  • 一种在细的一端有窄管的锥形器皿;用来通过小口把流质到容器里。
    a conically shaped utensil having a narrow tube at the small end; used to channel the flow of substances into a container with a small mouth.
  • 有茂密树枝的灌木或有给杜松子酒调味用的蓝色有刺鼻气味的一种小树;广泛布于北半球;针叶线杉只布在冰岛和格陵兰岛的海岸。
    densely branching shrub or small tree having pungent blue berries used to flavor gin; widespread in northern hemisphere; only conifer on coasts of Iceland and Greenland.
  • 新西兰山区的一种矮的布广泛的松类灌木。
    low wide-spreading coniferous shrub of New Zealand mountains.
  • 松柏科的树种;通常认为是独立的一科虽然近来在一些类系统中包括在柏科中。
    coniferous trees; traditionally considered an independent family though recently included in Cupressaceae in some classification systems.
  • 这种推测的根据充
    This conjecture is well founded.
  • 两种部互溶的液体a和b的混合物,形成两种结合溶液:含a的b溶液和含b的a溶液。
    a mixture of two partially miscible liquids A and B produces two conjugate solutions: one of A in B and another of B in A.
  • 共轭子和非共轭
    conjugated molecule and unconjugated molecule
  • 含一种脂肪成的复合蛋白质,是脂肪进入血液的主要媒介。
    a conjugated protein having a lipid component; the principal means for transporting lipids in the blood.
  • 脂蛋白一种复合蛋白质,至少一种成为油脂。脂蛋白是根据其密度和化学质量进行类而来的,并是脂肪进入血液的主要媒介
    Any of a group of conjugated proteins in which at least one of the components is a lipid. Lipoproteins, classified according to their densities and chemical qualities, are the principal means by which lipids are transported in the blood.
  • 催眠析和心理析技巧相结合的催眠术的使用
    The use of hypnosis in conjunction with psychoanalytic techniques.
  • 军队和警察联合行动追捕恐怖子。
    The army is acting in conjunction with the police in the hunt for terrorists.
  • 军方正和警方共同合作搜寻恐怖子。
    The army is acting in conjunction with the police to hunt and find terrorists.
  • 连接两个结构相同的合乎语法成的连接词(象‘and’或‘or’)。
    a conjunction (like `and' or `or') that connects two identically constructed grammatical constituents.
  • 引导一个从属句的连词(象‘since’或‘that’或‘who’。
    a conjunction (like `since' or `that' or `who') that introduces a dependent clause.
  • 小品词某些语法析系统中任意一类有功能的短词,包括冠词、介词和连词
    In some systems of grammatical analysis, any short function word, including articles, prepositions, and conjunctions.
  • 用来指例如关系代词和从属连词之类的词,用以使句子成变成从属成
    used of words such as relative pronouns and subordinating conjunctions that serve to subordinate sentence constituents.
  • 解开,使脱开开…的连接部
    To separate the connected parts of.
  • 关系或联系紧密不可
    closely or inseparably connected or associated with.
  • 他们结婚后在康涅狄克州北部安了家,这地方对于在严寒地区长大的父母来说,看来一定是十炎热的了。
    When they married, they settled in northern Connecticut, a location that must have seemed positively tropical to them after their upbringings.
  • 奇科皮美国马萨诸塞州西南部城市,位于斯普林菲尔德附近康涅狄格河上。始建于约1641年并于1848年从斯普林菲尔德离出来。人口56,632
    A city of southwest Massachusetts on the Connecticut River near Springfield. It was founded c.1641 and set off from Springfield in1848. Population,56, 632.
  • 康涅狄格州方面——共和党自由派参议员维克,与民主党的利伯曼难胜负。利伯曼曾在他250万元竞选广告中把[维克]参议员描绘成一只在关键性投票时呼呼大睡的狗熊。
    Connecticut — Liberal GOP Sen. Lowell Weicker is in a dead heat with Democrat Joseph Lieberman, whose $2.5 million ad campaign portrays the senator as a bear napping through key votes.
  • 其最低费用,自动接线为一钟,手工接线为三钟。
    The minimum charge is one minute for automatic connection and three minutes for manual connection.
  • 取消了连接;变成了开的。
    have the connection undone; having become separate.
  • 叶身体器官和部的细,由裂纹、连接组织或其他组织边界粘连
    A subdivision of a bodily organ or part bounded by fissures, connective tissue, or other structural boundaries.
  • 一种连接装置,用来实现一个或多个系统(和/或子系统)的不同部之间的连接,从而使其获得协同工作的能力。
    A connective device designed to affect operative capability between different parts of one or more systems and/or subsystems.
  • 小梁、小柱任何结缔组织的支撑纤维,伸入一器官之中并构成该器官构架的一部
    Any of the supporting strands of connective tissue projecting into an organ and constituting part of the framework of that organ.
  • 软骨组织一种见于身体的各个部位,如关节、外耳和喉部的坚韧、有弹性、纤维状的连结性组织。是胎儿和幼年脊椎动物骨胳的主要组成部,后来大都转变为骨头
    A tough, elastic, fibrous connective tissue found in various parts of the body, such as the joints, outer ear, and larynx. A major constituent of the embryonic and young vertebrate skeleton, it is converted largely to bone with maturation.
  • 注意,所有这些协议都是基于组的协议,经过优化以便通过有限的带宽和间隔的连通性在无线网络上运行。
    Note that all of these protocols are packet-based protocols that have been optimized to function over a wireless network with limited bandwidth and intermittent connectivity.
  • 组成系统互连电路的大部或全部的接插件和布线部件。例如,个人微机中组成系统的印刷电路模块就是插接在底板上。
    Connector blocks and wiring units constituting most or all of the intercon- necting circuits of a system. For example, the printed-circuit modules of a personal microcomputer that make up the system are mounted by plugging into the backplane.
  • 如果接插件不包括柔韧的连接部,则称为无绳插头。
    On patch cords, if connectors do not include a flexible portion, they are termed cordless plugs.
  • 离就会垮台,团结就能征服。
    Divided we fall , united we conquer.
  •  即将成为中国首位皇帝的"他"要统一这片饱经战争的土地。而他的三个敌人(别由张曼玉、梁朝伟、章子怡扮演)则企图消灭他。于是这位皇帝雇专人(李连杰扮演)来阻止他们。
    China's soon-to-be first emperor is about to conquer the war-torn land and three of his enemies (played by Maggie Cheung, Tony Leung) and Zhang Ziyi to stop them.