| - 任人唯亲如在公事中对亲戚偏爱或袒护
Favoritism shown or patronage granted to relatives, as in business. - 责令停产停业,对经济和社会生活影响较大的,由公安消防机构报请当地人民政府依法决定,由公安消防机构执行。 第五十二条 公安消防机构的工作人员在消防工作中滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊,有下列行为之一,给国家和人民利益造成损失,尚不构成犯罪的,依法给予行政处分:
Article 52 The working staff of public security fire control institutions, in case of abusing their authority, ignoring their duty and playing favoritism and committing irregularities, and having one of the following conducts, causing loss to the benefit of the state and people, but having not constituted a criminal charge, shall be given administrative sanction in accordance with law: - 谢谢贵公司惠顾。
We thank you for your favour. - 她将秉公调查。
She will investigate without fear or favour. - 现时适用于香港的《国际劳工公约》有45条,数量较国际劳工组织大部分亚太区会员国为多。
This compares favourably with most member states of the ILO in the Asia-Pacific region. - 当然,质量是重要的,可是如果贵公司的条件与其他供货人的条件相比更有利的话,我有理由相信我们会不断向你们公司订货。
Quaity is important , of course, but if your terms compare favourably with those of other suppliers, I have good reason to believe that we could place regular orders on you. - 要全心全意为人民服务,深入群众倾听他们的呼声;要敢说真话,反对说假话,不务虚名,多做实事;要公私分明,不拿原则换人情;要任人唯贤,反对任人唯亲。
I hope you will serve the people wholeheartedly, go among the masses and listen to their opinions, dare to speak the truth and oppose falsehood, not seek undeserved credit but perform real services, make a clear distinction between public and private interests, refrain from seeking personal favour at the expense of principle and appoint people on their merits rather than by favouritism. - 政府正研究兴建两个能源回收焚化炉的可行性;两个焚化炉每日可焚化合共4400公吨都市废物。
The government is studying the feasibility of building two waste-to-energy incinerators with a combined daily burning capacity of 4400 tonnes of municipal waste. - 为了研究如何在署内善用资讯科技,社会福利署于一九九七年聘请顾问公司完成了资讯系统策略研究及社会保障电脑系统的可行性研究。
The SWD completed an Information Systems Strategy Study (ISSS) and a feasibility study on a Computerised Social Security System (CSSS) in 1997 to explore the potential of the use of information technology in the department. - 最轻量级拳击运动员一种职业拳击手,体重在112和118磅(约51至53。5公斤)之间,体重比特轻量级拳击运动员重,比次轻量级拳击运动员轻
A professional boxer weighing between112 and118 pounds(approximately51-53.5 kilograms), heavier than a flyweight and lighter than a featherweight. - 轻量级拳手体重在126到135磅(57-61公斤)之间的职业拳手,其体重重于次轻量而轻于次中量级的拳手
A professional boxer weighing more than126 and not more than135 pounds(approximately57-61 kilograms), heavier than a featherweight and lighter than a welterweight. - 公园内的树木、灌木、攀缘和观叶植物合共逾750类品种。
More than 750 species of trees, shrubs, creepers and foliage plants are featured. - 最近,一本浮华的杂志专题报道了“完美女人的衣橱”,发现一位30来岁的律师有着30来身套装,而一位公关经理则拥有300多双鞋。
A glossy magazine that recently featured " Real Women's Wardrobes" found a thirtysomething solicitor with thirtysomething suits,and a PR manager with more than 300 pairs of shoes. - 这条快速公路已于二月十九日通车。
It was opened to traffic on February 19. - 联邦调查局;联邦法庭;联邦公路规划;联邦财产。
the Federal Bureau of Investigation; federal courts; the federal highway program; federal property. - 联邦德国高速公路
freeway in Federal Republic of Germany - 我们公司上月支出的费用比这个月多。
The fee of our company's outgo last month was much more than this month. - (一)申请费、申请附加费、公布印刷费;
filing fee, additional fee for filing application, and printing fee for publishing the application; - 乘客付费乘坐公共交通车辆的旅客
A passenger transported for a fee. - 公司欢迎它的商品用户的反馈信息。
The company welcomes feedback from people who use the goods it produces. - 局方曾于九月至十月期间就该5年计划进行公众谘询,听取市民的意见。
A public consultation exercise on the Five-Year Plan was conducted in September-October to obtain feedback from the public. - 148.谘询公众期间,我们收到艺术界和体育界人士的意见,表示关注目前有关文化和康体的政策有欠明确、现行架构成本效益不如理想,不同组织的功能又有所重叠。
148. The consultation exercise provided feedback from the arts and sports communities which revealed concerns about unclear policy, a lack of cost-effectiveness and duplication of functions with other service providers. - 香港教育统筹委员会五月初公布了《教育制度检讨改革方案咨询文件》,对从幼儿教育到高等教育提出全盘改革的建议,在三个月咨询期过后,总结公众意见便可交由政府落实。
EARLIER this month, the Education Commission (EC) of Hong Kong publicised a document proposing an overall education reform extending from kindergartens to universities in the Special Administrative Region. After three months of consultation with the public for feedback, the plan will be implemented by the SAR government. - 煤气公司位于大埔和马头角的两间厂房,负责生产煤气。
Towngas is manufactured in plants at Tai Po and Ma Tau Kok, both using naphtha as a feedstock. - 为公事作决策不应搀杂个人情感.
Personal feelings should not come into play when one has to make business decisions. - 公立医院及诊所的费用,大部分由公帑资助。
Fees in public hospitals and clinics are heavily subsidised. - 公司花了数千英镑的诉讼费。
The company pays out thousands of pound in legal fees. - 3年前,多才多艺的程京凭借北京清华大学的技术,牵头在圣迭戈成立了一家生物技术公司。他在1999年被聘为清华大学的教授。
Three years ago the ferociously versatile Cheng spearheaded the founding of a San Diego biotech company based on technology from Tsinghua University in Beijing, where he was named a professor in 1999. - 金川有色金属公司
Jinchuan Non-ferrous Metals Company - 有色金属工业公司
Non-ferrous Metals Industry Company - 铜陵有色金属公司
Tongling Non-ferrous Metals Company - 国际有色金属租赁有限公司
International Non-ferrous Metals Leasing Corporation Ltd.