  • 这地毯不能折起来。
    The carpet won't double up.
  • 他有才干在本行业中首屈一指。
    His ability carried him to the top of his profession.
  • 这架奇妙的飞机载七名乘客。
    This wonderful plane can carry seven passengers.
  • 这艘货轮够装载五万吨货物直接航行到太平洋沿岸的任何一个港口。
    This freighter can carry a 50000-ton cargo direct to any port along the coast of the Pacific.
  • 这种新式手枪射多远?
    How far does this new pistol carry?
  • 她出众管理才使她成为她那一行的佼佼者。
    Her exceptional ability of management carried her to the top of her profession. (喻)
  • 她能搬走这仪器吗?
    Can she carry this instrument?
  • 他不够演奏这个调子。
    He cannot carry a tune.
  • 人工渠道一种用于供应量或运送圆木的敞开的、有水流通过的人工渠道或斜糟
    An open artificial channel or chute carrying a stream of water, as for furnishing power or conveying logs.
  • 有搬运力的或用于搬运的
    Capable of or used in carrying.
  • 这里只点菜(没有份饭)
    Everything is a la carte.
  • 我们餐馆只点菜(没有份饭)。
    Everything is a la carte here.
  • 由于有着相似的经历,詹姆斯·卡特非常够体会到影片中人物的感受。
    James Carter knows how they feel.
  • 第一任源部长是詹姆斯斯科利辛格,他是被卡特任命。
    the first Secretary of Energy was James R. Schlesinger who was appointed by Carter.
  • 等到吉英复元以后再跳,那真好极了,而且到那时候,卡特尔上尉也许又可回到麦里屯来。
    yes -- it would be much better to wait till Jane was well, and by that time most likely Captain Carter would be at Meryton again.
  • 间叶细胞胚胎的中胚层部分,由生长于胶状基质的、结构松散的、无特定功的细胞组成,这些细胞将会发育成结缔组织、骨、软骨、血液及淋巴系统
    The part of the embryonic mesoderm, consisting of loosely packed, unspecialized cells set in a gelatinous ground substance, from which connective tissue, bone, cartilage, and the circulatory and lymphatic systems develop.
  • 一纸板箱所容纳的量。
    the quantity contained in a carton.
  • 唉,已经不挽回了。
    Well, the die is cast.
  • 可她的本却发出了嘹亮的呐喊,震动了她全身,迫使她超越阶级、地位和得失扑向这个从另一个世界来的旅人,扑向这个手上有伤、喉头叫不习惯的衬衫磨出了红印的粗鲁的年轻人。非常清楚,这人已受到并不高雅的生活的污染,而她却是纯洁的,她的纯洁对他感到抵触。
    while her instincts rang clarion-voiced through her being, impelling her to hurdle caste and place and gain to this traveller from another world, to this uncouth young fellow with lacerated hands and a line of raw red caused by the unaccustomed linen at his throat, who, all too evidently, was soiled and tainted by ungracious existence. She was clean, and her cleanness revolted;
  • castanet发送器是一个服务器应用,当订户的调谐器初始化完成后,发送器就向订户的调谐器发送通道上的更新内容。
    The Castanet Transmitter is a server application that can send a channel's updated content to subscribers tuners when they are first initiated.
  • marimba公司的castanet是一个功齐全的java小应用观察器,它让用户在选择范围广泛的内容通道上进行选择,每个内容通道都有自己的内容和更新时间表。
    Marimb's Castanet is a full-featured Java applet viewer that lets users select from a wide selection of content channels, each offering its own content and update schedule.
  • 我感到震惊的是一个所谓的权威竟然够苛刻地批评成千上万成功而有价值的节目。
    I am appalled that one so - called authority could castigate thousands of successful , worthwhile programs.
  • 迷惑的,受诱惑的够发出魅力或咒语的;迷惑的
    Capable of casting a charm or spell; entrancing.
  • 他们可把一般的熟人和亲密的伙伴都称之为“朋友”。
    They may call both casual acquaintances and close companions “friends.
  • 你们看见事物的大多数人不是偶然地抓住一张脸孔的外部特征并不再去想了吗?
    Do not most of you seeing people grasp casually the outward features of a face and let it go at that?
  • 随便不上班,马马虎虎呢?
    How can an individual be allowed to casually absent himself from work whenever he feels like it?
  • 你可以随意地说:“看了几家公司的速动资产率,虽然看上去问题不大,但还是不马上决定是根据公司的基本情况买股票呢,还是要留意曲线图上股价到顶的显示”。
    You can casually let drop that you "had a look at the quick assets ratio of a few companies but although that seemed fine one cannot tell at the moment whether to buy on fundamentals or to be wary of :o the top look of the charts".
  • 适中的价格可注定它要成为以太网与atm之争的牺牲品。
    Its middle-ground price will probably doom it to be an innocent casualty of the Ethernet vs. ATM war.
  • 为加强消防处处理伤者众多事故的救伤力而设立第二个流动救伤医护中心的计划,以及为所有救护车添置自动心脏去纤震器的计划已进入最后阶段,可望于一九九八年初完成。
    The programmes to commission the second Mobile Casualty Treatment Centre to strengthen the ability of the Fire Services Department to handle multiple casualty incidents and to equip all ambulances with automatic external defibrillators reached a final stage and will be completed in early1998.
  • 盖然论,或然论一种决疑法,根据这种决疑系统,当关于伦理的权威观念就某一行为的合法性存在疑点的,则允许行为者遵行对其个人自由有利的或然的或可的观点,尽管有时相反的有利于法律的观念具有更大的或然性
    The system of casuistry that, in those cases in which expert opinions on ethics are in doubt concerning the licitness of an act, allows an actor to follow the solidly probable opinion that favors the actor's personal liberty even though an opposing opinion, favoring law, may be more probable.
  • 过氧物酶体一种包含酶的细胞器官,如催化剂和氧化剂,够催化过氧化氢的生成和分解
    A cell organelle containing enzymes, such as catalase and oxidase, that catalyze the production and breakdown of hydrogen peroxide.
  • 给所有这些书编目录吗?
    Can you catalog all these books?