  • 夜光藻一种生物发光鞭毛目动物,夜光藻属,当其成群量现时,使海洋现磷光现象
    Any of various bioluminescent dinoflagellates of the genus Noctiluca that when grouped in large numbers make the sea phosphorescent.
  • 对您在仿生学方面的成就我说不有多高兴。
    I can't say how delighted I am about your achievement in bionics.
  • 一旦存储器开发好,pc机厂家必须采纳支持这种新技术的bios(基本输入输系统)。
    Once the memory was developed, PC vendors would have to adopt a BIOS that supported the new technology.
  • 在霍利斯的研究日程表上,最后一个大问题在于细胞在发光后是否能够重新设定,按照研究小组最近对手动探测仪的设想,这个问题可能并不太重要:人们拟利用光电盒读取可交换的一次性生物探测芯片发的光子,而光电盒只需要花费几美元。
    The last big question on Hollis's research agenda -- whether the cells will reset after having fired -- may not even matter in the group's latest vision for a handheld biosensor: a proposed optical-electronic box would read the photons emitted by a swappable and disposable biosensor chip, which would cost just a few dollars.
  • 把我们的零碎东西收拾起来,租车快来了。
    Get our bits and pieces together. The taxi is coming.
  • 我正打算去一会儿,可我舅舅来了。
    I was just going out for a bit when my uncle came.
  • 那混蛋终于从跑道附近的一幢房子里走了来。
    Finally the son of a bitch walked out of one of the buildings near the run way there.
  • 矿工罢工就要真正显威力了。
    The miners' strike is really starting to bite.
  • 不顾寒风刺骨她去挨门乞讨。
    Braving the biting wind, she went out to beg from door to door.
  • 它也可以包含现在html页面中的常用javascript代码,或由citrix独立计算体系结构协议反复送来的位图,例如,几个用户在citrixwinframe上运行微软的word程序。
    It may also include common JavaScript code that appears in HTML pages, or a bitmap that is being repeatedly sent by the Citrix Independent Computing Architecture protocol;for example, several users running Microsoft Word over Citrix Winframe.
  • 这里的天气不适合哈里森先生,因为天气总是阴雨连绵还常常冷得奇。
    The weather here does not agree with Mr. Harrison, because it rains continually and it is often bitterly cold.
  • (古)表现或处在因为痛苦、忧郁而导致的混乱感觉或错误判断的状态。
    (archaic) showing or experiencing a state of disordered feeling or distorted judgment as through bitterness or melancholy.
  • 戏有点儿像拼凑的。
    The play is rather bitty.
  • 轻而软的银白色二价金属元素,纯净状态下燃烧会发明亮白光,仅天然存在于化合物中(如菱镁矿、白云石、光卤石、尖晶石、橄榄石)。
    a light silver-white ductile bivalent metallic element; in pure form it burns with brilliant white flame; occurs naturally only in combination (as in magnesite and dolomite and carnallite and spinel and olivine).
  • 突然现一个奇异的念头
    Was visited by a bizarre thought.
  • 这一内涵丰富的话题令人奇想驰骋。媒体上各种奇谈怪论纷纷笼。
    Faced with such a fertile prospect, the human imagination runs riot, and the media have come up with some very bizarre ideas.
  • 一种园林植物,蒴果成熟时开裂,散大量的种子,象一种悬钩子。
    garden plant whose capsule discloses when ripe a mass of seeds resembling a blackberry.
  • 灰熊正躺着,前爪抱着桶吃着东西,我突然看见有一个桔黄色的东西从黑刺莓灌木丛里闪,钻进了灰熊的笼子。
    Griz was lying down with the bucket between his forepaws,eating,when I noticed a little spot of orange coming out of the blackberry brambles inside the grizzly's pen.
  • 老师在黑板上写新单词。
    The teacher wrote down the new words on the blackboard.
  • 粉笔在黑板上发吱吱的声音。
    The chalk jarred against the blackboard.
  • 他用粉笔在黑板上勾划一个图样。
    He chalked out a design on the blackboard.
  • 教师在黑板上给学生举很多例子。
    The teacher quoted his students many examples on the blackboard.
  • 老师在往黑板上写字时,那孩子偷偷溜了教室。
    The boy stole from classroom while the teacher was writing on the blackboard.
  • 老师取粉笔,开始在黑板上写了起来。
    The teacher got out his chalk and began to write on the blackboard.
  • 陌生人想讹诈职员迫使他帮他取钱,但未能得逞。
    The strange man tried to blackmail the clerk into helping him draw the money, but he failed.
  • 尽管已被十个白人和两个黑人组成的陪审团所定罪,该案乎很多人预料。的确,在陪审员裁决以后,两名陪审员说检方过于前后矛盾,难令人相信。
    For all the condemnation of the jury of10 whites and2 blacks, the case was not as cut-and-dried as many people seem to believe it was. Indeed, after the verdict, two jurors said the prosecution's case had simply been to inconsistent to believe.
  • 那是第一次黑人和白人在一个主要音乐团同台演
    It was the first time that blacks and whites performed together in a major musical group.
  • 不过他们还指这样的事实,即在整个州内各大学招收的黑人和拉美学生总数自1996年以来仍然保持稳定。
    Yet they point to the fact that enrolment of blacks and Latinos throughout the state system has remained stable since 1996.
  • 囚犯逃后,警察局设下了路卡,但是显而易见,他还是从警察眼皮底下溜走了。
    Although the police set up road blacks after the prisoner had escaped, it was clear that he still slipped through their finger.
  • 如今黑人艺员的前途一片光明,但是华盛顿还是认为,其他种族的演员也应该继续努力争取创造更多有影响力的银幕形象。
    Now that a trail has been blazed for Blacks, he suggested, other minority actors must continue to fight for more significant roles.
  • 新西兰口的货品种类繁多,但其中最为重要的一环却永远也不会记录在贸易帐簿上,那当然是新西兰的国家榄球队"allblacks"。
    One of your greatest exports, though, will never show up on the trade books and that is, of course, the mighty All Blacks.
  • 种族歧视和贫穷加剧了种族暴力,尤其是在日常生活中年轻的黑人和警察的关系,或者以另外一种更极端的形式表现来,即城市里的暴乱。
    Racial discrimination and poor living conditions have contributed to racial violence , especially in the day-to-day form of relations between young blacks and the police, or in the more extreme form of inner-city riots.