  • 该调用将返回个businesslist的结果集。
    This returns a businessList result.
  • ()加强领导,形成合力
    Strengthen Leadership and Form Resultant Force
  • 他因酗酒被捕,结果这坏名声毁了他的前程。
    He is arrest for drunkenness and the resultant publicity ruined his career.
  • 他因酗酒被捕,结果这坏名声毁了他的前程
    He was arrested for drunkenness and the resultant publicity ruined his career
  • 司机们齐按响喇叭,造成的噪声令人难以忍受。
    The drivers all sounded their horns and the resultant noise was unbearable.
  • 反射,模糊景象光学系统内种多余的反射或由此而产生的物象模糊
    An unwanted reflection within an optical system or the resultant fogging of the image.
  • 个涉及的问题是长期污染,即使在个很低的水平它也能影响整个自然界,影响到生物的多样性,其结果使生态系统在如何发挥作用方面发生意想不到的变化。
    Another concern is that long-term pollution, at even low levels, can affect whole ecosystems, with resultant impacts on biodiversity that bring about additional changes in how ecosystems operate.
  • 聚氯联二苯种工业化合物,由二苯经氯化作用而产生,被认为是种环境污染物质,积聚在动物组织中,能导致病原体和产生畸形生长
    Any of a family of industrial compounds produced by chlorination of biphenyl, noted primarily as an environmental pollutant that accumulates in animal tissue with resultant pathogenic and teratogenic effects.
  • 设计程序时,请务必考虑输入上述代码,用javadoc处理下,观看最终html文件的效果如何。
    It’s worth entering the above code, sending it through javadoc and viewing the resulting HTML file to see the results.
  • 由于每种搜索引擎的蜘蛛、产生的索引和搜索算法都是不样的,所以在不同搜索引擎上的搜索结果和排列次序是不同的。
    Because the spiders, resulting indexes, and search algorithms of each search engine differ, so do the search results and rankings across the various search engines.
  • 因为疏忽的种错误。
    a mistake resulting from inattention.
  • 要当个好行政管理人员要具备必要条件。
    To be a good administrator you have to have what it takes.
  • 分管所大学或学院部分的管理人。
    an administrator in charge of a division of a university or college.
  • 中毒种由中毒导致的患病状态
    A diseased condition resulting from poisoning.
  • 作为个行政官员,他是不大合格的。
    As an administrator he couldn't quite measure up.
  • 拉美些国家的地方行政长官
    A district administrator in some countries of Latin America.
  • 许多科技固然发挥了利民安生的正面效果,但也有不少用在加强和改良武器杀伤力方面的技术,让地球始终脱离不了“举毁灭”的阴影。
    Many developments in science and technology have resulted in an improvement in people's lives. But just as much technology is given to enhancing and improving the destructive capabilities of weapons, resulting in the Earth constantly living under the threat of "instant destruction".
  • 直是个行政管理人员。
    He was first and last an administrator.
  • 所学院或大学的管理人。
    an administrator in a college or university.
  • 教务长种高层的大学管理人员
    A university administrator of high rank.
  • 结果与...一致
    These results accord with...
  • 斗争取得了可喜的成果。
    This struggle brought good results.
  • 支持这假设的实验结果。
    experimental results that supported the hypothesis.
  • 个国家中小的行政区划。
    a small administrative division of a country.
  • 重新担任个头衔;重新担任个职位;重新承担义务。
    resume a title; resume an office; resume one's duties.
  • 重新执行个已挂起的程序。
    To resume executing a program that has been suspended.
  • 亮点回顾:在弗吉尼亚大学就读时成绩是班里的第名。
    Resume highlights: University of Virginia, first in class.
  • 请允许我提醒您为我写份个人简历。
    May I remind you to write a resume for me?
  • 将出现确认信息,然后本地视频将继续
    A confirmation message will appear, then local video will resume
  • 随函附上简历表,相片及自转各份。
    Enclosed please find a resume, a photo and an autobiography.
  • 本人特致函申请,随函还附上了本人简历。推荐信旦贵公司要求,本人马上提供。
    I enclose a resume, and letters of reference are available upon request.
  • 个县或郡中的行政分区。
    an administrative division of a county.