| - 第十八条发明或者实用新型专利申请的说明书应当写明发明或者实用新型的名称,该名称应当与请求书中的名称一致。
Rule l8 The description of an application for a patent for invention or utility model shall state the title of the invention or utility model, which shall be the same as it appears in the request. - 我们不是空想家,我们不能离开当前的实际条件。
We are not utopians and cannot divorce ourselves from the actual conditions confronting us. - 条文进一步规定,不论法令的其他条文,组织章程及条规或任何常驻董事与公司签署的合约如何,常驻董事都不可辞职,除非公司里还有至少两名董事,而其中一名是常驻董事。
It further provides that notwithstanding any other provision in the Act, the company's memorandum and articles of association or in any other agreement between the resident director and the company, the resident director shall not resign or vacate his office unless there are remaining in the company least two directors, one of whom shall be a resident director. - 条文进一步规定,不论法令的其他条文,组织章程及条规或任何常驻董事与公司签署的合约如何,常驻董事都不可辞职,除非公司里还有至少两名董事,而其中一名是常驻董事。
It further provides that notwithstanding any other provision in the Act, the company's memorandum and articles of association or in any other agreement between the resident director and the company, the resident director shall not resign or vacate his office unless there are remaining in the company at least two directors, one of whom shall be a resident director. - 这些条件是保证自己的政治领导的基础,也就是使革命获得彻底的胜利而不被同盟者的动摇性所破坏的基矗
They constitute the foundation for guaranteeing our political leadership and for ensuring that the revolution will win complete victory and not be disrupted by the vacillations of our allies. - 3.将一些情人节寄语写在小纸条上,把这些纸条紧紧卷好放入气球里。
3.Write some Valentine messages on small pieces of paper; roll them tightly and insert them into balloons. - 第二十六条合同的有效期限不超过十年。
Article 26 The term of validity of a contract shall not exceed ten years. - 当然,苗条的身材显然还有健康的体格,请不要为了虚荣而过于节食。
Of course,there are obvious health related advantages to having a slender figure but please don't over diet for the sake of vanity. - 竞赛结果,有胜有败,除了客观物质条件的比较外,胜者必由于主观指挥的正确,败者必由于主观指挥的错误。
Out of the contest there emerge a victor and a vanquished; Leaving aside the contrast in objective material conditions, the victor will necessarily owe his success to correct subjective direction and the vanquished his defeat to wrong subjective direction. - 第四,他们要在尊重他们现有的义务下,努力促使所有国家,不分大小,战胜者或战败者,都有机会在同等条件下,为了实现它们经济的繁荣,参加世界贸易和获得世界的原料;
Fourth, they will endeavor, with due respect for their existing obligations, to further the enjoyment by all States, great or small, victor or vanquished, of access, on equal terms, to the trade and to the raw materials of the world which are needed for their economic prosperity; - 他以优异的成绩从大学毕业,并以这种有利条件展开他的事业。
He graduated at college with distinguished honor and from this vantage ground set forth in his professional life. - 这条好消息一点也不令人吃惊,因为冰冠的夏季温度高得足以蒸发干冰。
That piece of good news came as no surprise, because summer temperatures at the cap are high enough to vaporize frozen carbon dioxide. - 必要的研究办法是把有关的材料分类集合在一起,并注意到所有可能的不同的形式和条件。
The necessary method of study is to group the relevant material and to take note of all possible variant forms and conditons. - 由于每一码土地的情况都不尽相同,拖拉机的计算机会根据土壤的具体条件,提供相应数量的灌溉用水、化肥、杀虫剂以使土地的产量达到最优。
The tractor's computer then delivers varying amounts of irrigation water, seed, fertilizer, and pesticides to optimize the production of the land as its condition varies yard by yard. - 但是在同一个原则下,就无产阶级政党在各种条件下执行这个原则的表现说来,则基于条件的不同而不一致。
But while the principle remains the same, its application by the party of the proletariat finds expression in varying ways according to the varying conditions. - 历史上“苦瘠甲天下”的甘肃定西地区和宁夏的西海固地区,经过多年开发建设,基础设施和基本生产条件明显改善,贫困状况大为缓解。
Dingxi Prefecture in Gansu Province and Xihaigu Prefecture in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, once known as the "poorest places on earth," have vastly improved their infrastructure facilities and basic production conditions after many years of effort, and their poverty-stricken state has been greatly alleviated. - 这个条件已因中国领土广大和敌人兵力不足,一般地提供于中国的游击战争了。
By and large, the vastness of China's territory and the enemy's shortage of troops provide guerrilla warfare in China with this condition. - 〔7〕抗日战争发展的经验,证明了平原地区能够建立长期的而且在许多地方能够成为固定的根据地,这是由于地区的广大,人口的众多,共产党政策的正确,人民动员的普遍和敌人兵力的不足等等条件所决定的。
[7] Experience gained in the War of Resistance proved that it was possible to establish long-term and, in many places, stable base areas in the plains. This was due to their vastness and big populations, the correctness of the Communist Party's policies, the extensive mobilization of the people and the enemy's shortage of troops. - 肉片,肉排从腿部或肋条处切割下来的薄的肉片,通常指牛肉或羊肉
A thin slice of meat, usually veal or lamb, cut from the leg or ribs. - 那条船改变了航向。
The ship veered off course. - 有的人吃素仅仅是因为他们喜欢那样的饮食,有人吃素则是按照不宜伤生这一戒条行事。
Some are vegetarians simply because they prefer that type of diet, others on the principle that the taking of life is always wrong. - 这条小道通向一座没有草木的小山。
The path leads to a hill bare of vegetation. - 假如高大的烟囱状通风管伸出海面的话,这条隧道的通风将是良好的。
The tunnel would be well-ventilated if tall chimneys were built above sea-level. - 假如高大的烟囱状通风管伸出海面的话,这条隧道的通风将是良好的。
The tunnel would be well- ventilated if tall chimneys were built above sea-level. - 如何控制观众流量,并保持良好的空气交换条件,已成了越来越需要认真面对的问题。
How to control the flow of visitors and maintain good ventilation has become a problem worth ever-increasing serious consideration. - 监狱、劳改场所的安全、卫生、通风、光线等条件,都有明确的规定,并纳入劳改机关的工作考核内容之中。
There are explicit regulations relating to conditions in prisons and reform-through-labour institutions in terms of safety, hygiene, ventilation, light, etc.Reform-through-labour institutions in China are judged in part by how well they conform to these regulations. - 监狱、劳改场所的安全、卫生、通风、光线等条件,都有明确的规定,并纳入劳改机关的工作考核内容之中。
There are explicit regulations relating to conditions in prisons and reform-through-labour institutions in terms of safety, hygiene, ventilation, light, etc.. Reform-through-labour institutions in China are judged in part by how well they conform to these regulations. - 他们口头上同意了条件,然后起草合同。
They agree to the term verbally, and then start to draft the contract. - 为什么?为什么?这条信息向核查人员证实,他们一直试图隐藏事实。
Why? Why? This message would have verified to the inspectors that they have been trying to turn over things. - 第四十九条 矿山企业之间的矿区范围的争议,由当事人协商解决,协商不成的,由有关县级以上地方人民政府根据依法核定的矿区范围处理;
Article 49 Disputes over the limits of mining areas between mining enterprises shall be settled by the parties involved through consultation; if consultation fails, the relevant local people's government at or above the county level shall handle the matter on the basis of the limits that are verified and fixed according to law. - 锥面由一条直线,即母线,通过一固定点,即顶点,沿一给定曲线,即准线,连续移动而产生的平面
The surface generated by a straight line, the generator, passing through a fixed point, the vertex, and moving along a fixed curve, the directrix. - 第十七条香港特别行政区享有立法权。
Article 17 The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be vested with legislative power.