  • 给我一杯饮料。
    Give me a drink.
  • 把糖给我递来
    Pass me the sugar
  • 走开,别再我添麻烦了。
    Leave me alone and stop buggering me about.
  • 你说的很有意思,多我讲些吧.
    What you say intrigues me; tell me more.
  • 劳驾把那份杂志递我好吗?
    Would you oblige me by passing me that magazine?
  • 我倒了杯蜂蜜酒。
    He gave me a cup of mead.
  • 店员是商店的雇员,以微薄的薪资,供家庭的费用,物价年年增长,薪往往须数年一增,偶与此辈倾谈,便见叫苦不迭。
    The shop assistants are employees of shops and stores, supporting their families on meagre pay and getting an increase perhaps only once in several years while prices rise every year. If by chance you get into intimate conversation with them, they invariably pour out their endless grievances.
  • 等我吃完再给我。
    After my meal, please.
  • 他预定把这栋房子女儿。
    He means this house for his daughter.
  • 我本来打算今天你这本书的,可是我忘了。
    I meant to give you this book today, but I forgot.
  • 彼得的父亲很小气,他从不彼得添新衣服。
    Peter's father was very mean; he never gave Peter any new clothes.
  • 陈晴山写儿子的家书也很有意义,句句饱含真情。
    The letters by Chen Qing-shan to his son are meaningful and written with feelings from the heart.
  • 了我们少得可怜的一点蛋糕.
    He gave us measly little portions of cake.
  • 母亲我量尺寸,好知道我该穿多大号的衣服。
    Mother measured me to see what size of dress I should have.
  • 裁缝我量做新西装的尺寸。
    The tailor took my measurements for a new suit.
  • 她把一些肉猫吃了。
    She gave some of the meat to the cat.
  • 验证协议的程序,它从一个定的初始状态机械地产生出一切可以到达的状态,并且审查每一状态下用户定义的条件的有效性。
    A program for protocol verification which mechanically generates all states reachable from a given initial state and checks the validity of user defined conditions in each state.
  • 如果一切顺利,调解人实质上便启动了一轮“面子”带来当事人彼此示好而让步的良性循环。
    If all goes well, the mediator in essence has started a virtuous cycle of "giving face" and reciprocating favours.
  • 接着调解人又尽力劝导另一方说,既然人家已经“面子”了,便理当还这个人情,同样也接受妥协方案才是。
    Next, the mediator will try to convince the other party that "face has been given" and that he or she is obliged to return the favour by agreeing to the settlement as well.
  • 医生他作了体格检查。
    The doctor gave him a medical examination.
  • 医生给开了些药。
    The doctor prescribed some medication.
  • 我正在玩味着:一个漂亮女人的美丽的眼睛竟会人这么大的快乐。”
    I have been meditating on the very great pleasure which a pair of fine eyes in the face of a pretty woman can bestow."
  • 近年来,各种各样的减轻压力疗法,如瑜伽、静坐默念、按摩及芳香疗法,已成为生活中必不可少的东西,这就像过度紧张的大脑和精神上药。
    In recent years,various stress reduction therapies such as yoga,meditation,massages,and aromatherapy have become a living necessity,like medicine for the overtaxed mind and the soul.
  • 什么时候需要帮忙,我们打个电话。
    Give us a call any time you meed help.
  • 我见面认得希尔夫人,但是从来没人我们引见过。
    I know Mrs Hill by sight, but have never met her.
  • 给我安排一次会晤
    Arrange a meeting for me
  • 把你一生当中所发生的所有事件,都看作是激励你上进而发生的事件,因为只要你能时间圆润你烦恼的机会的话,即使是最悲伤的经验,也会为你带来最多的财产。
    Relate to every circumstance in your life as something that has happened for the best,for it may be that your saddest experience will bring you your greatest assets if you give time a chance to mellow your distress.
  • 如果你冰加热,它就会化成水。
    If you warm ice it will melt into water.
  • 只有成员可以进入;系里成员;她被介绍了他家庭的。
    only members will be admitted; a member of the faculty; she was introduced to all the members of his family.
  • 可将值赋数据成员,但首先必须知道如何引用一个对象的成员。
    You can assign values to the data members, but you must first know how to refer to a member of an object.
  • 这条教训不是光讲员工听的而是每一个公司成员。
    the message was addressed not just to employees but to every member of the company family; the church welcomed new members into its fellowship.
  • 赠品赠的或保存的东西;纪念品
    Something given or kept; a memento.