Chinese English Sentence:
  • 在北京境外建设王滩电厂一期、蒙古正蓝电厂一期、蒙古岱海电厂一期、下花园电厂六期工程。
    Outside Beijing, several power plants will be built such as Wangtan Power Plant (phase I), Zhenglangi Power Plant (phase I) and Daihai Power Plant (phase I) in Inner Mongolia, and Xiahuayuan Power Plant (phase VI).
  • 新抹的泥灰在几个小时能干
    Fresh plaster will fix in a few hours.
  • 纳米比亚的一个沙漠,位于大西洋与陆高原之间。
    a desert in Namibia between the high plateau and the Atlantic Ocean.
  • 把西红柿堆积在大浅盘
    heap the platter with potatoes.
  • 我不这样认为,看看在nba,你如果有一个优秀的线球员,你就能打进季后赛。如果你碰巧有两名优秀中锋,你就能夺得总冠军。
    I don't think so. Look at the NBA. In the NBA, if you have a great post player you can get into the playoffs for sure, and if you happen to have two great post players, you'll be able to get the NBA championship.
  • 危险是如此之大,以致格林劝告他的同事——包括马洛在——赶快停止写剧。
    So great was the danger that Greene advised his colleagues, Marlowe among them, to abandon playwrights profession.
  • 如果在本公司能力范围,我们愿意满足您的需要,请再与我们联系。
    Please let us have other inquiries as we shall be only too pleased to meet your requirements if it is within our power.
  • 纵隔哺乳动物体将胸腔分为左右两半的中隔,由心脏和除肺以外的胸腔脏器组成
    The region in mammals between the pleural sacs, containing the heart and all of the thoracic viscera except the lungs.
  • 近日我方将向你方提供有关供热管道系统的进一步细节。
    We shall give you further details about plumbing and heating supplies in the next few days.
  • 由于森喜朗的民意大幅下滑,最近几次的民调均显示森喜朗的支持度不到两成,再加上自民党发生严重分歧,因此民众对森喜朗领导国家的能力仍有怀疑。
    But with his popularity plummeting- under 20 percent in recent opinion polls- and deep divisions in his Liberal Democratic Party, doubts remained over Mori's ability to lead the nation.
  • 我们从四月二十日夜里开始,二十四小时大体上三十万人全部过了江。
    Beginning on the night of April 20, nearly all the 300,000 men crossed the river in a twenty-four hour period, plunging the enemy troops into chaos.
  • 内裤。常用复数形式
    Underpants. Often used in the plural.
  • 为避免寻找名片时在衣兜或钱包里乱摸一气,你应总把它们放在固定的位置,西服或夹克上衣的兜就是好地方。
    To avoid fumbling in pockets or purses,always keep the cards in the same place.A good location is the inside pocket of your suit or jacket.
  • 邻域定点周围的点的集合,其中每个点离定点在一定的,通常是很小的距离
    The set of points surrounding a specified point, each of which is within a certain, usually small distance from the specified point.
  • 尖顶两条装饰性弧线或曲线的交叉点,如三叶饰的尖顶
    The point of intersection of two ornamental arcs or curves, such as the inner points of a trefoil.
  • 堆栈指针若向下移,会创建新的存;若向上移,则会释放那些存。
    The stack pointer is moved down to create new memory and moved up to release that memory.
  • 创建程序时,java编译器必须准确地知道堆栈保存的所有数据的“长度”以及“存在时间”。这是由于它必须生成相应的代码,以便向上和向下移动指针。
    The Java compiler must know, while it is creating the program, the exact size and lifetime of all the data that is stored on the stack, because it must generate the code to move the stack pointer up and down.
  • 然而,s指向的string对象依然占据着存空间。
    However, the String object that s was pointing to is still occupying memory.
  • 南极圈和北极圈有动物存在吗?
    Are there any animals in the polar circles?
  • 北极熊至少在10英里之处就能嗅到受困的白鲸。它们可以靠体储存的脂肪生活下去。
    Polar bears can smell trapped whales from at least 10 miles away, and they can store and live off reserves of fat.
  • 左右翼间日益增大的分歧
    The growing polarity between the left and right wings of the party
  • 农民的部是在激烈地分化的过程中。
    A sharp process of polarization is taking place among the peasantry.
  • 很多观察家摒弃了在坏的、老的电路交换和好的、新的包路由之间极化部网电话的想法。
    Many observers reject the idea of polarizing intranet telephony between bad, old circuit switching and good, new packet routing.
  • 在这个基础上,我们提出了现在的一系列政策,主要是改革和开放,对开放和对外开放;
    On the basis of that analysis we formulated a series of new policies, notably the policy of reform and the policy of opening up both internationally and domestically.
  • 在任期之,他们各自负责由行政长官指定的政策范畴,统领辖下部门的工作,制定、解释和推介政策,争取立法会和市民大众的支持,并且为政策的成败直接向行政长官负责。
    They will cover the respective portfolios assigned to them by the Chief Executive, oversee the work of associated departments, formulate policies, explain policy decisions, market policy proposals and gain the support of the Legislative Council and the public. They will be accountable to the Chief Executive for the success or failure of their policy initiatives.
  • 我们在制定国搞建设这个方针的同时,调整了对外政策。
    At the same time that we determined the policies for domestic development, we also made some adjustments in our foreign policy.
  • 这种自由散漫性带到党,就成了政治上的和组织上的极端民主化的思想。
    When characteristic is brought into the Party, it develops into ultra-democratic ideas politically and organizationally.
  • 异粉性杂交植物的一种直接反应,通过将一种植物的花粉引入另一种植物的乳中所产生
    The direct effect on a hybrid plant produced by the transfer of pollen from one strain to the endosperm of a different strain.
  • 闭花受精的一种不开花而在花蕾自己授粉的,或与之相关的
    Of or relating to a flower that does not open and is self-pollinated in the bud.
  • 对不起,抽烟会污染车的空气。
    I'm sorry, smoking will pollute air in a taxi.
  • 在限期,对新产生的污染环境的工业固体废物,应当缴纳排污费或者采取其他措施。
    during this period pollution discharge fee for newly-discharged industrial solid waste that pollutes the environment shall be paid or other measures adopted.
  • 加大市区企业搬迁调整力度,2008年之前完成东南郊化工区和四环路200家左右污染企业的调整搬迁,首钢完成减产200万吨钢和结构调整目标。
    In an effort to remove the enterprises located in the urban districts, by 2008, the chemical industrial zone in the Southeast suburbs and some 200 polluting enterprises within the Fourth Ring Road will be relocated. The Capital Iron & Steel Plant will reduce its steel production by 2 million tons and its production structure will be readjusted.