  • 个人经历中最引以为荣的事情:克服幼儿时期所患的诵读困难症后以第二名的优异成绩毕业于所中学。
    Resume highlight: Overcame childhood dyslexia to graduate second in his high-school class.
  • 俟恢复报盘,我们会毫不迟疑地和您联系。
    As soon as we resume offering, we shall not hesitate to contact you.
  • 出阵,开战如在军事行动区项运动中,令其开始或重新开始
    To begin or resume activity, as in military operations or in a sport.
  • 般情况下你不得不先拼凑起份个人简历,再等待消息。
    " Usually you have to put together a resume and wait to hear something.
  • 截至九九七年,约10公里长的高噪音道路已使用特别的多孔低噪音物料重铺,惠及约14400个家庭。
    By 1997, about 10 kilometres of noisy roads had been resurfaced with a special porous, low-noise road surface bringing some relief to about 14400 households.
  • 政府的个行政单位。
    an administrative unit of government.
  • 其中之是改善了的监督体制,它会及时发现传染病的发生和再生以及携带这些传染病的带菌媒介。
    One would include improved surveillance systems that would promptly spot the emergence or resurgence of infectious diseases or the vectors that carry them.
  • 中国实现统后,两岸可互补互助,共同发展经济,振兴中华。
    After national reunification the two sides of the Taiwan Straits can pool their resources and make common cause in economic development and work towards China's resurgence.
  • 和平统,有利於全民族的大团结,有利於台湾社会经济的稳定和发展,有利於全中国的振兴和富强。
    Peaceful reunification will greatly enhance the cohesion of the Chinese nation. It will facilitate Taiwan's socio-economic stability and development and promote the resurgence and prosperity of China as a whole.
  • 土耳其的省土耳其的个行政区划
    An administrative division of Turkey.
  • 个种;含生草;含生草。
    one species: rose of Jericho; resurrection plant.
  • 年初,些源自本地的价格压力明显重现。
    Some resurrection of domestic price pressure was apparent in the early part of the year.
  • 奥西里斯古埃及冥神,其每年次的死亡与复生人格化了大自然自我更新的生命力和多产的特点
    The ancient Egyptian god whose annual death and resurrection personified the self-renewing vitality and fertility of nature.
  • 福音书新约圣经的前四本书之,记载了耶稣的生平、死亡、复活和他的教导
    One of the first four books of the New Testament, describing the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus and recording his teaching.
  • 但是它们也不容我再起来,我就不得不躺着等它们的恶毒的主人高兴在什么时候来解救我。我帽子也丢了,气得直抖。我命令这些土匪放我出去——再多留我分钟,就要让他们遭殃——我说了好多不连贯的、恐吓的、要报复的话,措词之恶毒,颇有李尔王之风。
    but they would suffer no resurrection, and I was forced to lie till their malignant master pleased to deliver me: then, hatless and trembling with wrath, I ordered the miscreants to let me out--on their peril to keep me one minute longer-with several incoherent threats of retaliation that, in their indefinite depth of virulency, smacked of King Lear.
  • 他认为行政管理上的这些琐事都不值顾.
    He regarded all these administrative details as beneath his notice.
  • 沃尔顿建立了个零售业的大公司。
    Walton built a retail giant.
  • 地区,行政区个地域的分支,如为了管理的目的
    A division of an area, as for administrative purposes.
  • 公牛队服装从19891990年以来已经是nba的最畅销商品,协会和零售业提供消息的人士估计乔丹的运动衫在整个90年代nba所有产品销售额中占了将近1/4。经济学家估计协会总零售额的20%要归功于乔丹。
    Bulls apparel has been the league's top seller since 1989-90. NBA and retailing sources estimate that Jordan's jerseys account for nearly a quarter of all sales through the 1990S, economists figured that Jordan was responsible for 20% of the league's gross retail sales.
  • 这些短袜零售价格5美元双。
    These socks retail at $ 5 a pair.
  • 零售在月份稍微减少。
    Retail sales were off a hair in January.
  • 托管地由受托国管理的这样片地区
    A region under such administration.
  • 种商品种类多分成许多部来经营的大零售商店;通常它们采用联锁店零售经营的形式。
    a large retail store organized into departments offering a variety of merchandise; commonly part of a retail chain.
  • 乔丹和公牛队是零售业的宠儿,19951996年度零售总额达到31亿美元的最高峰值。
    Gross retail sales peaked at $3.1 billion in 1995-96.
  • 议行合一制
    combination of legislature and administration
  • 在我们销售额中只有小部分来自零售商店的销售。
    Only a small proportion of our sale come from retail shop.
  • 生产成本曾度与零售价格完全脱节。
    Production costs were once entirely out of joint with retail prices.
  • 当我们支付所购物品时,零售商将把我们的智能卡插人个付账终端机中,这时支付的金额就从我们的卡中转移到零售商的卡中。
    When we pay for goods, the retailer will insert our small card into a payment terminal and money will be transferred from our card to the retailer's card.
  • 我同这行业中的所有大批发商和零售商有着很好的业务联系。
    I enjoy a good business relationship with all the leading wholesaler and retailer in that line.
  • 佩佛同样也收购了些小型因特网公司,例如网上零售商shopping.com和城市导航开发产品zip2。
    Pfeiffer has also been buying small Internet companies, such as online retailer Shopping.com and city-guide developer Zip2.
  • 零售商可以吸取部分涨价因素,但他定会按定的比例转嫁给顾客。
    The retailer can absorb some of the increase in costs, but he is certain to pass on a percentage to the customer.
  • 据英国网上零售商amazon.co.uk公司公布的项调查,在情人节这天寄出的情书中有九分之都是那些担心自己在"可怕"的情人节这天收不到情人卡,为挽回面子自己为自己寄出的。
    One in nine love missives received on Valentine's Day were sent by people to themselves "to save face on the dreaded V-day," according to a survey released by online retailer amazon.co.uk on Thursday.