  • 1985年新疆被國際自醫學會列為世界上四個長壽地區之一,每百萬人口百歲老人數居全國之冠。
    Xinjiang was cited as one of the four longevity areas in the world by the International Society of Natural Medication in 1985. The number of centenarians per million of Xinjiang’s population ranks first in the country.
  • 哈裏這個人非常守舊,至今仍用普通寫法寫所有的公函。
    Harry is one of the old school and still writes all his business letters in longhand.
  • 她突很想去看望劉大媽。
    She had a sudden longing to go and see Aunt Liu.
  • 後,dns服務執行wins查找和把信息遞交給客戶機。
    The DNS service would then perform the WINS lookup and pass the information back to the client.
  • 把繩子的這一頭兒從這裏穿過後打結。
    Loop that end of the rope through this and knot it.
  • 而,循環內部有一個break語句,可中止循環。
    However, inside the loop there is a break statement that will break out of the loop.
  • 儘管反對派的堅強核心要求維持原狀,但我們仍希望能夠改變規章。
    We lope to be able to change the regulations despite a hard core of objectors who want to leave things as they are.
  • 李先生顯是要移民了。
    To all appearance, Mr. Li is going to migrate.
  • 果然如此。
    Li So there is.
  • “你可知道斯圖爾特先生是什麽人嗎?”“當知道,先生。他是爵爺的長子嘛。”
    "But you know who Mr Stuart is?" "Of course I do, sir. His lordship's son and heir."
  • 卡車突轉彎,與電車相撞?
    The lorry swerved and ran into the tram.
  • 卡車突轉嚮以免撞着那孩子.
    The lorry swerved sharply to avoid the child.
  • 由9月13日公佈的這份排名來看,排名在首位的全球首富仍是微軟公司的創始人之一比爾·蓋茨,不過他也是身價縮水最為嚴重的富豪。
    The biggest loser on the list released Friday was also the richest person: Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates.
  • 數十從一秒數到十秒,在此期間被擊倒的拳擊手必須站起來,不便被宣佈失敗
    The counting from one to ten seconds, during which time a boxer who has been knocked down must rise or be declared the loser.
  • 失去一個直立的狀態。
    suddenly losing an upright position.
  • 途耗或自然損耗險?
    Risk of normal loss(natural loss)?
  • 他們竟失敗了,真沒想到!
    It's surprising: they lost!
  • 他忙於這項工作而對周圍的一切漠處之。
    He was lost to the world in this task.
  • 他們竟失敗了,真沒想到。
    It's surprising they lost.
  • 燙過的頭髮用化學物質塗在濕頭髮上並將頭髮繞在捲軸上,後加熱烘幹而成的長久保持的捲發
    A long-lasting hair wave produced by applying a chemical lotion to the hair while wet, winding the hair on rollers, and drying it with heat.
  • 有大量自的或者人工的光亮。
    having lots of light either natural or artificial.
  • 那個懶漢夢想抽彩中奬得到一大筆錢,後過豪華的生活。
    The lazy man dreamed of winning a fortune on the lottery and hence living on the fat of the land.
  • 的非常大的噪音。
    a sudden very loud noise.
  • 他的聲音突提高了。
    His voice became unawaredly loud.
  • “西格”通過安裝在頭部兩側的麥剋風來分辨人聲,當有人對它說話時,它會通過計算諸如聲音的響度等數據來確定對方的方向,後將頭轉嚮對方。
    Sig recognizes human voices through microphones attached to both sides of its head. It can turn its face toward someone who talks to it by calculating the speaker's location based on data such as the loudness of the voice captured on its microphones.
  • 是路易絲的聲音。
    It was Louise of course.
  • 明登路易斯安那州西北一城市,位於什裏夫波特東北偏東。為此林區及天氣産區的造船中心。人口15,074
    A city of northwest Louisiana east-northeast of Shreveport. It is a shipping center in a lumber and natural gas area. Population,15, 074.
  • 有人拿刀抵着你的喉嚨,你居還不願意捨棄你那幾個錢!
    A man's holding a knife to your throat and you tell him you will not give him the few lousy dollars you have!
  • 有人拿刀抵着你的喉嚨,你居還不願意捨棄你那幾個錢!
    A man 's holding a knife to your throat and you tell him you will not give him the few lousy dollars you have!
  • 那個汽車商賣給我的這輛汽車毛病太多了。我去看他的時候毫不客氣地對他說,賣這麽次的車給我還收我那麽多的錢,你自己應該感到害鱢。雖他並沒有把錢還給我,可是,說了這些話我感到痛快多了。
    I pulled no punches when I went to see the auto dealer who sold me such a lousy car. I told him he ought to be ashamed to charge so much for a car that had so many things wrong with it. No, he didn‘t give me my money back, but I sure felt better afterwards
  • 而,像這樣一座都市,伏爾泰卻說在路易十四以前衹有四座美麗的古跡,即索拜學堂的圓頂、聖恩𠔌教堂、現代的盧浮宮和現已無從查考的另一座,也許是盧森堡宮吧。
    Nevertheless, Voltaire said of this city, that "before Louis XIV., it possessed but four fine monuments": the dome of the Sorbonne, the Val de Grace e, the modern Louvre, and I know not what the fourth was--the Luxembourg, perhaps.
  • 娘兒們都美好而可愛,雌老虎又從何而來?
    Since all the maids are good and lovable from whence come the evil wives?