  • 答应他们奖励可以坚定他们的决心。
    The promise of a reward might stiffen their resolve.
  • 你该我打个电话才是!
    You might have phoned me!
  • 他用双手拿着原稿并且它一个有力的撕破。
    he took the manuscript in both hands and gave it a mighty tear.
  • 米尔德里德要求我在曼梯·里的中学的台阶上把戒指递交他们家。
    Mildred asked me to present the ring to the family on the steps of ML's high school.
  • 她嫁一个演员後,与自己原来的生活环境大不相同,初时觉得这种生活十分陌生.
    Coming from another milieu, she found life as an actor's wife very strange at first.
  • 蒋经国把党和国家交托李登辉的时候,台湾大体上还算一个小康局面:经济欣欣向荣,社会安定,国际上无大风波,两岸关系平稳进展;
    When the late President Chiang Ching-kuo handed the helmof party and government over to Lee Teng-hui, Taiwan was fairly well off. The economy was thriving, public order was satisfactory, the international milieu was quiet, and the ties with China were progressing smoothly.
  • 民兵都由政府发了武器。
    The militiamen have all been issued arms by the government.
  • 民兵抓住小偷,交了警察。
    The militiamen seized the thief and handed him over to the police.
  • 你这个月付款卖牛奶的人了吗?
    Have you paid the milkman this month?
  • 把牛奶瓶交还送牛奶人之前,别忘了要将它里外都冲洗干净。
    Don't forget to swill out the bottle before returning it to the milkman.
  • 记着把牛奶瓶子好好洗一下再还送奶工。
    Remember to wash the bottle out properly before returning it to the milkman.
  • 布朗先生,我想你介绍一下乔治·米勒。
    Mr. Brown, I'd like to introduce George Miller.
  • 在这样形势下,法国以及西班牙、葡萄牙将遭到同样命运,最上品的酒得供应英国世界,只有最下等的劣酒才能留自己,法国至多只能干些小型女帽业那类营生。
    By this arrangement it would fall to the lot of France, together with Spain and Portugal,to supply this English world with the choicest wines, and to drink the bad ones herself: at most France might retain the manufacture of a little millinery.
  • 多谢给我这封信。
    Thanks a million for the letter.
  • 他遗留妻子三百万镑。
    He left his wife3 million pounds.= He left3 million pounds to his wife.
  • 我女儿想嫁一位百万富翁,那根本不可能!
    My daughter wants to marry a millionaire. Some hopes!
  • 你的病人要长期住院吗?—你自己算算好了,他是个百万富翁呢。
    Well this patient of yours be long in hospital? —Work it out for yourself, he's a millionaire.
  • 你这病人要长期住院吗?你自己算算好了,他是个百万富翁呢。
    Will this patient of yours be long in hospital? - work it out for yourself, he ' a millionaire.
  • 你这病人要长期住院吗?你自己算算好了,他是个百万富翁呢。
    Will this patient of yours is long in hospital?- Work it out for yourself, he' a millionaire.
  • 她的父亲一贫如洗,为父亲的缘故,她打算嫁一个极其富有而粗鄙的人。
    She is going to marry a perfect hog of a millionaire for the sake of her father, who is as poor as a church mouse.
  • 卫生署也负责提供长者健康服务。该署设有18间长者健康中心和18支长者健康外展队伍,致力为长者提供更佳的基层健康护理服务,提高长者自我照顾的能力,引导他们养成良好的生活习惯,鼓励家人予更大的支持,从而使长者染病和罹患残疾的机会减至最低。
    The Department of Health provides Elderly Health Services through 18 elderly health centres and 18 visiting health teams to enhance primary health care for the elderly, improve their self-care ability, encourage healthy living and strengthen family support so as to minimise illness and disability.
  • 部长被予警察保护。
    The minister is given police protection.
  • 你必须卫生部写信。
    You must write to the Ministry of Health.
  • 他决定卫生部写信。
    He decided to write to the Ministry of Health.
  • 她用甜言蜜语诱他买貂皮大衣她。
    She wheedled him into buying her a mink coat.
  • 她用诱骗的手段迫使他买她一件貂皮大衣。
    She shanghaied him into buying her a mink coat.
  • 这位女子甜言蜜语地说服她丈夫她买了一件貂皮大衣。
    The woman sweet-talk her husband into buy her a mink coat.
  • 这位女子甜言蜜语地说服她丈夫她买了一件貂皮大衣。
    The woman sweet talk her husband into buy her a mink coat.
  • 她穿上衣服,就自己弄了点早饭,然后她问敏妮该去哪里看看。
    She worked, after dressing, to arrange a little breakfast for herself, and then advised with Minnie as to which way to look.
  • 她们一起把当天的事情做完。嘉莉洗碗,敏妮孩子脱衣服,放他到床上去。
    Together they finished the labour of the day, Carrie washing the dishes while Minnie undressed the baby and put it to bed.
  • 铸币费政府支付铸币厂的钱
    The fee paid to a mint by a government.
  • 能给我一面镜子吗?
    Can I have a mirror, please?