  • 就在有人提起他的敌人的字的时候,他的脸部猛地抽了一下。
    He winced at the mention of his enemy's name.
  • 温莎英国的统治王朝(从1917年始),包括1917年采用这个字的乔治五世及他的后继者:爱德华八世、乔治六世和伊丽莎白二世
    Ruling house of Great Britain(since1917), including George V, who adopted the name Windsor in1917, and his descendants Edward VIII, George VI, and Elizabeth II.
  • 有名的比萨塔是斜的
    Fish with wing-like fins
  • 左翼成员被提为工党全国执行委员会的委员.
    Two left wingers have been put forward for the Labour Party's National Executive.
  • 左翼成员被提为工党全国执行委员会的委员。
    Two left-wingers have been put forward for the Labour Party's National Executive.
  • 杰夫:有两队员承认,该队确实在严格的医学指导下进行系统服药,更令人吃惊的是,他们还透露,费斯蒂纳队还成立了“药物基金”,由队员贡献的一部分奖金组成,用以购买先进药品。
    Jeff: Two riders admitted that the team had indeed systematically taken drugs under strict medical control. Surprisingly, they also admitted there was a system of funding illegal drugs through the team members' winnings to buy drugs.
  • 我的雄心是作为一无党派的下院议员进入国会,这不过只是我的一厢情愿。
    My ambition is to enter parliament as an independent MP, but it's only wishful thinking.
  • 他满怀渴望地沉溺于出的梦想之中。
    he wishfully indulged in dreams of fame.
  • 我希望三病人早日康复。」
    I join in the community in wishing them the speediest possible recovery."
  • 奥斯卡王尔德是个出的才子。
    Oscar Wilde was a famous wit.
  • 老板丢了一份与另一公司的重要合同,所以他正准备进行调查,并列出了上周到过他办公室的人的单。
    The boss has lost an important contract to another company, so now he's organizing a witch hunt and is making lists of those who were in his office during last week.
  • 黑鱼一种体型小,可食的淡水鱼(黑鱼),生活在阿拉斯加和西伯利亚的河流和池塘中,以其耐寒能力而著
    A small, edible, freshwater fish(Dallia pectoralis) that inhabits streams and ponds of Alaska and Siberia and is noted for its ability to withstand freezing.
  • 历史书使人明智;诗歌使人富于想象;数学使人精细;自然哲学使人深沉、有道德、严肃;逻辑和修辞学命人善于辩论。
    Histories make men wise; poets, witty; The mathematics, subtle; Natural philosophy, deep, moral, grave; logic and rhetoric, able to contend.
  • 谁赢得了第一名?
    Who won the first?
  • 我就是觉得这件事莫其妙。
    I was just wondering about that myself.
  • 有些人认为作为一诗人华兹华斯不及勃朗宁。
    Some people hold that as a poet Wordsworth does not come up to Browning's shoulder.
  • 他是生产流水线上的一工人。
    She is a production line worker.
  • 上星期签约雇用了一百工人。
    The firm signed on a hundred workmen last week.
  • 参加计划的机构有630间,合共提供约25000个培训额和12388个实习额。
    A total of 630 organisations participated in the programme, which offered some 25 000 training places and 12 388 workplace attachment opportunities.
  • 这些步骤,是引入走向权势望和举世认同的步骤。
    They lead the way to power, fame, and worldly recognition.
  • 声、财产、知识等等是身外之物,人人都可求而得之,但没有人能够代替你感受人生。
    Fame, wealth and knowledge are merely worldly possessions that are within the reach of anybody striving for them. But your experience of and feelings about life are your own and not to be shared.
  • 花钱买一个好的片盒是明智的。
    A good card case is worthwhile investment.
  • 柴可夫斯基在这一年同另一个女人建立起联系,这比同米柳树娃小姐短暂的结合有益得多,也少受许多烦恼一这就是他同娜捷达·冯·梅克夫人一场著的友谊。梅克夫人是一个有教养的富孀。”
    Tschaikovsky formed another alliance that year, one far more Profit able and far less nerve-wracking than his short tie with Mile14 Miliukov. This was his famous friendship with Nadyezhda von Meck, a wealthy and cultivated widow.
  • 在无战士墓上献花圈
    place [lay] a wreath at [on] the tomb of the Unknown Soldier
  • 当一摔跤运动员抱压对方使双肩触垫达到规定时间,则裁判员给获胜分。
    The referee awards a fall when one wrestler holds his opponent's shoulders in contact with the mat for a fixed count.
  • 是的,她的字叫海伦·怀特,她的汉语说得很好。
    Yes.Her name is Helen Wright.She speaks very good Chinese.
  • 此地长眠着一个声瞬即消逝的人。
    "Here lies one whose name was writ in water."
  • 老师叫学生们别在考卷上写字,可是约翰却先写上了他的字。
    The teacher told the students not to write on the paper yet, but John went ahead and wrote his name.
  • 请写下您的名字。
    Please write your name.
  • 他成了一名作家。
    He became a writer.
  • 他想当一名作家。
    He aimed to be a writer.
  • 一般著的独唱歌星演唱的歌都是别人专门为他们写的,但披头士乐队却迟然不同,他们自己作词谱曲。
    Unlike the famous solo stars who had their songs written for them, the Beatles wrote their own words and music.