  • 我总不清johnwaite和johnwhite。
    I always confuse John Waite with/and John White.
  • 投资者不可以把这个百比与股息率混淆。
    One should not confuse the percentage stated as dividend yield.
  • 我总是不清约翰和他的哥哥,他们长得太像了。
    I always confuse John with his brother; they are very much alike.
  • 她在写账时似乎不清我的和你的。
    She seems to confuse meum et tuum in making out her accounts.
  • 混乱各部混乱或错综的关系
    A confused or intricate relationship of parts.
  • 在这支协奏曲之下,在其最深处,可以隐隐约约辨出各教堂里面的歌声,从拱顶每个颤动的毛孔里沁透出来。
    Below, in the very depths of the concert, you confusedly distinguish the interior chanting of the churches, which exhales through the vibrating pores of their vaulted roofs.
  • 我总不清小麦和玉米。
    I'm always confusing wheat with/and corn.
  • 网球的记使人难以明白。
    The scoring system in tennis is confusing.
  • 你把两个观点弄混了,你该设法在头脑里把他们区开。
    You are confusing two ideas -- you should try to separate them out in your mind.
  • 近日早报讨论华文程度低落的文章引起英文报的一些反应,其中一些人认为华文报读者杞人忧天,对语文生态过度反应,也认为华文知识子刻意模糊事实,意图哄抬华文的量。
    Recent articles in Zaobao on the declining standard of the Chinese language have attracted responses from the English press. Some of them are of the view that readers of Chinese-language newspapers are over-reacting to groundless worry. They also believe Chinese intellectuals are deliberately confusing the situation, attempting to play up the importance of the Chinese language.
  • 一个多毛的多年生草本植物大属,布于西亚至非洲西北部和北美;个别为观赏植物。
    large genus of perennial hairy herbs of Europe to western Asia to northwestern Africa and North America; few are ornamental; often considered congeneric with Pilosella.
  • 胳膊或腿先天缺少一部
    congenital absence of part of an arm or leg.
  • 无脑畸形大部大脑和脊髓先天性缺失
    Congenital absence of most of the brain and spinal cord.
  • 绿道医院拥有一个自己的心脏库,里面保存了1300多颗儿童心脏,这些心脏大部来自于因先天性心脏病而夭折的儿童。
    The hospital has what it calls a heart library, which stores over 1300 hearts, mainly from children with congenital heart disease.
  • 最近发表在《遗传学咨询》杂志上的一份综合性研究表明近亲婚姻所生的小孩患上主要遗传性疾病如先天性心脏缺陷的可能性只比一般小孩略高--大约比平均的3%到4%高出两个百点。
    A comprehensive study published recently in the Journal of Genetic Counseling indicates such children run an only slightly higher risk of significant genetic disorders like congenital heart defects -- about two percentage points above the average 3% to 4%.
  • 通常是二十五钟,不过今天高速公路严重堵塞。
    Normally, twenty-five minutes, but today the freeway is terribly congested.
  • 在十狭窄的街道上,行人车辆逐渐增多,形成了极其拥挤的状况。
    In very narrow streets the traffic builds up and great congestion is created.
  • 这条隧道是机场核心计划运输走廊的主要部,有助纾缓目前两条海底隧道的挤塞情况。
    It is a key part of the ACP transport corridor and helps relieve congestion at the two existing cross-harbour tunnels.
  • numa通过开的较小总线让每个节点内的处理器互相通信并与本地存储器通信来减轻smp的总线阻塞情况。
    NUMA reduces some of the bus congestion of SMP by having the processors in a node communicate with one another and their local memories via separate, smaller buses.
  • 析家们认为,那些遇到有媒介拥挤问题,且其工作站不需要快于10兆位/秒速度的公司最好用交换式以太网。
    Companies finding they have a media congestion problem with stations that do not need to run more quickly than 10M bit/sec are better off going with switched Ethernet, analysts said.
  • 一家美国的大联合企业持有该公司的大部股份
    An American conglomerate holds a major share in the company
  • 由一些人完成的担危险的探险活动。
    a venture by a partnership or conglomerate designed to share risk or expertise.
  • 库阿语,在加纳和象牙海岸部地区使用的尼日尔--刚果中南部语言,主要变体是芳蒂语和特维语,包括阿散蒂语
    A South Central Niger-Congo language spoken in parts of Ghana and the Ivory Coast whose two main varieties are Fante and Twi, including Ashanti.
  • 绘画及其相关艺术;有关学校的活动;有关胶态离子的形成是有去污能力的活性子聚集在水油接触面。
    painting and the related arts; school-related activities; related to micelle formation is the...ability of detergent actives to congregate at oil-water interfaces.
  • 该争论于国会分裂。
    The issue has polarized congress.
  • 国会对这一切十了解。
    Congress clearly understood this all along.
  • “虽然纳米前景看好,一些科学家认为纳米技术的定义太模糊,大部有关它的宣传与目前科学的推测并不相符”,国会研究部门的报告指出。
    "While nanotechnology may hold great promise, some scientists contend that the field's definition is too vague and that much of its 'hype' may not match the reality of present scien tific speculation", noted a Congressional Research Service report last year.
  • 由专家和安全官员对中国1995年秘密资料的评估中的一份或全部都于1996年被提供给了某些国会委员会——包括万顿任主席的hnsc会,这或许就是fy1997国防授权法案(fy1997nationaldefenseanthorizatonactndaa)中1996年国会禁令的造因,并于fy1998和fy1999ndaa中反复出现。“不可授权拔款,也不让能源部在1997财政年获得拔款”,而这可能扩展到任何与和中国进行有关核武器技术的合作项目有关联的行为上。(标题xxxi,3137(a)部国防授权法案fy1997年)
    One or both of the "classified" assessments by the Experts and the Security officials of the PRC Secret 1995 document was apparently provided in 1996 to certain Congressional Committees-including Chairman Weldon's HNSC Subcommittee-and may have been the cause of a 1996 Congressional prohibition in the FY 1997 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which was repeated in the FY 1998 and FY 1999 NDAA:"No funds authorized to be appropriated or otherwise available to the Department of Energy for fiscal year 1997 may be obligated or expended for any activity associated with the conduct of cooperative programs relating to nuclear weapons or nuclear weapons technology, including stockpile stewardship, safety, and use control, with the People's Republic of China." (Title XXXI, Section 3137(a). National Defense Authorization Act for FY 97)
  • 中纬线将球体或其他球面成相导两部的圆
    A circle that divides a sphere or other surface into congruent parts.
  • 准线穿过产生圆锥部或圆柱的母线而形成的固定曲线
    The fixed curve traversed by a generatrix in generating a conic section or a cylinder.
  • 圆锥的一部,其切面既不平行于轴和基面,也不平行于圆锥母线
    A conic section whose plane is not parallel to the axis, base, or generatrix of the intersected cone.
  • 描述圆锥曲线部形状的比率;长轴长度与焦距距离比。
    (geometry) a ratio describing the shape of a conic section; the ratio of the distance between the foci to the length of the major axis.