  • 然而有利于我不利于敌的件和形势的存在,还没有使敌人失败。
    However, the presence of these conditions and of a situation favourable to ourselves and unfavourable to the enemy does not mean that we have already defeated him.
  • 而避免在不利件下的无把握的决战,例如彰德等地战役所采的方针。
    We want to avoid decisive engagements under unfavourable conditions when we are not sure of victory, this being the policy we adopted in the Changteh and other campaigns.
  • 战胜绝对优势敌人的进攻,依靠于在战略退却阶段中所造成的、有利于我不利于敌的、比较敌人开始进攻时起了变化的形势,而这种形势是由各种件造成的。
    To defeat the offensive of an enemy who enjoys absolute superiority we rely on the situation created during the stage of our strategic retreat, a situation which is favourable to ourselves, unfavourable to the enemy and different from that at the beginning of his offensive. It takes many elements to make up such a situation.
  • 由于不适合兵役而收到陆军例第八处分的士兵。
    a soldier who received a Section Eight discharge as unfit for military service.
  • (美军俚)美国陆军例第八款(1922---1944年间规定由于心理素质不合要求应开除军籍的理)。
    a discharge from the US Army based on unfitness or character traits deemed undesirable.
  • 穿越城镇的行道将显露很多有趣的建筑物。
    A walk through town will unfold many interesting buildings.
  • 这个问题的正确解决,是游击战争顺利发展的件之一。
    A correct solution of this problem is one of the prerequisites for the unhampered development of guerrilla warfare.
  • 对于那些慢斯里的人来说,办公室可能是产生挫败感的一个特殊的源泉。
    For the unhurried, the office can be a particular source of frustration.
  • 第三十 国家制定统一的年度木材生产计划。
    Article 30 The State shall formulate a unified annual timber production plan.
  • 第十二 国家对矿产资源勘查实行统一的区块登记管理制度。
    Article 12 The State practises a unified regional registration system for exploration of mineral resources.
  • 第二十三 区域地质调查按照国家统一规划进行。
    Article 23 Regional geological surveys shall be carried out in accordance with the unified State plan.
  • 有着统一的白色高大建筑街道。
    a street of uniform tall white buildings.
  •    第五国家维护社会主义法制的统一和尊严。
    Article 5. The state upholds the uniformity and dignity of the socialist legal system.
  • 有苍白金黄的心材并均一带有棕黄或黑色的纹的热带美国木材乔木的小属。
    small genus of tropical African timber trees having pale golden heartwood uniformly striped with dark brown or black:.
  • 第三十七 从林区运出木材,必须持有林业主管部门发给的运输证件,国家统一调拨的木材除外。
    Article 37 The transport timber out of forest districts, it shall be necessary to present the transport documentation issued by the competent forestry authorities with the exception of timber uniformly allocated and transferred by the State.
  • 联盟运动;联合谈判;合同中联合商店款。
    the union movement; union negotiations; a union-shop clause in the contract.
  • 恶劣的件和漫长的工作时间是早期工会工作者苦恼的原因。
    Harsh conditions and long working hours were gall and wormwood to early trade unionists.
  • 决定了就要执行,要一致执行,这是一纪律,也是我们党的传统。
    Once a decision is made, we must implement it in unison. This is one of the rules of our discipline and a tradition of our Party.
  • 这是保持团结的一个重要件。
    It is an important condition for maintaining unity.
  • 普遍特征作为普遍的件;普遍性
    The condition of being universal; universality.
  • 一般性;普遍性成为普遍的性质、事实或
    The quality, fact, or condition of being universal.
  • 1.对于第三十六所指的从事任何含有非法复制之布图设计的集成电路或含有这类集成电路之物品的活动,如果从事或提供该活动者,在获得该物品时不知、也无合理根据应知有关物品中含有非法复制的布图设计,则不论第三十六如何规定,任何成员均不得认为该活动非法。
    1. Notwithstanding Article 36, no Member shall consider unlawful the performance of any of the acts referred to in that Article in respect of an integrated circuit incorporating an unlawfully reproduced layout-design or any article incorporating such an integrated circuit where the person performing or ordering such acts did not know and had no reasonable ground to know, when acquiring the integrated circuit or article incorporating such an integrated circuit, that it incorporated an unlawfully reproduced layout-design.
  • 第五十五 煤矿企业、煤炭经营企业、运输企业和煤炭用户应当依照法律、国务院有关规定或者合同约定供应、运输和接卸煤炭。
    Article 55 Coal mining enterprises, coal trading enterprises, transport enterprises and customers shall supply, transport, and accept and unload coal according to law, the relevant regulations of the State Council or the agreement in contracts.
  • 从assertionstatusreport返回消息中,xina发现对于她的bk2这个businessentity确实列着一未匹配的断言。
    From the resulting assertionStatusReport, Xina sees that there is indeed an unmatched assertion listed against her businessEntity B2.
  • 以政治件和物质件相结合,我们的军力将无敌于东亚。
    However, if the political and material factors are combined, our armed forces will become unmatched in East Asia.
  • 这个项目失败于无理的计划。
    the project failed through unmethodical planning.
  • 他的另一手臂不自然地横放在胸前,像是故意地、有所企图地放在那儿一样。
    his other arm lay across his chest, unnaturally, as if placed there deliberately, for a purpose.
  • 设计使得手动上发不再必要的。
    designed so that manual winding is unnecessary.
  • 第四十一 违反本法规定,擅自开拆过境动植物、动植物产品或者其他检疫物的包装的,擅自将过境动植物、动植物产品或者其他检疫物卸离运输工具的,擅自抛弃过境动物的尸体、排泄物、铺垫材料或者其他废弃物的,有动植物检疫机关处以罚款。
    Article 41 Whoever, in violation of this Law and without authorization, unpacks the packings of transit animals or plants, animal or plant products or other quarantine objects, discharges transit animals or plants, animal or plant products or other quarantine objects from the means of transport, or casts away transit animals' carcasses, excrements, bedding materials or other wastes, shall be fined by the port animal and plant quarantine office.
  • 第二十七 动植物、动植物产品和其他检疫物过境期间,未经动植物检疫机关批准,不得开拆包装或者卸离运输工具。
    Article 27 Animals and plants, their products or other quarantine objects, in the course of their transit, may not be unpacked or discharged from the means of transport without the approval of the animal and plant quarantine organ.
  • 件差的地区工作,公司多给酬金。
    The firm pays over the odds for working in unpopular area.
  • 所有这些为全球经济和社会发展提供了前所未有的物质技术件,打开了广阔的前景。
    All these have laid unprecedented material and technological conditions for continued economic and social progress worldwide and promise a broad prospect.