  • 各种水溶性的化合物,有酸味,能石蕊变红,和碱反应可形成盐。
    any of various water-soluble compounds having a sour taste and capable of turning litmus red and reacting with a base to form a salt.
  • 指导宗教仪式礼拜式部分和祈祷者表演独奏曲一样的演唱或颂圣歌的犹太教官员。
    the official of a synagogue who conducts the liturgical part of the service and sings or chants the prayers intended to be performed as solos.
  • 圣·克里斯托夫基督殉道者,被描述为归依基督教的巨人,致力于游人背过河去。他的节日为七月二十五日,从1969年天主教礼拜仪式日历起中断
    Christian martyr often depicted as a giant who converted to Christianity and thereafter devoted himself to carrying travelers across a river. His feast, July25, was dropped from the Catholic liturgical calendar in1969.
  • 里兹队和利物浦队明天加赛一场以决胜负。
    Leeds and Liverpool will play off their tie tomorrow.
  • 一名受伤出租汽车司机把两名涉嫌向他攻击的青年匪徒之一载到布朗克斯一个警察局门前放下,向他们倒一军。
    A wounded livery cab driver turned the tables on a pair of youthful robbers yesterday when he dropped off one of his alleged assailants on the front steps of a Bronx police station.
  • 于是,他自告奋勇向玛丽·安妮说:“如果这个孩子的一家人能到洛杉矶来,我乐意为他检查。”他在加州大学洛杉矶分校安排导管插入手术,然后建议根据诊断结果进行治疗。
    He made Mary Anne an offer: "I’ll be happy to examine the boy if his family can come to Lo Angeles'" He would arrange for a catheterization at U. C. L. A., then advise on treatment based on the results.
  • 程序模块“集中”起来装入且在存储器中分配其相对位置的语言处理器。在虚拟存储系统中,收集模块力图以最大限度地减少处理虚拟存储中断的方式目标代码安排在页面或段中。
    A language processor that"collects"modules for loading and assigns their relative positions in storage;in a virtual storage system, a collector attempts to place object code in pages/segments in such a way as to minimize virtual storage interrupts during processing.
  • 为理顺中央银行与商业银行的资金关系,提高商业银行贷款能力,促进经济发展目标的实现,中央银行今年择机降低商业银行的准备金率,同时减少商业银行向中央银行的借款。
    To straighten out the capital relationship between the central bank and commercial banks, enhance the loaning capacity of commercial banks and promote the accomplishment of economic development goals, the central bank will lower the reserve fund rate of commercial banks at the opportune time this year, and simultaneously reduce commercial banks's borrowings from the central bank.
  • 1992年届,展望单一市场已迫在眉睫,工商界人士与政府官员都不愿允许日本人全力竞争。
    With 1992 and the prospect of a single market bearing down on them, many businessmen and government officials are loath to allow full Japanese competition.
  • 明早你是否能帮我行李拿到大厅?
    Can you bring my baggage down to the lobby tomorrow morning?
  • 明早你是否能帮我行李拿到大厅?
    Could you bring my baggage down to the lobby tomorrow morning?
  • 在八点半去接你,请在大堂等我。
    I 'll call for you at 8:30 so wait for me in the lobby.
  • 在八点半去接你,请在大堂等我。
    I'll call for you at8:30 so wait for me in the lobby.
  • 秋雨一开始,这里成一片泥泞。
    When the fall rains come, there won't be anything here but a loblolly.
  • 独立评审委员会介入后,经其“指点",中方“立即放弃了内环模式”,“热衷地分析随动环”,进行了“独立评审委员会建议进行的仿真试验”,并最终故障定位在随动环。
    It was not until the IRC "directed'' that the Chinese "abandoned testing of the inner frame'', "started vigorously testing the follower frame'', staged the simulation test at the suggestion of the IRC and finally localized the failure to the follow-up frame.
  • 国内大部分地方是乾燥天气,但局部地区可能下点雨。
    Most of the country will be dry, but there may be some rain locally.
  • 新店开设于梅因街。
    He located his new store on Main Street.
  • 这座大楼建在市中心。
    The new building will be located in the center of town.
  • 这所新医院建在你们学院附近。
    The new hospital is to be located near your college.
  • 那位军想找出敌人营地的位置。
    The general tried to locate the enemy 's camp.
  • 并且在不久的来,这种芯片除了帮助人们寻找走失的孩子和老年痴呆症患者之外,它还给人类带来许多其他的帮助。
    And it may soon offer many other benefits besides locating lost children or elderly Alzheimer patients.
  • 新厂长把他前任的所有职责接过来。
    "The young director will soon take over the duties of his predecessor lock, stock and barrel."
  • 这秘密深藏心里。
    The secret was locked in her heart.
  • 当最后一项入帐后,这位职员才合上帐簿其放回原处,上锁后再回家。
    When the last item had been duly entered in the ledger, the clerk closed it and put in its usual place before locking up and going home.
  • 但我依旧充满希望:当暴风雨过去,helice,我生命中的北极星,最终定会重放光芒,我的航程照亮,用她可爱的光辉驱散我悲伤的阴云。
    Yet hope I well,that when this storme is past My Helice the lodestar of my lyfe will shine again,and looke on me at last,With lovely light to cleare my cloudy grief.
  • 如果他们授权给一个小组,他们会得到最理想的结果。
    They shall reach the best results if they lodge power in a group.
  • 他们用一根粗大的木头门砸开
    They broke down the door with a big heavy log
  • 所以倘若您习惯e作为自然对数的基数使用,那么在java中看到象“1.39e-47f”这样的表达式时,请转换您的思维,从程序设计的角度思考它;
    So if you’re used to thinking in terms of e as the base of natural logarithms, you must do a mental translation when you see an expression such as 1.39 e-47f in Java;
  • 木商的雇工砍伐树木以及木材送给工厂的人;伐木工
    One who fells trees and transports the timber to a mill; a logger.
  • 完成了这项工程,消除旱涝威胁。
    Completion of this work will remove the threat of drought and water - logging.
  • 通过局域网放入话音大大节省pbx的升级费用,而这种升级不管是为了满足需求的增加,还是为了增加特性,如自动拨号、登录电话或者鼠标点击的电话会议等。
    Putting voice through the LAN will save significantly on upgrading the PBX, whether to meet increases in demand or to add features like autodialing, logging calls or point-and-click conference calling.
  • 众议院有两个法案六百多万英亩土地划为禁止伐木区。这或许足够拯救猫头鹰、钓鱼和旅游业。两上议案同时也设法缓和当地社区所受的经济损害。
    There are two bills in the House that would put more than six million acres off limits to logging. That's probably enough to save the owl, fishing and tourism. Both bills also seek to cushion the economic hardship in local communities.