  • 你出价多少?
    How much did you bid?
  • 出价提出付给的价钱
    To propose as payment; bid.
  • 再没什么人价了吗?
    Is nobody else going to bid?
  • 出价买某物
    To make a bid for something
  • 叫价过低标过低价值
    To make an unnecessarily low bid.
  • 在拍卖中为买一件家具而提高
    Bid up for a piece of furniture
  • 20镑买这匹马。
    He bid £ 2 0 for the horse.
  • 价1,000英镑购买首饰。
    He bid £1, 000 for the jewel.
  • 她给这本书价五镑。
    She bid £5 for the book.
  • 叫价低于…于低于(竞争对手)
    To bid lower than(a competitor).
  • 那张桌子她价十美元。
    She made a bid of ten dollars on the table.
  • 一种向购买者发礼品的销售或者只允许某些购买者价的销售。
    Sales where gift are given to purchaser or where only certain purchaser are allowed to make bid.
  • 拍卖时各价人对这幅名画竞争很激烈.
    Competition between bidders for this valuable painting has been keen.
  • 那只金表卖给了价最高的买主
    The gold watch went to the highest bidder.
  • 这批货卖给价最高的人。
    The lot are sold to the highest bidder.
  • 这批货卖给价最高的人
    The lot is sold to the highest bidder
  • 这幅画已卖给价最高的人。
    This painting is knocked down to the highest bidder.
  • 最後一位价者的价胜过前面任何一位。
    The last bidder's offer trump that of all the others.
  • 最後一位价者的价胜过前面任何一位
    The last bidder 's offer trumps that of all the others
  • 房子卖给了价最高的人。
    The house went to the highest bidder, ie the person who offered the most money.
  • 拍卖一种将财产或物品卖给最高价者的公开
    A public sale in which property or items of merchandise are sold to the highest bidder.
  • “三十法郎,”第一个价的人又叫了,口气似乎是对别人加价感到恼火。
    'Thirty, ' said the first bidder, in a tone which seemed to defy anybody to go higher.
  • 根据国际惯例,投标人要缴纳保证金,或由银行具保证函。
    According to international practice, bidder need to hand in a cash deposit or letter of guarantee from the bank.
  • 教他可把自己的体力和脑力以最高价售,但绝对不要卖自己的心灵和灵魂。
    Teach him to sell his brawn and brains to the highest bidder, but never to put a price on his heart and soul.
  • 二十五年前作家罗宾·库克(robincook)写了一本小说《昏迷》,讲述了一个黑市医疗阴谋,在这个黑市中人体器官待价而沽,被拍卖给价最高的人。
    Twenty-five years ago, author Robin Cook wrote Coma, a novel about a black-market medical scheme where organs were auctioned to the highest bidder.
  • 告密的人是警察和歹徒之间的主要接触点,往往被双方都瞧不起。这种眼线很多都是把自己卖给价钱得最高的人的。
    The informer is the main point of contact between the police and the criminal classes, and is usually despised by both. Many of these pimps are on sale to the highest bidder.
  • 很快就有很多人价了。
    B-was brisk.
  • 出价比预期的要高
    The bidding was higher than expected.
  • 交易现僵局,请价以打破僵局。
    Business standstill try bidding any price for breaking deadlock.
  • 完全有计划的战略退却,在形式上是被逼此的,在内容上是保存军力,待机破敌,是诱敌深入,准备反攻。
    In appearance a fully planned strategic retreat is made under compulsion, but in reality it is effected in order to conserve our strength and bide our time to defeat the enemy, to lure him in deep and prepare for our counter-offensive.
  • 把大的拣出来。
    Sort out bigger ones
  • 他在他读到的诗行里感到了伟大和光辉,却辞不达意,表达不自己的感受。
    He had felt the bigness and glow of life in what he had read, but his speech was inadequate.