  • 依靠人维持呼吸时的种急救过程。
    an emergency procedure whereby respiration that is maintained artificially.
  • 深呼吸和浅呼吸交替进行的种异常呼吸现象。
    abnormal respiration in which periods of shallow and deep breathing alternate.
  • 呼吸描记器用来记录呼吸时胸部运动的力量和速度的种装置
    A device for recording the force and speed of chest movements during respiration.
  • 横隔膜种分隔胸腔和腹腔并起呼吸作用的肌性膜隔
    A muscular membranous partition separating the abdominal and thoracic cavities and functioning in respiration.
  • 食草类的鸟足类恐龙可能发青有与哺乳动物样的横隔膜,以便于有效的呼吸。
    The herbivorous ornitho pod dinosaurs may have had a mammal like diaphragm for efficient respiration.
  • 模范的前例,就是在北伐战争时代的国民革命军,那是大体上官兵致、军民致的军队,恢复那时的精神是完全必要的。
    The National Revolutionary Army during the Northern Expedition provides an admirable precedent, for in general it did establish unity between officers and men and between the army and the people;
  • 我们都以为他淹死了,但经过小时的人工呼吸,他苏醒过来了。
    We all thought he was drowned, but after an hour's artificial respiration he came to life.
  • 胞色细胞任何类含铁的蛋白质,在细胞呼吸中作氧化反应重要的催化剂
    Any of a class of iron-containing proteins important in cell respiration as catalysts of oxidation-reduction reactions.
  • 水栖甲壳动物,特征是有个壳和许多对用于游泳、也用于呼吸和进食的叶状附肢。
    aquatic crustaceans typically having a carapace and many pairs of leaflike appendages used for swimming as well as respiration and feeding.
  • 多种波动描记器种能同时记录诸如心跳、血压和汗液分泌等生理变化的仪器,常被用作测谎器
    An instrument that simultaneously records changes in physiological processes such as heartbeat, blood pressure, and respiration, often used as a lie detector.
  • 大概没有多少人会怀疑,我们在日常生活中所感受到的日本,其实是个赏心悦目和令人生羡的国度。
    The impression we get of Japan in our daily life is that of an admirable and fabulous country. Very few people, I think, will disagree with such a view.
  • 种重的无嗅无色的气体,在呼吸过程中和有机物分解时形成,在空气中被植物通过光合作用吸收。
    a heavy odorless colorless gas formed during respiration and by the decomposition of organic substances; absorbed from the air by plants in photosynthesis.
  • 凡尔赛宫中有些地方可能要停止对公众开放,以期能保存下来。欧洲有些以有三万年历史的古画而著称的洞窟已经关闭了,因为那些画已受到人类呼出的空气的损坏。
    Parls of the palace of Versailles may have to be closed to the public in order to preserve them, and some European caves, famous for their thirty-thousand-year-old paintings, have already been closed because the paintings were damaged by human respiration.
  • 伯承同志可供同志们学习的地方太多了,这些不过是其中的叶。
    Comrade Bocheng has so many admirable traits for us to emulate that the ones I have mentioned are only like a branch or a leaf of the tree.
  • "克罗斯戴着个呼吸器,只能用热泪作为回应。
    Cross, on a respirator, responded the only way he could -- with tears.
  • 她苗条,显然还没有过青春期。挺好看的体态,还有张我生平从未有幸见过的绝妙的小脸蛋。
    She was slender, and apparently scarcely past girlhood: an admirable form, and the most exquisite little face that I have ever had the pleasure of beholding;
  • 呼吸道膜上的种疾病。
    a disease of the respiratory mucous membrane.
  • 气管造口术在气管中造呼吸通道的外科建构方法
    Surgical construction of a respiratory opening in the trachea.
  • 球霉菌病由吸入球孢子菌属的真菌引起的人类和其他动物的种传染性呼疾病。有发烧及其它呼吸病症状
    An infectious respiratory disease of human beings and other animals caused by inhaling the fungus Coccidioides immitis. It is characterized by fever and various respiratory symptoms.
  • 以喘息为特征的种呼吸病症。
    respiratory disorder characterized by wheezing; often of allergic origin.
  • 气管昆虫和些其它陆生节肢动物的内部呼吸管道之
    One of the internal respiratory tubes of insects and some other terrestrial arthropods.
  • 呼吸根,载气体在某些水生植物中的种特殊的起呼吸作用的根结构,如落羽松
    A specialized respiratory root structure in certain aquatic plants, such as the bald cypress.
  • 最近,有些研究者们直在恐龙鼻腔内寻找呼吸鼻甲骨。
    More recently, some researchers have looked for respiratory turbinates in the nasal passages of dinosaurs.
  • 头孢氨苄种半人工合成的头孢菌素代用物,尤用于治疗呼吸道和尿道感染
    A semisynthetic analogue of cephalosporin used especially in the treatment of respiratory and urinary tract infections.
  • 腺病毒导致人类结合腺类及上呼吸道感染的组含有脱氧核糖核酸的病原体
    Any of a group of DNA-containing viruses that cause conjunctivitis and upper respiratory tract infections in humans.
  • 食肉的恐龙看来更具有与鸟类样发达的肌肉系统,从而能够吸人大量的氧气。
    Predatory dinosaurs appear to have developed birdlike respiratory systems able to take in large amounts of oxygen.
  • 血蓝蛋白种浅蓝色的含铜的呼吸色素,类似血红蛋白,出现在某些节肢动物及软体动物的血液之中
    A bluish, copper-containing respiratory pigment similar to hemoglobin, present in the blood of certain mollusks and arthropods.
  • 去氮松,氟烃氢化泼尼松种合成的肾上腺皮质甾体药物,c21h27fo6,用作抗发炎药物用于过敏性和呼吸道患疾
    A synthetic glucocorticoid, C21H27FO6, used as an anti-inflammatory drug in the treatment of allergic and respiratory disorders.
  • 血红蛋白脊椎动物红血细胞中种含铁的呼吸色素,由大约6%的血红素和94%的球蛋白组成
    The iron-containing respiratory pigment in red blood cells of vertebrates, consisting of about6 percent heme and94 percent globin.
  • 栉鳃,栉齿种梳子状的结构,如软体动物的呼吸器官或者某些昆虫的排刺
    A comblike structure, such as the respiratory apparatus of a mollusk or a row of spines in some insects.
  • 纳洛芬种药品,c19h21no3,从吗啡中提炼出来,用于治疗呼吸压抑和其它麻醉剂过量的副作用
    A drug, C19H21NO3, derived from morphine, used to treat respiratory depression and other effects of an overdose of narcotics.
  • 肺炎杆菌种非游走的革兰氏阴性细菌(肺炎克雷白氏杆菌),它会导致种严重的肺炎,而且与其他呼吸感染有关
    A nonmotile, gram-negative bacterium(Klebsiella pneumoniae) that causes a severe form of pneumonia and is associated with other respiratory infections.