  • 由苹果榨来的汁制成的饮料。
    a beverage made from juice pressed from apples.
  • 很多公司已经推和提交很多xml应用程序和标准。
    Many vendors have launched and submitted a bevy of XML applications and standards.
  • 我们必须注意避免作轻率的推论。
    We must beware of(forming) hasty generalizations.
  • 你要当心,尽管她装一付很关心人的样子,她是存心不良的。
    Beware, she means ill, despite her solicitous manner.
  • "我无可奈何地走旅馆。
    "Bewildered, I went out.
  • 他看上去不知所措,虽然还竭力试着回答记者提的问题,但大多数时间,他实际上只是动动嘴唇,不停地眨眼,哽噎着不了声。
    Looking totally bewildered, he was trying to answer their questions. Mostly he was only moving his lips, blinking and choking up.
  • 在薄雾笼罩下,群山呈现种种奇怪和迷人的景色。
    Veiled in mists, the hills put on strange and bewildering scenes.
  • 大众文化(尤其自美国的大众文化)以惊人的速度改变。
    Popular culture, especially those emanating from the United States, moves at a bewildering pace.
  • 他的不良行为超了开玩笑的范围。
    His bad behavior is beyond a joke.
  • 这超了我的职权范围。
    It's beyond my power.
  • (前缀)超的或超过的。
    (prefix) outside or beyond.
  • 越出,超出;超过
    To go beyond; exceed.
  • 超越;越出
    To go beyond; surpass.
  • 吃的超容量和需求。
    fed beyond capacity or desire.
  • 他入不敷出。
    He is beyond his means.
  • 由输入连接和输连接组成的一种双向通路,两个连接都有同一交换机接口。
    A bi-directional path comprised of an input connection and an output connection, both having the same exchange interface.
  • 她对科学的偏爱早在儿童时代就表现来了。
    Her scientific bias showed itself in early childhood.
  • 具有偏见特点的,表现偏见的;歧视的
    Marked by or showing bias; discriminatory.
  • bias(rssi)11)(bias)bias字段表示用于对与其他系统小区相邻的给定autoplex系统小区基站作本地回应的别名值。
    Bias (RSSI) 11) (bias) The Bias field represents the bias value (hysteresis) to be used for locate replies for the given AUTOPLEX system cell site that neighbors the other system誷 cell.
  • 对事件做有偏见的描述
    Gave a biased account of the trial.
  • 差别对待的,表现歧视的;偏见的
    Marked by or showing prejudice; biased.
  • 1611年版的圣经的英语版本。
    an English translation of the Bible published in 1611.
  • 这位先生才对,那句话是自圣经。
    The gentleman is right. It is from the Bible.
  • 那句话自圣经,他也认为他是对的。
    That quotation was from the Bible. And he knew it.
  • 现于圣经的真经篇目的。
    appearing in a Biblical canon.
  • 真经的属于或现于圣经的真经篇目的
    Of or appearing in the biblical canon.
  •  第九十七条著录事项变更费、实用新型专利检索报告费、中止程序请求费、强制许可请求费、强制许可使用费的裁决请求费、无效宣告请求费应当自提请求之日起1个月内,按照规定缴纳;
    Rule 97 The fee for a change in the bibliographic data, fee for establishing a search report on a utility model patent, fee for requesting suspension of the patent procedure, fee for requesting a compulsory license, fee for requesting adjudication on exploitation fee of a compulsory license and fee for requesting invalidation shall be paid as prescribed within one month from the date on which such request is filed.
  • 书目文献出版社
    Bibliography and Document Publishing House
  • 就这样,2000年初又恢复争吵,尽管在6月双方充分弥和了分歧以响应政治家们的撮合--共同席了完成基因组发布会。
    The bickering resumed early in 2000,although the two sides patched up their differences sufficiently to soak up the politicians' plaudits together at the genome completion ceremony in June.
  • 他为一本旧书价5美元。
    He bid $5 for an old book.
  • 帕克想卖掉他的农场,并且已经有两个大价的买主。
    Park wants to sell his farm, and he has already had two large bids for it.
  • 过高的价比其它的价高的
    A bid higher than another bid.