  • 伯尼说:"要从一个默默无闻的人成为一位大人物,那可不是靠魔法变来的啊。"
    "From log cabin to White House, my dear, " Bernie said, "isn't done on a broomstick any more."
  • 伯尼说:“要从一个默默无闻的人成为一位大人物,那可不是靠魔法变来的啊。”
    "From log cabin to White House, my dear," Bernie said, "isn't done on a broomstick any more."
  • 罗斯伯里想一笔钱参加那个俱乐部,但没有被接受。
    Rose berry tried to buy into the club but was not accepted.
  • 贝里指:塔玛霍利导演"赋予詹姆斯·邦德这一形象一定的真实性,如果你能想像给这个假想的梦幻世界带来一些真实的话。"
    Director Tamahori,Berry says,"is bringing a certain reality to James Bond.If you can imagine trying to bring some reality to this fictitious fantasy world."
  • 罗切斯特解释说,这个女人是梅森的姐姐,伯莎,十五年前他在牙买加被骗娶了她。她身于一个满是疯子和弱智者的家庭。
    Rochester explains that the creature is Mason's sister Bertha whom he had been tricked into marrying fifteen years before in Jamaica and who comes from a family of lunatics and degenerates.
  • 硅铍石一种天然铍硅酸脂,be2sio4,以玻璃晶体现,有时用作宝石
    A natural beryllium silicate, Be2SiO4, occurring as vitreous crystals sometimes used as gems.
  • 他说这种话是很不得当的。
    It ill beseems him to say such things.
  • 这样的一个人,人们一定会用问题包围他,设法引诱他,并且探他底口气。所以除非他有一种一概不理的沉默,他就不免要显露他是倾向何方的;
    They will so beset a man with questions, and draw him on, and pick it out of him, that without an absurd silence, he must show an inclination, one way;
  • 克隆动物曾遇到过一些问题,有的克隆动物患有严重残疾,不过科学家们称这些问题能够解决,并表示他们将克隆“正常而独特的儿童”,而不仅仅是他们父母的翻版。
    Animal cloning has been beset by problems, including the creation of hideously deformed animals, but scientists said these could be overcome. They claimed they would create" ordinary, unique children" who were not mere" photocopies" of their parent.
  • 戏除了太长之外, 演得也不好.
    The play was badly acted, besides being far too long.
  • 我现在不想去,而且我还得工作。
    I don't want to come out now, and besides, I must work.
  • 此外对已作陈述的补充;此外
    Beyond what has been stated; besides.
  • 除市长之外还有许多其他人席。
    Besides the mayor, many other people were present.
  • 图书馆除了借书籍之外还提供种种其他服务。
    Libraries offer various other services besides lending books.
  • 羊毛衫之外,我们还售各式的女式衬衫。
    We sell different kinds of blouse besides sweater.
  • 除了坐租车外还有其他别的方法吗?
    Is there any other way to go besides taxi?
  • 教授为他的学生们所提的许多问题所围困(指纷纷发问)。
    The professor was besieged with questions from his students.
  • 学生提的问题很多,教师应接不暇.
    The teacher was besieged with questions from his pupils.
  • 演讲者为听众提的问题所困扰。
    The lecturer was besieged with questions from his audience.
  • 学生们纷纷向老师提问题和请求。
    The pupils besieged their teacher with questions and requests.
  • 人群围住市长纷纷提有关他们税收的问题
    The crowd besieged the mayor with questions about their taxes.
  • 公众纷纷来信对报社新近发表的社论提诘问,弄得报社应接不暇。
    The community besieged the newspaper with letters about its recent editorial.
  • 被包围的军队从他们的位置冲的军事行动。
    a military action in which besieged troops burst forth from their position.
  • 过去该公司曾受过严厉批评,但现在正在推新产品。
    In the past the company has taken its lumps, but now it's betting on a brand-new product.
  • 番摊一种中国的赌博游戏,由庄家数大把小物品,经其他人猜后剩下一至四之间的某一数目
    A Chinese betting game in which the players lay wagers on the number of counters that will remain when a hidden pile of them has been divided by four.
  • 自《消防安全(商业处所)条例》于一九九七年五月实施后,屋宇署联同消防处共视察了295间订明商业处所(银行、投注站、珠宝店、商场和超级市场),并向其中159间订明商业处所发共404份消防安全指示,要求改善消防安全设施。
    Since the implementation of the Fire Safety (Commercial Premises) Ordinance in May 1997, joint inspections have been carried out with the Fire Services Department to 295 prescribed commercial premises (banks, betting centres, jewellery shops, shopping arcades, supermarkets). Subsequently, 404 Fire Safety Directions were served to 159 prescribed commercial premises requiring the improvement of fire safety measures.
  • 所有的女孩子看到贝蒂的漂亮衣服都发赞叹的声音。
    All the girls sighed over Betty's beautiful dress.
  • 贝蒂并不是贵族身,而是嫁给贵族而成为贵族的一员的。
    Betty wasn't born into the nobility, she married in.
  • 玛丽向我和盘托了贝蒂的衷情。
    Mary told me a thing or two about Betty's real feelings.
  • 父亲告贝蒂做礼拜时要静静地坐着,不许发一点儿声音。
    Father told Betty to sit still and not let out peep during church.
  • 咖啡饮料用这种植物的种子作的饮料
    The beverage prepared from the seeds of this plant.
  • 苹果汁从水果中(尤指苹果)压的汁,用于饮料中或制成其它产品,如食用醋
    The juice pressed from fruits, especially apples, used as a beverage or to make other products, such as vinegar.