| - 这个共和国将采取某种必要的方法,没收地主的土地,分配给无地和少地的农民,实行中山先生“耕者有其田”的口号,扫除农村中的封建关系,把土地变为农民的私产。
The republic will take certain necessary steps to confiscate the land of the landlords and distribute it to those peasants having little or no land, carry out Dr. Sun Yat-sen's slogan of "land to the tiller", abolish feudal relations in the rural areas, and turn the land over to the private ownership of the peasants. - 无论是全民所有的财产、劳动群众集体所有的财产,还是个人的合法财产,都受法律保护,禁止任何组织或者个人侵占、哄抢、私分、破坏或者非法查封、扣押、冻结、没收。
Public property owned by the state, collective property owned by the working people, and the legitimate property owned by individuals are all protected by law. Any organization or individual is thus forbidden to occupy, seize, share out or destroy such properties. It is also forbidden to seal up, withhold, freeze or confiscate such properties by illegal means. - 在无产阶级领导下的新民主主义共和国的国营经济是社会主义的性质,是整个国民经济的领导力量,但这个共和国并不没收其他资本主义的私有财产,并不禁止“不能操纵国民生计”的资本主义生产的发展,这是因为中国经济还十分落后的缘故。
In the new-democratic republic under the leadership of the proletariat, the state enterprises will be of a socialist character and will constitute the leading force in the whole national economy, but the republic will neither confiscate capitalist private property in general nor forbid the development of such capitalist production as does not "dominate the livelihood of the people", for China's economy is still very backward. - 对剽窃、抄袭他人作品的;未经著作权人许可,以营利为目的;未经录音、录像制作者许可,复制发行其制作的录音录像等侵权行为,根据情况,应承担民事责任,并可以由著作权行政管理部门给予没收非法所得、罚款等行政处分,对于侵犯著作权以及与著作权有关的权益的行为,当事人也可以直接向人民法院起诉。
Those who plagiarize other people's works, or reproduce and distribute another person's works for their personal benefit without the copyright holder's permission, those who publish a book without the permission of the owner of the publishing right, and those who duplicate and distribute video and audio tapes without getting the permission of the tape manufacturers bear civil responsibility for their actions. The copyright administrative authorities may confiscate their illegal income or impose a fine on them. In the case of a copyright infringement or of violation of other related interests, the party whose rights have been infringed may also directly bring suit in a people's court. - 边界对于土地是采取全部没收、彻底分配的政策;
The land policy which has been adopted in the border areas is complete confiscation and thorough distribution; - 所以我们要善于利用原有的私人工商业,逐渐组织自己的经济,在群众运动中就要注意这个问题,包括地主富农的工商业在内,一律不准没收,不准停业,如群众分了的,要赶快组织恢复生产。同时,要和商人讲统一战线,争取他们支持我们发行的票子。
Therefore, we should take advantage of existing private industrial and commercial enterprises and organize our economy step by step. This merits our attention regarding the mass movement; we cannot allow the confiscation or closing down of industrial and commercial enterprises, including those owned by landlords and rich peasants. If the masses have divided up these enterprises, we must help them resume operation as quickly as possible. At the same time, we should form a united front with the businessmen, urging them to accept the paper money we issue. - 这两个定义可以合成一个呢, 还是必须分开?
Can these two definitions be conflated, or must they be kept separate? - 不因看法冲突而分开。
not parted by conflict of opinion. - 使矛盾的或明暗差别强烈的情况两极分化。
become polarized in a conflict or contrasting situation. - 可能分裂社会的互相对立的利益
Conflicting interests that tend to fractionalize a society. - 当局接获市民各种不同的意见,在某些问题上,意见颇为分歧。
The comments received were diverse and on some issues conflicting. - 在爱恨之间分离;由于信仰冲突而分裂;由于宗教纷争而分离。
torn between love and hate; torn by conflicting loyalties; torn by religious dissensions. - 两极分化在两个相互冲突或相对的位置的聚集,如集团、力量或利益的
A concentration, as of groups, forces, or interests, about two conflicting or contrasting positions. - 我的分析主要是要试图解释和分析考克斯报告写了什么,如果他们的报告能恰当地权衡这些冲突的话。
My analysis will be mostly an attempt to explicate what the Cox Report would have said if they had been able to properly weigh the conflicting arguments. - 此外,各部分均须与整体调和一致。
The parts must be conformable to the whole. - 问:贷款五级分类的意义何在?
Q: What's the significance for classifying loans into five categories? - 问:今年固定资产投资增长率能否达到百分之十以上?
Q: Will the growth rate of investment in fixed assets top 10 percent this year? - 高分子链的构象统计
conformational statistics of macromolecular chains - 我总分不清他和他的孪生兄弟。
I always confounded him with his twin brother. - 混淆两件事物的意思是说没能把它们区分开来。
To confound two things means not to be able to tell them apart. - 我们很快就会面临一个十分重要的问题。
We will soon confront a fundamental question. - 我实在不愿再一次面对我的前妻进行离婚时的财产分割,因此我将这不幸的时刻推迟至下周。
I don't really want another confrontation with my ex-wife about the divorce settlement, and so I’ve put off the evil hour until next week. - 这使中国在经济还不甚发达的情况下让11亿人民的生活得到了保障,并避免了因两极分化而使社会陷入对抗。
This very fact has made it possible for China, an economically underdeveloped country, to guarantee the livelihood of its 1.1 billion people and avoid social confrontation resulting from polarization. - 现在国际上对人权问题仍存在分歧,各方面要求对话,反对对抗的呼声日益高涨。
Today, differences in the field of human rights still exist in the international community, but the voices calling for dia1ogue and opposing confrontation are increasingly rising above the crowd. - 特别值得警惕的是,台湾分裂势力一贯图谋破坏中美关系,挑起中美冲突和对抗,以便实现他们的分裂图谋。
" Special vigilance should be maintained to the fact that the Taiwan separatists are continually scheming to disrupt Sino-US relations and provoke conflicts and confrontation between the two nations to achieve their aim of dividing China. - 特别值得警惕的是,台湾分裂势力一贯图谋破坏中美关系,挑起中美冲突和对抗,以便实现他们的分裂图谋。
Special vigilance should be maintained to the fact that the Taiwan separatists are continually scheming to disrupt the Sino-U.S. relations and provoke conflicts and confrontation between the two nations to achieve their aim of dividing China. - 猜测萨达姆心里如何想法是毫无意义的。不论他是做给伊斯兰激进分子看,还是趁最后一个机会找布什麻烦,他与美国和全世界对抗,不久就成为克林顿先生的问题。
It's pointless to try to read Saddam Hussein's mind. Whether he is playing to Islamic radicals or simply taking a final poke at George Bush, his confrontation with America and the world will soon be one more problem for Mr.Clinton. - 再来就是中国人类学课程中常见的“小传统”,不以儒家思想或士绅社会来分析中国,而用道教、佛教和原始宗教的习俗、女书、民间故事和信仰、妈祖等等。
Then, there is the theme of the "little traditions", most often available in anthropology courses on China. Here, instead of approaching China as Confucian China, or the Gentry State of China, we encounter Taoist, Buddhist, Shamanistic ways and mores, Women Script (Nu Shu), folk stories and beliefs, the Ma Zu religion and a host of lively imaginations. - (正义不伸)最后,在道家和儒家两方面,这种哲学的结论和最高的理想是对自然的完全理解,及与自然的和谐;如果我们需要一个名词以便分类的话,我们可以称这种哲学做“合理的自然主义”(reason-able naturalism)。
Eventually, both in Taoism and in Confucianism, the conclusion and highest goal of this philosophy is complete understanding of and harmony with nature, resulting in what I may call "reasonable naturalism, " if we must have a term for classification. - 虽然我们也努力提倡儒家思想,放眼新加坡社会,儒家的理念贯彻了几分?
Despite the government's efforts to promote the teachings of Confucius, one can see little of the sage's ideal put into practice in our society. - 孔子认为,教育可以分为言传和身教,君主特别要身体力行作其臣民的表率。
In confucius' opinion, teaching could be done either by advice or by example. In particular, a king must set a good example to his people. - 分不清甲先生和乙先生
to confuse Mr. A with Mr. B