  • 我的朋友在离别前我一张照片留作纪念品。
    My friend gave me his picture as a memento before going away.
  • 是的,这个照相机的空匣子,算是他所留我的纪念品了。
    That's right, one can say that this empty camera case is a memento he left behind for me.
  • 这话我虽然不大相信,却也保留到相当的年月,为的是接受姐姐的感情,同时也认为那是她——故乡我唯一的纪念品。
    Although I myself do not quite believe in this, I had nevertheless kept it for a considerable number of years because I was grateful for the care and concern of my elder sister. At the same time, it was the only piece of memento that can remind me of my native land.
  • 不,但是海关官员会你开一张税单。
    NO.But the officer will make out your duty memo.
  • 这封便函我们需要50份。(每个分行送5份。)
    We need 50 copies of this memo.( Send five copies to each branch office.).
  • 一个小时前杰克先生打电话您,但他说不急,您桌上放有备忘录。
    You received a call from Mr. Jackson an hour ago, but the said it wasn't urgent. There's memo on your desk.
  • 我后悔把备忘录送交老板了,但在他还未来上班以前,我把它从他的收文篮中取走,设法隐藏了自己的企图。
    I regretted sending that memo to the boss but was able to cover my tracks by removing it from his in-tray before he got to work.
  • 如果你决定骑马去,要记得马带饲料。
    If you decide to ride a horse, and will memorize that takes the feed for the horse.
  • 那是我愿唱他们听的爱之歌,我能记起每个词那些古老的旋律我听起来还是那么美好,它们消融了岁月.《昨日重现》
    It was songs of love that I would sing to them, and I'd memorize each word. Those old melodies still sound so good to me, as they melt the years away. <<yesterday once more>>
  • 让我来给你补袜子。
    Let me mend the socks for you.
  • 他们了我修理屋顶的报价单。
    They gave me a quotation for mending the roof.
  • 你不趁现在修理房顶将来自己找麻烦.
    You're only laying up trouble (for yourself) by not mending that roof now.
  • 如果交我们洗的话,可以在洗衣单上注明:“晚礼服需要洗涤和缝补”。
    Or if you have us wash it, you can write in the laundry list, "the evening dress needs both washing and mending."
  • 我雪乐的薄荷烟。
    I'd like Salem Menthol, please.
  • 基辛格打电话他的老朋友和恩师弗里茨·克雷默博士,征询他是否要接受尼克松总统的任命。
    Kissinger telephoned his old friend and mentor Dr.Fritz Kraemer to get his advice on whether to accept the President's offer.
  • 请把菜单给我看。
    Please show me the menu.
  • 把菜单递给客人
    Handing them the menu
  • 请把菜单我看一下。
    May I see the menu?
  • 请把菜单给我看。
    Show me the menu, please.
  • 请把菜单给我。
    Give the menu to me please.
  • 我一份菜单好吗?
    Could I have the menu,please?
  • 我给您拿菜单来。
    I'll bring you the menu.
  • 我们看看菜单好吗?
    Can we see the menu, please?
  • 我一份菜单好吗?
    Could I have the menu, please?
  • 我们一份菜单,好吗?
    Could we have a menu, please?
  • 我看看菜单好吗?
    Could we see the menu, please?
  • 我会您寄些菜单样本去。
    I'll send you some sample menus.
  • 请把菜单我,谢谢。
    Please give me the menus. Thank you.
  • 他们三个人坐在餐馆的餐桌旁,女招待他们送来了菜单
    The three of them are at a table in a restaurant. The waitress has brought them menus
  • 我想要个妻我下厨,她必须是个好厨师,安排食膳、买菜、烧饭,尽心尽力。饭后,她洗碗我学习。
    I want a wife who cooks the meals, a wife who is a good cook. I want a wife who will plan the menus, do the necessary grocery shopping, prepare the meals, serve them pleasantly, and then do the cleaning up while I do my studying.
  • 那个新产品贴上标签
    Ticketed the new merchandise.
  • 被委托商品货物的人。
    the person to whom merchandise is consigned.