群80後青年研發。包括首席運營官(COO)徐成就是其中一員。
    For example, the popular Renren.com game "Happy Farm" was developed by a group of post-80s youngsters, including COO (chief operating officer) Xu Cheng.
  • 如果想兌支票,請在底綫上簽
    Please sign your name on the bottom line if you want to cash the check.
  • 我要是知道她的字就好了。
    If only I knew her name.
  • 您能把您的護照給我,並把您的字寫在這張紙上嗎?
    Would you care to give me your passport and write your name on the paper?
  • 給你護照和姓,我叫田中。
    There you are. My name is Tanaka.
  • 請在兌換單上簽字,寫出你的姓和地址,好嗎?
    Would you kindly sign the exchange form, giving your name and address?
  • 給我一張你的片好嗎,瓊?
    Can I have one of your business cards please, Joan?
  • 你給了,不過最近有人偷了我的片夾。
    You did, but someone stole my card organizer recently.
  • 沒有,我很幸運。我總是把我收到的片做一個備份。
    No, I was lucky. I always make a copy of the name cards that I receive.
  • 好主意。去年我丟了一些片,所以現在我沒法給我的一些客戶打電話。
    That is a good idea. I lost some name cards last year and now I can't call some of my clients.
  • 那你會給我一張新片嗎?
    So will you give me a new name card?
  • 請填張存款單,寫明數額、姓,地址和工作單位。
    Please fill in the depositing form, the sum of money, your name, address and professional unit.
  • 請寫上您的姓、證件號碼和聯繫方式。
    Please fill in your name, the number of the certificate and your telephone.
  • 您的簽名有誤。
    Signatures differ.
  • 請簽名。
    please sign your name.
  • 我有半個小時的空閑時間,所以我想我要整理我的片。
    I have a spare half-an-hour, so I thought I would organize my business cards.
  • 我從來都搞不太懂片是幹什麽用的。
    I have never really understood what the point of name cards is.
  • 片的歷史很長,而且用途很多很多。
    Business cards have a long history and many, many uses.
  • 如果你像我這樣做營銷工作,你就會發現片是必不可少的東西。
    If you worked in sales and marketing like me, you would find that names cards are indispensable.
  • 多次電話、傳真往返之後,非常高興終於見到您,Mitchell先生(先遞出片),請收下我的片。
    It's very nice to finally meet you, Mr. Mitchell after so many phone calls and faxes. (offers his business card first) I'd like you to have my business card.
  • 哇,我的牌已經放在桌上了。每件東西都很整齊。
    Gee, my nameplate's already on the desk. Everything is so neat.
  • 未知數(物、等等)
    X an unknown number, thing, name, etc.
  • 很高興認識你,久仰大
    Nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you.
  • 你的名字怎麽讀?
    How do I pronounce your name?
  • 也許你已聽說過我們産品的稱,你想知道更多一點嗎?
    Perhaps you've heard our product's name. Would you like to know more about it?
  • 那麽,我明天就可以收到並且簽上了。
    So I will receive and sign it overnight.
  • 我們從中國駐倫敦大使館的商務參贊處得知你們的字和地址。
    We've come to know your name and address from the Commercial Counselor's Office of the Chinese Embassy in London.
  • 承蒙布萊剋先生的介紹,我們得知貴公司的稱和地址。
    By the courtesy of Mr. Black, we are given to understand the name and address of your firm.
  • 美國人力資源協會最近對近500人力資源經理做了一項新調查,發現應聘者在面試過程中有很多地方容易把事情搞砸,其中一些可能會讓你大吃一驚。
    According to a new survey of nearly 500 human-resources professionals released by the U.S. Department of Labor, there are plenty of ways to derail a job interview and some of them may surprise you.
  • “當時我就做出了决定,”瑪麗說。那應聘者沒有得到職位
    "My mind was made up at that point, " she says. The candidate was not hired.