  • 因而有计划地造成敌人的错觉,以不意的攻击,是造成优势和夺取主动的方法,而且是重要的方法。
    Hence, deliberately creating misconceptions for the enemy and then springing surprise attacks upon him are two ways -- indeed two important means -- of achieving superiority and seizing the initiative.
  • 这两件事——造成敌人的错觉和出以不意的攻击,即是以战争的不确实性予敌人,而自己以尽可能大的确实性,用以争取我之优势和主动,争取我之胜利。
    These two points -- creating misconceptions among the enemy and springing surprise attacks on him -- mean transferring the uncertainties of war to the enemy while securing the greatest possible certainty for ourselves and thereby gaining superiority, the initiative and victory.
  • 现在社会、学校那些所谓的男性化女生贴上“不适当性别行为”的标志,以“行为不端”的罪名判她们有罪,并且还要改造她们。
    Our society and schools are stigmatizing the so-called tomboys with "improper gender behavior", condemning them or their "misdemeanor", and trying to reform them accordingly.
  • 现在社会、学校那些所谓的男性化女生贴上“不适当性别行为”的标志,以“行为不端”的罪名判她们有罪,并且还要改造她们。
    Our society and schools are stigmatising the so-called tomboys with "improper gender behaviour", condemning them for their "misdemeanour", and trying to reform them accordingly.
  • 我想请人自己拍一张照。
    I'd like to have my photo take.
  • 我想请人自己拍一张照。
    I'd like to have my photo took.
  • 这张照片我了,好吗?
    Let me have the photo, will you?
  • 这张照片我了,好吗?
    Let me have the photo, would you?
  • 你拍照时请别动。
    Please keep still while I take your photo.
  • "我要到新火车站去,但别人我指错了方向。"
    "I wanted to go to the new railway station, but I was misdirected."
  • 我要到火车站去,但别人我指错了方向。
    I wanted to go to the station, but I was misdirected.
  • 住在可怜的棚屋中;供犯人少得可怜的定量
    Lived in a miserable shack; fed the prisoners miserable rations.
  • 他的卑鄙态度整个活动投下了阴影。
    His miserable manner cast a cloud over the whole proceedings.
  • 他衣冠不整往往人一种假象。
    His untidy clothes give one a misguided impression of him.
  • 我一上午的工作已被那个不幸的事全搅了。
    My whole morning's work has been put out of gear by that mishap.
  • 我一个上午的工作全让这倒霉的事弄得乱了套
    My whole morning 's work has been put out of gear by that mishap
  • 曲解,歪曲,误传出假象或使人迷惑的原因;误传
    To give a false or misleading account of; misrepresent.
  • 我已看过大多数中国学生念,有关美国俚语的可寻材料,并发现这些资料写的不是不够好,就是使人产生误解,
    I have looked at most of the available material on American slang for Chinese students and have found it both inadequate and misleading.
  • 在这个敌以错觉和敌以不意以便战而胜之的战争方法上,也就一定能起大的作用。
    Moreover, it will definitely play a big part in carrying out our tactics of defeating the enemy by misleading him and catching him unawares.
  • (四)现时的客观情况,还是容易只观察当前表面现象不观察实质的同志们以迷惑。
    The objective situation today is still such that comrades who see only the superficial appearance and not the essence of what is before them are liable to be misled.
  • 从国内情况看,供结构不适应国内外市场需求变化、居民消费意愿不强、企业效益不高、经济增长粗放等问题尚未根本解决,对今年经济发展的负面影响不可低估。
    On the internal side, fundamental solutions are yet to be worked out to such serious problems as mismatch between supply and demand in domestic and international markets, weakening demand, poor performance of SOEs, and low quality of growth. The negative implications of these problems for this year's economic performance should not be underestimated.
  • 他打算告发他们把货物卖他时作虚伪不实的吹嘘。
    He intends to bring suit against them for misrepresenting the merchandise they sold him.
  • 他把球扔我,但我没接住,球落在了地上。
    He threw the ball to me, but I missed it and it landed on the ground.
  • 这是找您的钱,小姐。
    Here is your change, miss.
  • 躺在床上,他我看他那被岁月扭曲了的躯体上的疤痕,以及他所有的药瓶儿。
    From his bed,he showed me the many sores and scars on his misshapen body and all the bottles for medicine.
  • 传教区分配一个传教者的地区
    The district assigned to a mission worker.
  • 我19岁那年,嫁了一名去中国的传教士。
    At the age of nineteen I married a man who was going to China to be a missionary.
  • "对不起,"我回答说,"我告诉你我是不轻易相信人的,你得拿出证据我看。"
    "Pardon me, " I replied, "when I tell you that I'm from Missouri. You'll have to show me."
  • “我从密苏里来,你得拿证据我看。”
    "I'm from Missouri, you've got to show me."
  • 我们呼出的气渐渐汽车的窗户上蒙上一层水蒸气。
    Our breath is misting up the car windows.
  • 小山给雾遮住了。
    The hill is blotted out by mist.
  • 小山丘薄雾遮住了。
    The hill was blotted out by mist.