  • 适合于达到特定的目的;意味着不关心平、正直与否。
    appropriate for achieving a particular end; implies a lack of concern for fairness.
  • 正义在法律的范围内应用而又受伦理与正原则影响的正义
    Justice applied in circumstances covered by law yet influenced by principles of ethics and fairness.
  • a:你认为更快的经济增长必然意味着更正和更平吗?b:你又来这一套了!更正和更平,它们之间没有必然的联系。
    A: Do you believe that faster economic growth necessarily means greater fairness and equality? B: There you go again! Greater fairness and equality; they don't necessarily tie up.
  • 双方需要有权同等获取法庭的专门技术,以满足平和正义的要求。
    Both sides need to have equal access to forensic expertise in the interests of fairness and justice.
  • 安妮:只有这样才能充分体现出正和选手的真实水平,不会压制和埋没人才。
    Annie: Only in this way can the fairness and levels of the athletes be displayed. The talents will not be suppressed neglected.
  • 去年,入境处更荣获申诉专员嘉许奖,以表扬入境处在致力改善服务质素及促进共行政平方面有出色的表现。
    Last year, the Department was granted the Ombudsman Award in recognition of its outstanding performance in improving the quality of services and promoting fairness in public administration.
  • 对此,中国同广大发展中国家一道,进行了坚决斗争,主持道,仗义执言。
    Together with other developing countries, China has waged a resolute struggle against all such acts of interference, and upheld justice by speaking out from a sense of fairness.
  • 这三项原则进一步完善了中国的法治原则,有利于司法正和保护当事人的合法权利。
    These three principles have further improved China's principle of rule of law, and are conducive to judicial fairness and to the protection of the legitimate rights of the litigants.
  • 中国将与海岸相向或相邻的国家,通过协商,在国际法基础上,按照平原则划定各自海洋管辖权界限;
    Together with the countries with opposite coasts or its neighboring countries, China shall, through consultation and on the basis of international laws and the principle of fairness, fix the dividing lines of each country's marine jurisdiction.
  • 进一步转变政府职能,改进管理方式,推行电子政务,提高行政效率,降低行政成本,形成行为规范、运转协调、正透明、廉洁高效的行政管理体制。
    We should further change the functions of the government, improve the methods of management, introduce e-government, uplift administrative efficiency and reduce costs so as to form an administrative system featuring standardized behaviors, coordinated operation, fairness and transparency, honesty and high efficiency.
  • 于情于法,我们都要让我们的人民受到正的待遇,不论他是哪一个民族、信仰何种宗教、什么性别或性倾向,或者何时来到这个国家。我们时时刻刻都要为了实现先辈们建立高度团结的美利坚合众国的梦想而奋斗。
    In our hearts and in our laws, we must treat all our people with fairness and dignity, regardless of their race, religion, gender or sexual orientation and regardless of when they arrived in our country, always moving toward the more perfect union of our founders' dreams.
  • 在政府工作中,坚持开放、正、高效、廉洁,增强务实精神,提高办事效率,力求奥运筹备工作和项目运作成为体制创新、机制创新、管理创新的典范。
    In government work, we will adhere to the principles of openness, fairness, efficiency and honesty. In the preparation for and operation of the Olympic Games, we will be more practical and effective in an endeavor to set a good example of being innovative in system, mechanism and management
  • 中国发展社会主义经济的基本方针,是兼顾效率与平,让一部分地区、一部分人先富起来,同时鼓励“先富帮后富、先富带后富”,最终实现全体人民的共同富裕。
    China's basic principle for developing a socialist economy is that consideration be given to both efficiency and fairness. While some areas and some people become rich first, they are encouraged to help poor areas and people get rich, so that all the people in the country will ultimately become rich and prosperous.
  • 近年来,中国政府在农村大力推行村委会直接选举制度,根据开、平、正的原则,真正将群众拥护、有能力带领群众改变贫困面貌的人选举为村干部。
    In the past year, the Chinese Government has vigorously carried out the direct election system of villagers ' committees in rural areas, so that people who are really supported by the masses and are able to lead them to shake off poverty can be elected as village cadres according to the principle of openness, fairness and justice.
  • 正、开,平地产生村委会初步候选人,各地不断改进提名办法,经过中共基层组织提名、村民小组提名、村委会换届领导小组提名、村民联名提名、村民自荐等多种提名方式的反复实践,逐渐形成了以村民提名为主的提名方式。
    For the sake of justice, openness and fairness in the process of nominating initial candidates, all localities have constantly improved the nomination methods. After practices of various ways, such as nomination by grass roots Party organizations, by groups of villager representatives, by election leading groups, by a certain number of villagers, or through self-recommendation, the method of nomination by all villagers has become prevalent.
  • 近年来,为严格执法,加强在司法各个环节中对人权的保护,人民法院深入开展审判方式改革,全面推进依法开审判,强化对审判的社会和舆论监督,确保司法正。
    Over the past few years, in a bid to strictly enforce laws and strengthen the protection of human rights during the judicial process, people's courts have carried out an in-depth reform of adjudication methods.Efforts have been made according to law to promote public adjudication in an all-round way, and strengthen the supervision of adjudication by society and public opinion so as to ensure judicial fairness.
  • 近年来,为严格执法,加强在司法各个环节中对人权的保护,人民法院深入开展审判方式改革,全面推进依法开审判,强化对审判的社会和舆论监督,确保司法正。
    Over the past few years, in a bid to strictly enforce laws and strengthen the protection of human rights during the judicial process, people's courts have carried out an in-depth reform of adjudication methods. Efforts have been made according to law to promote public adjudication in an all-round way, and strengthen the supervision of adjudication by society and public opinion so as to ensure judicial fairness.
  •  大气污染物总量控制区内有关地方人民政府依照国务院规定的条件和程序,按照开、平、正的原则,核定企业事业单位的主要大气污染物排放总量,核发主要大气污染物排放许可证。
    The local people's government concerned in the areas for the control of total emission of air pollutants shall check and approve the total emission of major air pollutants by enterprises and institutions and issue them licenses for emission of major air pollutants. It shall do this in accordance with the conditions and procedures provided by the State Council and in line with the principles of openness, fairness and impartiality.
  • 我们司忠实于自己承诺的条件。;我们司忠实于自己的诺言。
    Our company is faithful to the promised terms.
  • 利息一下降给司带来了一个新的问题。
    Falling interest rates present the firm with a new problem.
  • 由於市场需求下降, 这家司的生意每况愈下.
    The company has gone into a decline because of falling demand.
  • 杉恩对车很着迷,作为一个拥有价值百万的电脑司的成功商人,为了庆祝自己重获光明,他买了一辆淡黄色的法拉利,实现了自己的终生梦想。
    Car-mad Shan, a successful businessman with a million pound computer company,celebrated his returned vision by indulging a lifetime fantasy -- he bought a canary yellow Ferrari.
  • 农场办室,听取农场总经理对全面情况的介绍。
    The Farm Office, where a brief introduction to the farm will be given by the general manager of the farm.
  • 一头母牛狂奔着冲过农田,一头牛吼叫着尾随其后。
    A cow charged across the farmland with a bull bellowing(out) after it.
  • 众对社会名流的私生活具有浓厚的兴趣。
    The public is fascinated by the private lives of public figures.
  • 我被两个肥胖的女人紧紧地挤在中间,以致于要站起来下共汽车都很难。
    I was so tightly wedged between two fat women that it was difficult for me to get up and leave the bus.
  • 换句话说,按国家肿瘤研究所罗伯特·胡佛博士的说法,“众对基因决定人不可避免地会得癌的宿命论想法”是无根据的。
    In other words, says Dr. Robert Hoover of the National Cancer Institute, “ the fatalism of the general public about the inevitability of genetic effects” on cancer is unfounded.
  • 它显示了大自然的惊人的和神秘的力量,以及有一个使十几岁的女孩子爱慕的,注定要遇难的工人阶级主人莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥。
    it demonstrates the terrifying and mystical power of nature, and it has in Leonardo DiCaprio a fated working-class hero with whom teen- age girls fall in love.
  • 但是最重要的是,我听说他今天比昨天肥了1斤。
    Still, all in all, I hear he is a kilo fatter today than he was yesterday.
  • 卖方没有错,此事不必争论,建议贵司早日平息此事。
    Our seller faultless cannot dispute will recommend you regard matter closed
  • 这个司发现这种产品不合格就把它收回了。
    The company recalled the product when it was found to be faulty.
  • 事故是由共汽车引擎中一个损坏的零件引起的。
    The accident has been assigned to a faulty part in the engine of the bus.