  • 全国第三大零售商j.c.penney总裁米勒在公司说:“我们三周的业绩,与我们所报今年前43个星期增加百分之五点的增长率相符合。我们非常乐观。”
    At the J.C.Penney Company, the nation's third-largest retailer, David F.Miller, the president, said:"Our three weeks' sales are inline with the 5.1 percent increase we reported for the first 43 weeks of the year. We're very optimistic."
  • 零售商仍在为部分商品的税率而发愁。
    Retailers still stewed about the taxability of a number of items.
  • 直在照管日常的行政工作.
    She has been looking after the ,day-to-day administration.
  • 种新型大如仓库的超级商店进入市面以后,传统式的电脑零售商即受到压力。
    The entry of a new breed of warehouse-sized superstores is putting the squeeze on traditional computer retailers.
  • 德国零售业家族theoandkarlalbrecht的排名上升位排到了第三名,净资产达268亿美元。
    German retailers Theo and Karl Albrecht climbed two notches to No.3, with a net value of $26.8 billion.
  • 不久便在该国各地形成个零售网,出售了1000多个水泵,每个75至125美元之间。
    Soon a network of retailers spread across the country and over 1,000 pumps were sold at a cost of $75-$125.
  • 信用卡公司、银行、政府和零售商也在起工作,以建立和推动因特网上安全的交易。
    Credit card companies, banks, governments and retailers too are working together to create and promote secure transactions over the Internet.
  • 调查表明公司中年长决策人物直在向竞争对手泄露产业秘密。
    Investigation revealed a senior executive in the company had been retailing industrial secrets to a rival concem.
  • westergren说savagebeast公司还将于今年的晚些时候宣布和另家大型音乐制品销售达成使用这技术的协议。
    Westergren says that the company may soon announce a new agreement with another large music retailing partner later this year.
  • 像零售业类的企业,明年底以前便会度过难关,为缓和复苏铺路。
    Industries like retailing will have largely taken their lumps by the end of next year, paving the way for a modest recovery.
  • 物品必须从远处运来时,同个人便无法有效地对制造和销售两者进行监督;
    When things have to be brought from a distance, the same person cannot effectually superintend both the making and the retailing of them;
  • 海关已把支共有147名队员的特遣队纳入常额编制,专责打击非法制造和零售盗版光碟活动。
    The formation of a Special Task Force, comprising 147 Customs officers, was made permanent and the task force continued to take action against illicit manufacturing and retailing of optical discs.
  • 她将所听到的切都告诉她的熟人们。
    She retails everything she hears about to her acquaintances.
  • 这是件零售价格为70便士的物品。
    This is an article that is retailed at seventy pence.
  • 美国人保留着种强烈的假正经的倾向。
    Americans retain a strong prudish streak.
  • 扣下支付金额的部分;用于支付方面。
    retain and refrain from disbursing; of payments.
  • 修了道堤坝挡住洪水。
    A dyke was built to retain the floods.
  • 委任统治权国际联盟授予其某成员国管理某块地区的权力
    A commission from the League of Nations authorizing a member nation to administer a territory.
  • 保留它,还是换另种颜色?
    Retain the red door? Eat humble pie and paint it over?
  • 此种农民,每年劳动结果,自己可得半。
    Such peasants may retain half the product of their year's toil.
  • 个主教所掌管的地区包括个大教堂和许多较小的教堂。
    The area which a bishop administer have one cathedral and many smaller church.
  • 执行个在宗教上的涂油或油膏的祝福仪式。
    administer a sacred oil or ointment to in a religious ceremony of blessing.
  • 双方各持份,每份都应由双方共同签字。
    both parties should sign each copy, and each party should retain a copy.
  • 教区委员会被选举出的委员会,管理个教区的世俗事件
    A committee of members elected to administer the temporal affairs of a parish.
  • 保护法庭委派名财产管理人管理委托人的事务。
    The court of protection appointed a receiver to administer the client's affairs.
  • 所以我们对信息进行分类,仅在任领域中留下够用的信息。
    So we categorize information and retain just enough to be useful in anyone area.
  • 她对于他的这种新印象,由于达西家个老家仆的证明而又得到加深,这老家仆对达西赞不绝口。
    Her new impression of him is strengthened by the evidence of an old Darcy family retainer who has nothing but good to say of Darcy.
  • 般来说,招聘高级经理人才的公司往往以劳务费的形式支付给猎头公司,而那些寻找中层管理人才的公司则会以酬金的形式支付。
    In general, businesses looking for a top-level executive pay a headhunter on a retainer basis, and those looking for middle-level managers pay on a contingency basis.
  • 她被指控给老太太开毒药。
    She is accused of administer a poison to the old lady.
  • 不过亚洲各国只有个君主和大群宦海沉浮的宠臣和官吏,而欧洲则有个人数众多和相当稳定的大土地所有者阶级,后者远不及前者穷奢极欲,因为他们就个人来说拥有的剩余产品要少得多,而且在很长段时间内还要用大部分剩余产品供养他们的家臣。由于社会的好战习俗以及政府无力给予保护,当时大土地所有者为了自身的安全必须豢养批家臣。
    except that, in lieu of a single monarch and a fluctuating body of favourites and employ, there was a numerous and in a considerable degree fixed class of great landholders; exhibiting far less splendour, because individually disposing of a much smaller surplus produce, and for a long time expending the chief part of it in maintaining the body of retainers whom the warlike habits of society, and the little protection afforded by government, rendered indispensable to their safety.
  • 当时,父亲听说英国人计划反攻新马两地,他带着我们家大小从陆路逃难至马六甲镇边缘的个园丘,直到日军投降后,我们才回返新加坡。
    At that time , my father heard that the British were planning to retake Singapore and Malaya.Papa brought us by road deep into plantation country outside Malacca Town. We did not come home until after liberation.
  • 当时,父亲听说英国人计划反攻新马两地,他带着我们家大小从陆路逃难至马六甲镇边缘的个园丘,直到日军投降后,我们才回返新加坡。
    My father heard that the British were planning to retake Singapore and Malaya.Anticipating attacks by air and sea, Papa brought us by road deep into plantation country outside Malacca Town. We did not come home until after liberation.