  • 这个女人回到房间时戴面具的人快把她吓死了。
    The masked man startled the woman out of her wits when she went to her room.
  • 窗框上漆时,用遮蔽胶带把玻璃边缘贴住。
    He put masking tape round the edges of the glass while he painted the window frame.
  • 他要求这个石匠他做一块墓碑。
    He asked the mason to make him a tombstone.
  • mason先生建议我打电话您。
    Mr. Mason suggested I call you.
  • 我想要有人我按摩肩膀。
    I want somebody to massage my shoulders.
  • 我来给你按摩后背。
    Let me massage your back for you.
  • 真是!我肩膀都僵了。希望有人能我按摩按摩。
    Boy! My shoulders are stiff. I wish someone would give me a massage.
  • 真是!我肩膀都僵了。希望有人能我按摩按摩。
    Boy! My shoulders is stiff. I wish someone will give me a massage.
  • 我们医院有一位有名的按摩师,我他打个电话,让他帮您按摩一下。
    There's a well-know masseur in this hospital. I'll give him a call and ask him to take care of you.
  • 为了使你的智囊团发挥正常功能,你必须团员清晰而且正确的指示,而团员也必须愿意充分与你合作,以下四个简单的步骤,可确保智囊团的正常运作。
    For your mastermind alliance to function properly,you must give clear,unmistakable signals to your crew.They,in turn,need to be willing to cooperate fully with you.There are four simple steps to making sure this is the case.
  • 她对经济的精通教授们留下了深刻的印象
    Her mastery of economic theory impressed the professors.
  • 给(照片)镶框
    To put a mat around(a picture).
  • 能让给我几根火柴吗?
    Can you spare me some matches?
  • 我拿几根火柴来,好吗?
    Get me some matches, can you?
  • 他是另一个队的队员,他暗中告诉我们下一场比赛中他的队谁将上场同我们对阵,因此我们了他10英镑追偿金。
    He's a member of the other team and secretly let us know who his side were going to field against us at the next match, so we gave him ten pounds conscience money.
  • 让狗咬了的人,不管那畜生是疯或是不疯的,他自己总要疯起来。
    A ma bite by a dog, no mater whether the animal is mad or not, is apt to get mad himself.
  • 让狗咬了的人,不管那畜生是疯或是不疯的,他自己总要疯起来。
    A man is bitten by a dog, no mater whether the animal is mad or not, is apt to get mad himself.
  • 它已改造了它的军队——改造得和中国任何一个历史时代的军队都不相同,而和世界现代国家的军队却大体相同,武器和其他军事物资的供比起红军来雄厚得多,而且其军队数量之多超过中国任何一个历史时代的军队,超过世界任何一个国家的常备军。
    It has remodelled its army which has thus become different from any other army in Chinese history and on the whole similar to the armies of modern states; this army is much better supplied with weapons and materiel than the Red Army, and is larger than any army in Chinese history, or for that matter than the standing army of any other country.
  • 这个方法有时非常成功,比方说,我外祖父有好几个浪漫的女儿,他就是采用这个方法,使她们个个嫁了好人家。
    This method was sometimes very successful; it was adopted for example, by my maternal grandfather, who had a large number of romantic daughters, none of whom married badly.
  • 公司予产妇及其丈夫充足的假期,并出资在附近建成了两所托儿所,使作父母的宝洁员工能离他们的孩子近一些。
    The company offers a liberal maternity and paternity leave and has provided funding for two day-care centers nearby so that P & G mothers and fathers can be near their children.
  • 那位女教师班上布置数学的家庭作业。
    The teacher set her class a mathematics exercise for homework.
  • 转置矩阵通过使一个定的矩阵的行和列互换而形成的矩阵
    A matrix formed by interchanging the rows and columns of a given matrix.
  • 我要去我的床买个新床垫。
    I'll go to buy a new mattress for my bed.
  • 如果君主感到江山很牢固,确信宝座能传自己的子孙,有时他会沉溺于大兴土木,金字塔、泰姬陵以及卡里亚王陵就是这样修建起来的。
    He, indeed, if he feels safe on his throne, and reasonably secure of transmitting it to his descendants, sometimes indulges a taste for durable edifices,and produces the Pyramids, or the Taj Mehal and the Mausoleum at Sekundra.
  • 这是保险公司所能付的最大金额。
    It is the maximum the insurance company will pay.
  • 立刻写信他,好让他及时知道。
    Write to him at once so that he may know in time.
  • 也许我能你当信差。
    Maybe I can act as a messenger for you.
  • 或许你能我们推荐一下?
    Maybe you could recommend something for us?
  • 通过肆无忌惮的武器商、腐败官员、贩毒集团、恐怖分子和其他势力,这类武器可以世界各地的街道、学校和城镇带来死亡和伤残。
    Through unscrupulous arms dealers, corrupt officials, drug trafficking syndicates, terrorists and others, such weapons can bring death and mayhem into streets, schools and towns worldwide.
  • 请把这口信带市长。
    Please take this message to the mayor.
  • 总经理当助手是登上晋升的梯子。
    Becoming assistant to the md is a step up the promotion ladder.
  • 他们慷慨地我5000美元。
    They paid me the princely sum of USD5000.