Chinese English Sentence:
  • 公主这差事固有许多好处——正如对于只有一辆爬坡都费力的老爷车的女孩子来说,豪华轿车实在是不可抗拒的诱惑;而,米娅生性腼腆害怕皇室高位带来的聚光灯.
    The job carries plenty of perks - a limo is mighty tempting to a girl whose Mustang can barely make it up a hill - but Mia's a shy type who dreads the spotlight a royal perch would bring.
  • 琳达突大声喊道:“不是那么回事!”
    Linda broke out,"That's not so!"
  • 飞机往上爬升,后向东飞去。
    The plane climbed and lined out east.
  • 嗯,我确定有些并不是失误,但我没说什么,我记得在我第一次落网,而第二次发了擦网球,后当你重新再发第二球时,巡边员判球出界了,我可以发誓我看到球打中了边线,我想巡边员准是瞎了眼了。
    Yes. I'm sure a few of those weren't faults, but I said nothing. I remember when you played a netball on your first serve, and a let-ball on your second. Then when you played the second serve again, the linesman ruled that the ball went out of bounds. I could have sworn that I saw it hit the sideline. I think the linesman must be blind.
  • 空屋里仍飘溢著她的香水味。
    The smell of her perfume linger in the empty house.
  • “女人持家教子,男人挣钱糊口”这种过去的旧观念依存在。
    The opinions of past generations that "a woman's place is in the home" and "a man should be the bread-winner" still linger on.
  • 传统信仰本身不能解释过时观念为何仍在中国普遍存在。
    Traditional beliefs do not in themselves explain the lingering prevalence of outdated concepts in China.
  • 近年来,国际局势虽趋缓和,但天下并不太平,地区形势持续紧张,武装冲突和局部战争连绵不断,霸权主义和强权政治依存在。
    In recent years, while there has been some relaxation in the international situation, peace has not prevailed in the world. On the regional level, tensions persist. Armed conflicts and local wars break out continuously and hegemonism and power politics are still lingering on.
  • 她的嗓音很轻快,而最后的几句话速度就下来了-罗赛蒂。
    her voice was swift, yet ever the last words fell lingeringly -Rossetti.
  • 他住院了,他的心还和群众连在一起。
    Although in hospital, his heart remained linked with the masses.
  • 他绝不研究在杜纳福尔和自操作法之间应当有何取舍,既不替胞囊反对子叶,也不替舒习尔反对林内。
    he made not the slightest effort to decide between Tournefort and the natural method; he took part neither with the buds against the cotyledons, nor with Jussieu against Linnaeus.
  • 受伤的狮子突向我冲了过来。
    The wounded lion suddenly charged at me.
  • samburu国家公园的动物看管员周一发现这只母狮子竟和一只刚出生四、五天名叫"复活节"的小羚羊待在一起。
    Game wardens at Samburu National Park said Monday they had found the lioness with a four or five-day-old oryx called Easter Saturday.
  • 在非洲,狮子本是羚羊的天敌,而samburu国家公园中的一只母狮子居违背了其"非洲头号食肉动物"的天性,在一年内收养了三只本被它们视为美餐的非洲羚羊幼崽。
    A lioness who has already defied nature twice this year by adopting a baby oryx -- an antelope that Africa's top predator usually likes to eat -- has done it again, adopting a third oryx.
  • 意大利人是何等泰自若地面对厉行节约的!
    How the Italians are facing up to austerity with a stiff upper lip!
  • 我到处在找我的唇膏,但仍没能找到。
    I've hunted high and low for my lipstick and I still can't find it.
  • 第三十八条 城市人民政府应当有计划地改进燃料结构,发展城市煤气、天气、液化气和其他清洁能源。
    Article 38 Urban people's governments shall, in a planned way, improve the composition of fuel, and develop coal gas, natural gas, liquefied gas and other clean energy for use in urban areas.
  • 当风力增强的时候,突刮起一阵大风,船身奇怪地晃动了一下,向左倾斜过来。
    As the wind freshened there came a sudden squall and the ship made a strange movement, listing to port.
  • 房间突然亮了起来。
    The room suddenly lit up.
  • 他给烟斗装上烟,后点着。
    He filled and lit his pipe.
  • 他的面部表情突激动起来。
    His face lit up with sudden excitement.
  • 发现了解决这个问题的好办法
    Lit on the perfect solution to the problem.
  • 艺术与文学中对自或人类行为的模拟陈述。
    the doctrine of realistic (literal) portrayal in art or literature.
  • 为本地的华文程度把脉,有一个重要的背景必须考虑在内,那就是以往的华文使用者多不谙英文,必须靠华文华语思考和沟通,普遍程度自高。
    In assesing the standard of the Chinese language, one needs to take into account an important background factor. In the past, most people who used the Chinese language were not literate in English and relied on the former to think and communicate. Thus, the more widespread use of Chinese.
  • 文学对于人的关系正如科学对于自的关系一样。
    L-stands related to man as science stands to nature.
  • 五月很少下雨;给予很少的考虑;残存很少的希望;只有很短的时间了;我们仍只有一点儿钱;残存的一点希望;还有一点时间。
    little rain fell in May; gave it little thought; little hope remained; little time is left; we still have little money; a little hope remained; a little time isleft.
  • 娘儿们都美好而可爱,雌老虎又从何而来?
    Since all the maid were good and livable from whence come the evil wives?
  • 娘儿们都美好而可爱,雌老虎又从何而来?
    Since all the maid is good and livable from whence come the evil wives?
  • 留有这些钱,你就可以痛快享受一番了。
    Now you've been left some money you can afford to live it up a bit.
  • "我虽不以疼痛为乐,但还可以忍受。"
    "I don't enjoy the pain, but I can live with it."
  • 尚在争议的问题;现在仍有特卖权。
    a live issue; still a live option.
  • 热门话题;仍热门的选择
    A live topic; still a live option.