  • 第二是真正干出几个实绩,来取信于民。
    The second thing is to achieve some visible results.
  • 已经看得见那船了。
    The ship came within range of vision.
  • 街的尽头是个大教堂, 远远望去非常好看.
    This street offers a fine vista of the cathedral.
  • 第七 国家依靠科学技术进步和发展教育振兴农业。
    Article 7 The State shall vitalize agriculture by relying on the progress of science and technology and on the development of education.
  • 他看到一死蛇缠在一根一万六千伏的高压电线上。
    He noticed the remains of a snake which was would round the electric wires of a 16,000-volt power line.
  • 第五 遇有自然灾害等特殊情况,需要临时调剂使用草原的,按照自愿、互利的原则,由双方协商解决;
    Article 5. If there is a need for temporary adjustments in the use of grasslands under special circumstances, such as in the event of natural disasters, the matter shall be settled by the parties concerned through negotiation on the principles of voluntariness and mutual benefit.
  • 先生,我可以看一下您的便吗?
    Can I have your hotel voucher,please?
  • 这是你的行李回执,你凭这个取行李。
    This is your voucher, you can get your luggage back on this.
  • 这是你的行李回执,你凭这个取行李。
    This is your voucher, and you can get your luggage back on this.
  • 他在报纸头上发誓如果球队落选的话,他将从长城上跳下去。
    He made headlines by vowing to jump off the Great Wall if his team stumbled.
  • 船在首次航行时就沉没了.
    The ship went under (ie sank) on its first voyage.
  • 我们能髂过这小河吗?
    Can we wade the brook?
  • 资本的件是雇佣劳动。
    the condition for capital is wage-labour.
  • (三)在军事战略方面,是战略统一下的独立自主的游击战争,基本上是游击战,但不放松有利件下的运动战。
    As far as military strategy is concerned, our policy is guerrilla warfare waged independently and with the initiative in our own hands within the framework of a unified strategy;guerrilla warfare is basic, but no chance of waging mobile warfare should be lost when the conditions are favourable.
  • 他从两街以外的地方就能听到那微弱的哭泣声。
    From two blocks over he could hear the thin wail.
  • 最近在温哥华的一场表演中,当这个曾以纤瘦、苗著称的歌手的腹部从腰带处鼓出时,歌迷们惊诧不已。
    During a recent performance in Vancouver, fans gasped as the former pencil-thin singer's belly hung over her waistband.
  • 她束了一条宽腰带.
    She wore a wide belt round her waist.
  • 该理事会应力图减轻各成员履行这一义务的负担。如果同世界知识产权组织之间关于建立接收上述法律及例的共同登记机构的协商获得成功,则将有关法律及例直接通知该理事会的义务可以决定撤销。
    The Council shall attempt to minimize the burden on Members in carrying out this obligation and may decide to waive the obligation to notify such laws and regulations directly to the Council if consultations with WIPO on the establishment of a common register containing these laws and regulations are successful.
  • 我们走了10英里,就是一狗也会累得精疲力尽。
    We walked ten miles, but that was enough to walk a dog off his legs.
  • 她把收放到皮夹子[手提包]里了。
    She placed the receipt in her wallet [hand-bag].
  • 另一通路由数码港北端通往沙湾径,现正施工。
    The other access road, connecting the northern end of the site with Sha Wan Drive, is under construction.
  • 例如,在系统上运行的一个码服务器的一个dns名为“fe2”,码对象名将为“fe2ws”。
    for example a wand server running on the system with a dns named of " fe2 " will have the wand object named " fe2_ws."
  • 欲运行窗口上的码控制面板需要ivreged.exe文件
    You need ivreged.exe to run the wand control panel on window.
  • 如果缺少此文件,码控制面板就不会工作
    If this file is not present, the wand control panel will not work
  • 如果缺少此文件,码控制面板就不会工作。
    If this file were not present, the wand control panel will not work.
  • 河蜿蜒曲折地流经一些风景秀丽的乡村。
    The river wanders through some beautiful country.
  • 狗醒过来,舒舒服服地伸展了一下身子便走开了。
    The dog wake up, has a good stretch and wander off.
  • 给予他全部的注意;热带地区的全套服装;整头肥猪;整个星期;在整个回家的路上孩子都在哭;整面包。
    gave his whole attention; a whole wardrobe for the tropics; the whole hog; a whole week; the baby cried the whole trip home; a whole loaf of bread.
  • 我们采用国际保险中惯用的“仓至仓”责任款。
    We adopt the warehouse to warehouse clause which is commonly used in international insurance.
  • 我们只保水渍险,包括仓对仓款有效期十五天。
    Out insurance covers only W. P. A. including warehouse to warehouse clause valid for 15 days.
  • 她提醒我这马路很危险,因此我过马路小心翼翼。
    She warned me about the dangerous road, so I crossed it carefully.
  • "被申诉方保证本回复书中包含的信息是就被申诉方所知最完整和准确的,提交的回复书没有类似骚扰的不正当目的,并且本回复书中的声明是根据本例和适用的法律作出的,当前存在,或可基于善意合理的理由而扩充;
    "Respondent certifies that the information contained in this Response is to the best of Respondent's knowledge complete and accurate, that this Response is not being presented for any improper purpose, such as to harass, and that the assertions in this Response are warranted under these Rules and under applicable law, as it now exists or as it may be extended by a good-faith and reasonable argument."