  • 废除一切繁琐限制!
    Away with all these petty restrictions!
  • 些使得法律权利丧失的限制使他失去了公民资格。
    certain disabling restrictions disqualified him for citizenship.
  • 四、立即停止对《新华日报》的切压迫;
    Immediately stop all restrictions on the New China Daily.
  • 动也就是制约一下。
    By taking action I mean attaching some restrictions to the practice.
  • 妇女们直在为摆脱各种旧束缚而斗争。
    Women have been struggling to emancipate from old restrictions of various kinds.
  • 政府官员部门,他们把某区域划分为服从不同约束的区。
    a board of officials who divide an area into zones subject to different restrictions.
  • 种限制的方式围住。
    surround in a restrictive manner.
  • 处于困境在个非常困难或受限的处境
    In a very difficult or restrictive situation.
  • 头等货极好的或流的物品
    Something admirable or first-rate.
  • 我最担心是,这些法例会带来些不必要的雇佣常规、条款和条件,使本港的竞争力受到削弱。
    My main concern is that these laws could hurt our competitiveness by bringing in unduly restrictive employment practices and terms and conditions.
  • 中国同世界上大多数国家样,保留死刑这刑罚,但对这最严厉的刑罚的适用,做了极为严格的限制性规定。
    China, like most countries in the world, maintains capital punishment, but imposes very stringent restrictive regulations on the use of this extreme measure.
  • 为了不违反伊朗有关妇女服饰的严格的法律,她们只能参加其中的些项目。
    The women were limited in the events in which they were allowed to participate, so they would not violate their country's restrictive laws regarding women's clothing.
  • 在税收、土地使用、企业开办、进出口等方面,取消切不利于民间投资和民营经济发展的限制性和歧视性规定;
    Eliminate all restrictive and discriminatory regulations that are not friendly towards private investment and private economic development in taxes, land use, business start up and import and export.
  • 在‘每个人都列出了曾经影响过自己的书’句中限制性从句只限于将从句指定的那些特殊的书。
    the restrictive clause in `Each made a list of the books that had influenced him' limits the books on the list to only those particular ones defined by the clause.
  • 但是在当今世界,公司权力遭到越来越强有力的抵触,知识产权受到限制,全球化得到发展,资源开放成为种可能的选择,种蕴藏巨大潜力的反击方式。
    But in a world of growing opposition to corporate power, restrictive intellectual property rights and globalisation, open source is emerging as a possible alternative, a potentially potent means of fighting back.
  • 这是个极好的计划。
    This is an admirable plan.
  • 马克是非常精明和有能力的人。如果你想要个能干的管理人员,我认为马克是个极好的人选。
    Mark is a very shrewd and able man, and if you want a competent administrator I expect he's as good as they come.
  • 步(行动)就得看你们的了。
    The next move rests with you.
  • 例如,在个典型的订单录入模型中,你能简单地识别表演者(订单管理员)和商业的场景。
    For example, in a typical order entry model, you can simply identify an actor (the order administrator) and a business scenario.
  • 行政长官担任执政官后被任命为省的行政长官的古罗马官员
    An ancient Roman official, appointed to be the chief administrator of a province after serving his term of office as praetor.
  • 步怎么办就取决于你了。
    It rests with you to make the next move.
  • 根能固定脚的有很强弹性的木杖;它能帮人弹跳起来。
    a pole with foot rests and a strong spring; propelled by jumping.
  • 我想给我的头发做个新发型。
    I'd like to restyle my hair.
  • 我想给我的头发做个新发型。
    I 'd like to restyle my hair.
  • 个事件的确切程度,尤其指迭代运算结果对正确结果的逼近程度。
    The correctness, especially the degree of the closeness, by which iterated results approach the correct result.
  • 有时候个行政管理人员必须摆脱开日常事务以便掌握大局。
    Sometimes an administrator must stand back from day-to-day business to grasp the wider pattern of events.
  • 我在个叫时代贸易公司的小公司任办公室主任。
    I am working as an office administrator in a small company by the name of Times Trading Company.
  • 力争一个好结果
    Shoot for a good result
  • 教育家和行政官是两种很不样的角色,我们要的是何者?
    Of course, an educator is different from an administrator. But which is more needed for our schools?
  • 对这些类型的任何个进行算术运算,都会获得个int结果。必须将其明确“造型”回原来的类型(缩小转换会造成信息的丢失),以便将值赋回那个类型。
    Each arithmetic operation on any of those types results in an int result, which must be explicitly cast back to the original type (a narrowing conversion that might lose information) to assign back to that type.
  • mobilestudio直观的管理员界面允许网站站长迅速创建个引人注目的开发人员门户。
    The Mobile Studio's intuitive administrator interface allows web masters to rapidly create a compelling developer portal.
  • 物质滥用与心理卫生服务部管理人员查尔斯·居里在项声明中解释说,导致青少年自杀的主要原因是精神抑郁。
    Depression is the main cause of suicide, SAMHSA administrator Charles Curie explained in a statement.