  • 中国进一步放宽外商在华设立合资外贸公司的限制条件。
    China will further relax limitations on joint venture trading companies with foreign investment.
  • 因为记忆是一个非常关键的能力,这一节我们举出一些方法,帮助弥补记忆的局限性。
    Because memory is so critical a capability, this section tries to point out ways in which design can help to compensate for memory limitations.
  • 法院损害赔偿金限制在100美元。
    The court limited damages to $100.
  • 集选区的议员的表现无法直接被评估,若限制集选区议员所占的比例,可避免“滥芋充数”的现象在国会中出现。
    It is hard to assess the performance of individual MPs in a GRC. Limiting the number of GRCs can thus help avoid a situation where “inferior candidates pass off as competent ones”.
  • 在这里你学到的课程是承担责任和潜能无限,它们带你走进你想要的生活,并给予你主宰自己的生活所必需的重要手段。
    You will learn lessons here,such as responsibility and limitlessness,which will lead you to the life you were meant to live.These lessons provide you with the essential tools you need in order to take command of your life.
  • 将军整列他的队伍。
    The general lined up his troops.
  • 人们永远记得这艘巨型客轮的悲惨沉没,因为它竟首航沉没并造成惨重死亡。
    The tragic sinking of this great liner will always be remembered, for she went down on her first voyage with heavy loss of life.
  • 我将修语言学课程。
    I expect to take the linguistics course.
  • (语言学)系统地词根和修饰成分组合成单个的词。
    (linguistics) systematic combining of root and modifying elements into single words.
  • 19.欧洲经济委员会(欧洲经委会)也其数项与水有关的活动与国际年联系起来。
    19. The Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) is also linking a number of its various water-related activities to the Year.
  • dcom也是com的一部分,它在机器之间运行,服务器接到数据库上,再返回到桌面。
    Distributed Component Object Model is the part of COM that runs between machines, linking the server to databases and back to the desktop.
  • 一堵共用的墙邻近的两所房连接起来。
    A common wall links the house to its neighbour.
  • 医生们更深入地了解基因和环境因素间的联系。
    Doctors would understand better the links between genes and environmental factors.
  • 最先被收养的那只小羚羊则没有这么幸运,在它被"狮妈妈"收养两周后的一天,一只饥饿的雄狮子趁"狮妈妈"打盹的间隙,这只小羚羊变成了自己的盘中美味。
    Oryx number one was not so lucky. The lioness managed to protect it for two weeks before a hungry male lion with a traditional diet seized the baby while the lioness was napping.
  • 莱拉纳说小羚羊跟在自己亲生母亲的身后不舍离去,但是"狮妈妈"最终还是小羚羊追了回来,带在自己的身边。
    Leirana said the calf tried to follow its mother, but was pursued by the lioness who eventually won "her" baby back.
  • 总看管员西蒙·莱拉纳告诉记者说:"昨天,有两只成年羚羊靠近了这只狮子和小羚羊,它们很可能是小羚羊的父母,母狮子见此情景就小羚羊留给了它们,独自到树荫下睡觉去了。"
    "Yesterday, two oryxes came (near the lion and calf), probably the mother and father," chief warden Simon Leirana told reporters. "The lioness left the calf and went to sleep in the shade."
  • 但是我看来的结果,决不是顽固取消进步,倒是进步要取消顽固。
    But I believe the outcome will be not the liquidation of progress by die-hardism but the liquidation of die-hardism by progress.
  • 某某公司业务经清算后,以某某名义进行营业。
    After the liquidation of the affairs of-, the business will be carried on under the style of-.
  • p.w.公司在清算终结后以p.l.公司名义营业。
    After the liquidation of the affairs of P. & W. have been finished, the business will be carried on under the style of P. & L..
  • 外汇基金债券上市买卖,不但会增加债券在第二市场的流动性,亦可投资者基础扩大至散户投资者。
    The listing and trading of Exchange Fund Notes will enhance their liquidity in the secondary market and enlarge the investor base to include retail investors.
  • 与此同时,外资银行和投资者资金从香港市场撤离,更造成香港银行银根短缺;
    At the same time, overseas banks and investors moved their funds out of the Hong Kong market, thereby reducing further the liquidity in our banking system.
  • 我们的船停靠的下一个港口是里斯本。
    Our next port of call is Lisbon.
  • 他的名字写在清单上。
    He wrote down his name on the list.
  • 他父亲的名字在阵亡士名册中。
    His father's name was on the roll of honor.
  • 所有的约会列了表。
    She listed all her engagements.
  • 我已所有的书名都列出来了。
    I have listed all the names of the books.
  • 这个外汇基金债券上市制度会奠下基础,有利日后私营机构债券在联交所上市买卖。
    The system developed for the EFN will pave the way for the listing and trading of corporate bonds on the Stock Exchange.
  • 申请人应当该序列表作为说明书的一个单独部分提交,并按照国务院专利行政部门的规定提交该序列表的计算机可读形式的副本。
    The sequence listing shall be submitted as a separate part of the description, and a copy of the said sequence listing in machine-readable form shall also be submitted in accordance with the provisions of the Patent Administration Department under the State Council.
  • 国家《格萨尔》列入“六五”、“七五”、“八五”三个五年计划的重点科研项目。
    The state placed it on the key scientific research project lists of the Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Five-Year Plans.
  • oracle9ilite提供了企业所需的框架,企业应用程序扩展到当今流行的移动平台上:palmos、symbianepoc、microsoftwindowsce和microsoftwindows95/98/nt/2000。
    Oracle9i Lite provides aecessary framework businesses need to extend the enterprise applications to all of today's popular mobile platforms:
  • 这笔钱有助于提高发展中国家的文化水平。
    This money will help the development of literacy in developing countries.
  • 因为她们是在去肯尼迪中心的路上,去欣赏一场话剧、歌剧或音乐会,因此可以推断她们的文化品味在平均水平之上。
    Since they are on their way to the Kennedy Center to attend a play,an opera or a concert, one may assume they are above average in cultural literacy.