  • 到2008年奥运会举办期,市区大气中二氧化硫、二氧化氮、臭氧指标达到世界卫生组织指导值的要求,颗粒物浓度达到发达国家大城市水平,满足承办奥运会的需要。
    By 2008, the indexes of SO2, NOx and CO in the urban air will meet the WHO standards, and the density of particles will reach the level of major cities in developed countries, fully meeting the standard for hosting the Olympic Games.
  • 火热的炉子;热水;炎热的八月;闷热的房;她感觉发烫、疲劳;发烫的前额。
    hot stove; hot water; a hot August day; a hot stuffy room; she's hot and tired; a hot forehead.
  • 继北京之后,全国各大中小城市纷纷开展禁娼运动,在很短的时内,就使这种在中国延续三千多年、严重摧残妇女身心健康和尊严的罪恶渊薮绝迹。
    Following Beijing, all other large, middle-sized and small cities nationwide successively prohibited prostitution.In a short period of time, this hotbed of crimes, which had seriously ruined women's physical and mental health and their dignity for more than 3,000 years in China, was stamped out.
  • 在度假的月份,旅馆房的价钱比平常高。
    During the holiday months hotel rooms are at a premium.
  • "旅馆老板冲进我的房,'老兄,请出来看看这个场面吧!'
    "The hotelkeeper rushed up to my room, 'Please, brother, come look at this!'
  • 在日本,留学中国的日本学生,瞬时变成大企业机构之的竞争抢手雇佣对象。
    In Japan, students who have studied in China are hotly sought after by major corporations.
  • 在日本,留学中国的日本学生,瞬时变成大企业机构之的竞争抢手雇佣对象。
    In Japan, Japanese students who have studied in China are hotly sought after instantly by major corporations.
  • 他自己也震惊了。他那为太阳晒黑的脸上露出了狼狈不安的淡淡红晕,其实他已燥热得仿佛暴露在锅炉的烈火面前。
    He felt a shock himself, and a blush of embarrassment shone faintly on his sunburned cheeks, though to him it burned as hotly as when his cheeks had been exposed to the open furnace-door in the fire- room.
  • 魔镜魔镜告诉我,他们中谁最火。
    Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the hottest of them all?
  • 非洲第二大洲,位于大西洋与印度洋之的南部欧洲。为最炎热的洲,非洲拥有大量的矿产资源,其中许多至今未被开发
    The second-largest continent, lying south of Europe between the Atlantic and Indian oceans. The hottest continent, Africa has vast mineral resources, many of which are still undeveloped.
  • 这个房里只住著一个男孩和一条大猎狗。
    The room's sole occupant is the boy and a big hound.
  • 我请你作见证,我是人世受迫害最深的可怜虫。
    I take you to witness that I am the most persecuted hound on the face of the earth.
  • 一生中最幸福的(一段)时
    the happiest hours of one's life
  • 我们的营业时是九点半到二十点半。
    Our business hours are 9.30 to 20.30.
  • 我们吃早餐的时是七点钟。
    Our breakfast hour is at seven o'clock.
  • 一个小时一个小时地过去了,营救人员仍然没有来。
    Hour after hour passed without rescue forthcoming.
  • 沙漏的中部、小提琴中凹处、黄蜂的腰部
    The waist of an hourglass, a violin, a wasp
  • 欧洲最大的城市都有每小时一次的航班相连。
    The largest cities in Europe are linked by hourly flights.
  • 欧洲最大的城市都有每小时一次的航班相连。
    The largest city in europe is link by hourly flight.
  • 在几个星期的时里,那家汽车公司就解雇了八千四百名工人以工时计算,是该公司整个劳动力的五分之一。
    In a matter of weeks, the automobile plant laid off8, 400 workers-- one fifth of its hourly work force.
  • 根据俄国国家档案局提供的资料记载,卡尔·费伯奇在1885年到1916年共先后为沙皇亚历山大二世和尼古拉二世制作过50枚复活节彩蛋,其中以这枚thewinteregg最为珍贵。
    Faberge, jeweler to the Russian Imperial family, produced 50 eggs between 1885 and 1916 for Czars Alexander II and Nicholas II, with the Winter Egg the most precious, according to documents housed in the Russian State Archives.
  • 类似的实验以前也曾经搞过----“早安美国”电视栏目去年曾经让两个纽约人在“电子商务屋”内住了一个星期,屋内有一个冰箱,每天有500美元的生活费和上网设备----然而到目前为止.com先生却发誓要在互联网上生活比任何人都长的时
    Similar experiments have been undertaken before - the TV program Good Morning America housed two New Yorkers in an ''e-cave'' for a week last year with a refrigerator, a $500 daily stipend, and Web access - but DotComGuy has vowed to live off the Internet longer than anyone else so far.
  • 沃尔特斯住处的地下室有个汽车,他总是直接把车开进车库,然后设法瞒国女管家,在没人看见的情况下把基辛格带上楼。
    There was a garage in Walters' basement.Walters would drive the car directly into the garage.And then he would try to avoid his housekeeper and lead Kissinger upstairs without being seen.
  • 第二天一大早,一个惊人的消息迅速传遍了威罗维利镇:费罗斯的管家汤普森夫人见主人很长时没有下楼来吃早餐,于是就上楼去看个究竟,结果却发现,费罗斯躺在卫生的地上,身体僵硬,早就魂归西天了。
    Early next morning the news spread like wildfire. Mrs. Thompson, Old Man Fellows' housekeeper, had found him deader than a doomail. When she went upstairs to see what had kept him so long before breakfast.
  • 野营挂车一种带有空和装备动力交通工具,装在后部的空室或是装在相连的拖挂车内,提供睡眠和做简单的家务,用于野营和消闲的旅行
    A motor vehicle with space and equipment, either in a rear compartment or in an attached trailer, for sleeping and simple housekeeping, used for camping and recreational travel.
  • 一切生活起居都在这个单内进行,这就是细胞。
    All the housekeeping went on in one room.
  • 四、表演场所内,旨在让大众更好地欣赏演出的其他规定,也应以适当方式在一定时内布告周知。
    4、Other good housekeeping rules that will enhance audience enjoyment should be communicated to them through appropriate means for a specified period.
  • 伊丽莎白那一晚上的大部分时都是在她姐姐房里度过的,第二天一大早,彬格莱先生就派了个女佣人来问候她们。过了一会儿,彬格莱的姐姐妹妹也打发了两个文雅的侍女来探病,伊丽莎白总算可以聊以自慰地告诉她们说,病人已略见好转。
    ELIZABETH passed the chief of the night in her sister's room, and in the morning had the pleasure of being able to send a tolerable answer to the enquiries which she very early received from Mr. Bingley by a housemaid, and some time afterwards from the two elegant ladies who waited on his sisters.
  • 珊瑚莓果任一种紫金牛属的常绿灌木中,如菱叶番樱桃,原产于亚洲东部,因其结有一簇簇红色浆果状果实并且持续很长时不掉落而被作为室内盆栽植物栽培
    Any of certain eastern Asian evergreen shrubs of the genus Ardisia, such as spiceberry, cultivated as a houseplant for its clusters of long-lasting, red, berrylike fruits.
  • 这位不快乐的主妇注定要花很多时做乏味的家务事。
    This unhappy housewife was condemned to spend hours at the kitchen sink.
  • 这位主妇忙得整整一星期都抽不出时驾车外游。
    The housewife was so busy that she couldn't find time, during a whole week, to take a ride.
  • 家务活占去了她许多时
    Housework engages much of her time.