  • 在各个社会等级之有许多细微的身分区别
    There are many fine shadings of status through the social hierarchy
  • 在各个社会等级之有许多细微的身分区别。
    There is many fine shading of status through the social hierarchy.
  • 在分布式处理程序的执行程序(dppx)中,一种防止请求封锁的各线程之发生死锁的保护措施。这些锁根据它们所处的层次位置被授予从低到高的次序。
    In DPPX, a protective measure to prevent deadlocks between threads requesting locks. The locks are granted in lowest to highest order, based on their location in the hierarchy.
  • 个人阅历中最引以为荣的事情:在威廉斯大学(80’班)就读期,曾在两家摇滚乐队唱歌。
    Resume highlight: Sang for two new-wave rock groups during his days at Williams College (class of '80).
  • 活动最精彩的部分,是举行一个盛大晚宴,期进行一个特别的仪式,向加拿大皇家骑警一支分队告别;这支队伍曾应邀来港参加农历新年(牛年)的贺岁巡游。
    The highlight was a gala dinner during which a special ceremony was held to farewell a contingent of Royal Canadian Mounted Police who had been invited to take part in a Lunar New Year (Year of the Bull) parade in Hong Kong.
  • 事实上,区域经济危机已使存在民族主义的国家同较不具保护主义,并能包容外国文化的国家之的差异更加明显。
    Indeed, the economic crisis in the region has further highlighted the gap between the more nationalistic countries and those less protectionist and more tolerant of foreign cultures.
  •  香港特别行政区的区徽,中是五星花蕊的紫荆花,周围写有“中华人民共和国香港特别行政区”和英文“香港”。
    The regional emblem of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is a bauhinia in the centre highlighted by five star-tipped stamens and encircled by the words "Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China" in Chinese and "HONG KONG" in English.
  • (直接称呼或接称呼)对王室成员的尊称。
    (Your Highness or His Highness of Her Highness) title used to address a royal person.
  • 避车道,停车道高速分路上可以错车或停的宽大空
    A widening in a highway to allow vehicles to pass or park.
  • 30.在2003年国际淡水年期,环境规划署区域海洋方案和全球行动纲领将特别在日本第三次世界水论坛和2003年3月22日世界水日期开展“h2o:从山顶到海洋”的倡议行动。
    30. During the International Year of Freshwater, 2003 UNEP’s regional seas programme and the Global Programme of Action will feature the “H2O: From Hilltop to Oceans” initiative, particularly during the Third World Water Forum in Japan and on World Water Day, 22 March 2003.
  • 黎巴嫩南部和叙利亚南部之的一块肥沃的丘陵地区。
    a fortified hilly area between S Lebanon and S Syria.
  • 博若莱法国中东部的一个丘陵地区,位于马孔和里昂之的索恩河西部。以所产的葡萄酒闻名
    A hilly region of east-central France west of the Sa鬾e River between M鈉on and Lyon. It is noted for its wine.
  • 西藏亚洲中部的一个历史地区,位于喜马拉雅山脉和昆仑山脉之。是喇嘛教的中心,它最早作为一个独立王国在7世纪时处于鼎盛时期,13至18世纪处于蒙古控制之下,后来归为中国统治(1720年)
    A historical region of central Asia between the Himalaya and Kunlun mountains. A center of Lamaist Buddhism, Tibet first flourished as an independent kingdom in the seventh century. It fell under Mongol influence from the13th to the18th century and later came under Chinese control(1720).
  • 一个亚洲小国,位于喜马拉雅山脉中印度于西藏之
    a small Asian country high in the Himalayas between India and Tibet.
  • 发生车祸以后他常常独自一个人呆呆地坐在那里很长时一动也不动。
    After the accident he often sat by himself still without moving for a long time.
  • 小腿,胫位于膝盖和脚之的腿部或后肢的部位;胫
    The section of the leg or hind limb between the knee and foot; shank.
  • 他们走遍了各个房,小心翼翼地不碰任何东西,因为他们不想妨碍警察搜寻指纹。
    They were careful to touch nothing, as they did not want to hinder the police in their search for fingerprints.
  • 提示使悄悄地并且接地知道;暗示
    To make known subtly and indirectly; hint.
  • 给了我们是时离开了的、明显的暗示。
    gave us a broad hint that it was time to leave.
  • 台湾经济将真正以祖国大陆为腹地,获得广阔的发展空
    Taiwan may then truly rely on the mainland as its hinterland for economic growth and thus get broad space for development.
  • 你为什么不把空闲的房租给别人来赚些钱?
    "Why don't you hire out your spare room to other people, and earn some money?"
  • 珀尔不得不在放弃工作和雇保姆之作出选择。
    Pearl had to choose between giving up her job or hiring a nanny.
  • 她得在放弃工作和雇用保姆两者作一选择.
    She had to choose between giving up her job or hiring a nanny.
  • 股东在聘用新经理问题上发生了分歧。
    The partners have been at odds with each other over hiring a new manager.
  • 兰格,多罗西雅1895-1965美国摄影师,以拍摄经济大萧条期农业工人的纪实性照片而深入人心
    Norwegian pacifist and historian. He shared the1921 Nobel Peace Prize for his work as secretary-general of the Inter-Parliamentary Union(1909-1933).
  • 绳中的栓含有两个眼状物通过它能钩住滑轮。
    a hitch in the middle of rope that has two eyes into which tackle can be hooked.
  • 临时系在另一个绳子中的栓。
    a hitch used for temporarily tying a rope to the middle of another rope (or to an eye).
  • 40年来,他俩并肩耕耘,共用生产机械,需要时互换劳力和物品。相处的日子过得和和顺顺。这是他们之第一次出现裂痕。
    It was the first serious rift in 40 years of farming side by side, sharing machinery, and trading labor and goods as needed without a hitch.
  • 希治阁的调查结果证实了我向来所持有的印象,即亚洲人和美国人的个人和社会价值观,之存在着很大的分歧。
    Hitchcock's survey findings confirm my impression that there are significant differences between the personal and societal values of Asians and Americans.
  • 再上面一层什么空房吗?
    Do you have anything on a hither floor?
  • 在一个拥挤的房里它还可以帮助你传达对异性的好感,如果你一再挤眉弄眼和打手势招呼其过来均不奏效的话。
    It could also help you signal romantic interest across a crowded room, if winks and come-hither gestures don't work.
  • 感谢过去您的支持,相信您仍会保持我们之的在友好业务关系。
    We thank you for the support you have hitherto accord to us, and trust still to maintain our friendly business relation.