  • 环球化的趋势,使到人们能够在世界各地更自由流动,国与国之的沟通也更为迅速和直接。越来越多的单一种族社会逐渐变得多元化。
    As the world is moving towards the Global Village era, with freer movements of people and instant communications between countries, more of the hitherto homogeneous societies are becoming plural ones.
  • 谁人不知,为争取时和准备反攻而流血战斗,某些土地虽仍不免于放弃,时却争取了,给敌以歼灭和给敌以消耗的目的却达到了,自己的战斗经验却取得了,没有起来的人民却起来了,国际地位却增长了。
    As everybody knows, although in fighting and shedding our blood in order to gain time and prepare the counter-offensive we have had to abandon some territory, in fact we have gained time, we have achieved the objective of annihilating and depleting enemy forces, we have acquired experience in fighting, we have aroused hitherto inactive people and improved our international standing.
  • 办公室一片繁忙的景象。
    The office was a hive of industry.
  • 哦,哦,我想吐,得赶快去洗手
    Uh - ho! I think I am gonna throw up. I better get to a bathroom quickly.
  • 哦,哦,我想吐,得赶快去洗手
    Uh,ho! I think I am gonna throwing up. I'd better get to a bathroom quick.
  • 你注意到他们之亲密的友谊吗?
    Do you notice the hob-and-nob character of their friendship?
  • 他的业余爱好占用他许多时
    His hobby employs much of his time.
  • 在这项业余爱好上花了大量时和精力
    Employed much time and energy to the hobby.
  • 这种做法属于特殊安排,不能构成其他政府国际组织及国际活动效仿的“模式”。
    This is only an ad hoc arrangement and cannot constitute a "model" applicable to other inter-governmental organizations or international gatherings.
  • 上述特殊安排,并不构成其他政府国际组织及国际活动仿效的模式。
    This is only an ad hoc arrangement and cannot constitute a model applicable to other inter-governmental international organizations or international gatherings.
  • 胚部马或其他有关动物后肢膝关节和跗关节之的部位
    The part of the hind leg of a horse or related animal between the stifle and the hock.
  • 炮骨,管骨某些有蹄哺乳动物小腿的部分,位于跗关节或膝关节与球关节之,含有炮骨
    The section of the lower leg in some hoofed mammals between the hock or knee and the fetlock, containing the cannon bone.
  • 一场曲棍球赛打多长时
    How long does a hockey match last?
  • 他有个新任务要完成,一个既费时又花气力的任务。
    He has a new row to hoe, a long and rough one.
  • 他们粉刷了厨房, 後来又决心干到底, 把其他房也都修饰了一番.
    They painted the kitchen and then decided to go the whole hog and redecorate the other rooms as well.
  • 我们在度假期过了整整两周的奢侈生活。
    We lived high off the hog for two whole weeks while we were on holiday.
  • 由于usb端口向外设提供电源,它就去掉横七竖八的电源线和占空的电源变压器。
    And because a USB port supplies power to peripherals, it will weed out the tangle of power cords and space-hogging power transformers.
  • 在访问期,朱镕基总理还兴致勃勃地参观了淡马锡控股,印象极为深刻。
    When Mr Zhu visited Temasek Holdings, he was greatly impressed.
  • 它用于补偿你。三年或十年其它股票的资本收益。
    It is carried forward to offset capital gains in your other holdings two, three or ten years hence.
  • 皮卡地区法国北部一个历史上著名的地区,濒临英吉利海峡。这个名字最先用于13世纪,用来指一些小的封建领地。在英法百年战争期,皮卡地区曾是英法争夺的地方,1477年成为法国王室领地的一部分
    A historical region of northern France bordering on the English Channel. The name was first used in the13th century for a number of small feudal holdings. Picardy was contested by France and England during the Hundred Years' War and became part of the French crown lands in1477.
  • 由于空中交通管制人员罢工,可能会出现长时的延误。
    Long holdup is expected as the air - traffic controllers go on strike.
  • 哈里开了1天的汽车后,找到了一个出租的房寄宿过夜。
    After a day's motoring, Harry found a room for rent and holed up for the night.
  • 开了一天车后,约翰找了一个出租的房住了一夜。
    After a day's motoring, John found a room for rent and holed up in the house.
  • 今年在假日期,公路上因车祸而死亡的人已数以百计。
    The number of people killed on the highways during holidays runs into hundreds this year.
  • 我姐姐在假日里对孩子们放任不管,以至于有一段时闹得很厉害,使邻居都感到厌烦。
    My sister left her children so much to themselves during the holidays that for a time they ran wild and became a nuisance to the neighbourhood.
  • 暑假期他们给游客提供住宿。
    They lodge tourist during summer holidays.
  • 教育部花了许多时并广泛地咨询各校长和教师之后,才把纲领推出。新教育纲领概述了迈向全面教育的要点。
    This document, the final version of which was arrived at only after extensive consultation with principals and teachers, outlines the aims of a holistic education.
  • 在欧洲逗留期,我们应该去荷兰游览。
    While we're in Europe we ought to visit Holland.
  • 郁金香在17世纪传入荷兰,没多久的时贵族就疯狂爱上了它。
    Tulips were introduced into Holland before the 17th century but it did not take long for the flowers to gain popularity among the upper classes.
  • 容器一个环绕的、防护的洞或空
    An encompassing, protective hollow or space.
  • 圣诞节期他也要找时为庆祝节日喝上一两杯啤酒,还要打上他那个青枝状的领结。
    At Christmas he found time to have a cup or two of holiday beer and do his holly- shaped bow tie.
  • 在圣诞节他会找时为庆祝节日干上一两杯,然后戴上他那冬青叶形状的领结。
    At Christmas he found time to have a cup or two of holiday cheer and do his holly shaped bow tie.