  • 没有故意或者缺少导致伤害的力。
    lacking intent or capacity to injure.
  • 反应力对刺激的反应
    The capacity to respond to stimuli.
  • 现在我们是有这个力的。
    This is well within our capacity.
  •  (一)无行为力人、限制行为力人;
    persons with no capacity or with limited capacity;
  • 他的船经得起好望角的风暴吗?
    Is hit boat strong enough to ride out the storms of the Cape?
  • 他的船经得起好望角的风暴吗?
    Is this boat strong enough to ride out the storms of the Cape?
  • 我们到本世纪末国民生产总值达到人均上千美元?
    Will China's per capita GNP reach $1,000 by the end of the century?
  • 我们会仔细研究这份报告的所有建议,并考虑如何根据这些建议,为工商界创造有利的环境。我希望工商各界充分利用这方面的新机会。
    We will study all these recommendations carefully, and will consider how to take them forward so as to create a favourable environment for business, in which we hope the private sector will capitalise on the opportunities which we seek to create.
  • 他的论点的核心是资本主义不成功.
    The essence of his argument is that capitalism cannot succeed.
  • 他的论点的核心是资本主义不成功
    The essence of his argument is that capitalism cannot succeed
  • 中国搞现代化,只靠社会主义,不靠资本主义。
    China's modernization can be achieved only through socialism, not capitalism.
  • 否则,社会主义怎么战胜资本主义?
    Otherwise, how will socialism be able to triumph over capitalism?
  • 市场经济不说只是资本主义的。
    We cannot say that market economy exists only under capitalism.
  • 只要资本主义还存在,贪污现象就不可消除干净。
    So long as capitalism exists, corruption can never be cleaned up.
  • 有些东西并不说是资本主义的。
    And we cannot say that everything developed in capitalist countries is of a capitalist nature.
  • 马克思主义只是资本主义社会的产物。
    Marxism could be the product only of capitalist society.
  • 他说,保护知识产权使发明者从他所发明的东西上获益,使他有机会将其发明用于牟利而不是让别人随意使用。
    Told why,he said that this protection of intellectual property allowed the inventor to take advantage of the thing he had invented.It gave him the opportunity to capitalize on his invention rather than have someone else take it.
  • 如果各组织要全面物化其知识资本,它们必须建立一种机制,快速汇集和获得无声知识,随个人继续学习而建立起知识库存,并让这些财富对需要它们的人是马上利用的。
    If organizations are going to fully capitalize on their intellectual capital, they must devise systems for quickly compiling and retaining tacit knowledge, building intellectual inventories as individuals continue to learn and making these assets instantly available to the people who need them.
  • 李昕:我听说您自1971年起就在国会上工作,您简要谈一下美国国会对中美关系的影响吗?。
    Li Xin:I understand that you've been working on Capitol Hill since 1971.Could you briefly talk about the impact of U.S.Congress on Sino U.S.relations?
  • 中国必须抗战下去,团结下去,进步下去;谁要投降,要分裂,要倒退,我们是不容忍的。
    China must keep on fighting Japan, uniting and moving forward, and we cannot tolerate anyone who tries to capitulate, cause splits or move backward.
  • 第三,如果中国不破坏敌人占领地,让其达到确保占领地、经营占领地的目的;又如果中国不打退敌人的政治进攻,不坚持抗战,坚持团结,坚持进步,以准备反攻力量,或者国民党政府竟自动投降;那末,在将来,敌人就仍有大举进攻的可
    Third, if China should fail to disrupt the enemy's occupation of the areas he has seized and allow him to succeed in his attempts to tighten his hold on them and exploit them, if China should fail to repulse the enemy's political offensives and to persist in resistance, unity and progress and thus fail to accumulate strength for the counter-offensive, or if the Kuomintang government should capitulate of its own accord, then the enemy may still launch bigger offensives.
  • 即使出现抛售高潮,也不保证出现牛市。
    And bull markets aren't a guarantee even when there is a capitulation.
  • 只有一步一步地发展进步势力,才阻止时局逆转,阻止投降和分裂,而为抗日胜利树立坚固不拔的基矗
    Steady expansion of the progressive forces is the only way to prevent the situation from deteriorating, to forestall capitulation and splitting, and to lay a firm and indestructible foundation for victory in the War of Resistance.
  • 如此双管齐下,就有可克服大地主大资产阶级的投降危险并争取时局的好转前途。
    If we do both these tasks simultaneously, we shall be able to overcome the danger of capitulation by the big landlords and the big bourgeoisie and to bring about a turn for the better in the whole situation.
  • 因为资产阶级参加革命的暂时性而不要资产阶级,指联合资产阶级的抗日派(在半殖民地)为投降主义,这是托洛茨基主义的说法,我们是不同意的。
    To reject the participation of the bourgeoisie in the revolution on the ground that it can only be temporary and to describe the alliance with anti-Japanese sections of the bourgeoisie (in a semi-colonial country) as capitulation is a Trotskyite approach, with which we cannot agree.
  • 我们相信,在我党全体党员和友党友军及全体人民共同努力之下,克服投降,战胜困难,驱除日寇,还我河山的目的,是够达到的,抗战的前途是光明的。
    We are confident that, through the united efforts of all members of our Party, of the friendly parties and armies and the whole people, we shall succeed in preventing capitulation, in conquering the difficulties, in driving out the Japanese aggressors and in recovering our lost territories.The prospects for our War of Resistance are indeed bright.
  • 我的汽车没卖出好价,但我的有大篷的卡车却卖出了价钱——真是失之东隅,收之桑愉。
    I got less than I wanted when I sold my car but I made a good profit on the caravan-what you lose on the swings, you gain on the roundabouts.
  • 我问父亲他是否改变主意,让我和我的男朋友开他的蓬车去度假,其实我应该明白事理-不该问这个答案已很清楚的问题。
    I asked my father if he would change his mind and let me go on holiday with my boyfriend in his caravan. I should have know better – ask a silly question.
  • 碳水化合物给我们的身体提供热量和量。
    Carbohydrates provide our bodies with heat and energy.
  • 化学合成用简单无机化合物的化学氧化所产生的量将二氧化碳和水合成碳水化合物。这种化学合成形式只限于某些细菌和真菌
    Synthesis of carbohydrate from carbon dioxide and water using energy obtained from the chemical oxidation of simple inorganic compounds. This form of synthesis is limited to certain bacteria and fungi.
  • 三糖完全水解时产生三个单糖的一种糖
    A carbohydrate that yields three monosaccharides upon hydrolysis.
  • 单糖一种不被水解的碳水化合物,尤指有普通分子式c6h12o6的己糖之一
    A carbohydrate that cannot be decomposed by hydrolysis, especially one of the hexoses, having the general formula C6H12O6.