  • 法国以其佳肴和美酒著
    France is famous for its fine food and wine.
  • 洛阳名园
    famous garden of Luoyang
  • 苏州名园
    famous garden of Suzhou
  • 扬州名园
    famous garden of Yangzhou
  • 不著或者没有受到称赞。
    not famous or acclaimed.
  • 中国古代著名舞人
    famous dancers in ancient China
  • 国际著名音乐比赛
    famous international competitions of music
  • 一级方程式车队)。
    Famous Fomula One teams(.
  • 著名的;闻名的
    Having great fame; famous.
  • 名牌还有很多。
    Many more brands are famous.
  • 的人往往相照得多。
    The famous are photographed often.
  • 他通过艰苦工作而成
    He becomes famous by hard work.
  • 他污损了自己的誉。
    He compromised his reputation.
  • 如此举动将会损害你的誉。
    Such conduct will compromise your reputation.
  • 流言语大大地损害了他的誉。
    The rumors hurt his reputation badly.
  • 香港中乐团一行86人,除了在温哥华举行两场音乐会外,还在多伦多著的莱汤逊音乐厅举行一场音乐会。
    The 86-member Chinese orchestra performed two concerts in Vancouver and one at the prestigious Roy Thomson Hall in Toronto.
  • 杭州以风景优美著
    Hang Zhou is famous for its scenic beauty.
  • 他替自己起了个字。
    He carved out a name for himself.
  • 虽然约翰最初挣的钱难以维持生活,但他还是设法使自己成为一演员而发了迹。
    John managed to carve out a career for himself as an actor, though at first he hardly earned enough to keep body and soul together.
  • 我怀着无比激动的心情写下以上的亲身经历,盼望通过《联合早报》再次向三位没有留下姓的好心人,致以深深的谢意!
    Now, by telling my stories, I would like to express our deepest gratitude, through Lianhe Zaobao, to all the good Samaritans, who did not leave their names.
  • 我认得她,但想不起她的字了。
    I know her face but I can't call her name to mind.
  • 他看上去非常面熟,但我想不起他的字来了。
    He looks so familiar but I can't remember his name.
  • 导演叫这女演员休息一下。
    The director told the actress to have a rest.
  • 这一空缺有三候选人。
    There are three candidates for the vacancy.
  • 这是四川菜,请大家不必客气。
    This food is a Sichuan specialty. Help yourself, please.
  • 陪审团宣告他谋杀罪(的罪)不成立. Cf 参看 convict.
  • 这所学校每年招收六十男女新生.
    The school admits sixty new boys and girls every year.
  • 她通过与几位诗人的交往而出了.
    She became famous through her association with several poets.
  • 她年轻时是个有的美人.
    She was a famous beauty in her youth.
  • 他在品德[誉]上毫无瑕疵.
  • 他获得了声牺牲了健康和幸福.
    His fame was bought at the expense of health and happiness.
  • 工会让会员们以无记方式就所建议的改革进行表决.
    The union balloted its members on the proposed changes.